Trump plans to make Democrats an offer to end shutdown, not declare national emergency...

Reagan and Bush both set in motion the laws on chain migration but you still try to blame the wrong party. Since evidently they have you hoodwinked into believing a lie rich folks and corporations love the illegals they find them better workers than white people.

I can't disagree with any of this; your 2nd point explains why "establishment" republicans are unreliable on this issue

on so many issues, we absolutely do have a "uniparty" in power

that's why so many dems are now war hawks, they have no choice & their cover is blown, so their true nature is shining through
My son is a Coast Guard petty officer. And believe me they want the wall. Democrats will never break them. They fight human trafficking and drug smuggling every day.
And yes they pull drowning people out of the water. Now I know what you are going to say...people are going to drown anyway. People are going to drown when there are no Coast Guard nearby. But at least they do what they can...for low pay. Or no pay at the moment.

Does it bother your son the level of hate that people have for him and his fellow Coasties as well as their fellow DHS employees?

Does he know there are people on here hoping he goes two years without a paycheck?
Last time I believe Dem wanted unlimited Chain migration and few other items? Trump would not be swindled. Go around them. You can't deal with this level of dishonest evil dems.
with this president, I doubt it

he has to give them something, but no way they get "everything they want"
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.
Trump wanted to eliminate "chain migration" as he calls it and the diversity immigrant visa program. I heard the diversity program isn't all that popular and could probably be traded out, but the "chain migration" (it has a more polite name, but I couldn't find it) has been the reason that many many legal immigrants have gotten to this country over the years and stopping that program now--I don't really think there are even enough Republicans to approve it, let alone Dems.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
It would have been much more politically convenient for the democrats had he not saved this fight for them to show how they love sell us out to foreign interests for new voters.

I am kind of glad he did. The house GOP got kicked in the balls for doing nothing and now the house Dems are getting kicked the balls.

They are all hate us. They loath us. They are angry that they have to kiss our asses to get elected but after that, not one of these Washingto assholes give a single rat fuck about Americans.

Fuck them all!!!

I hope Trump keeps going in dry on their raw anuses. I hope they suffer many many more rotten cases of scorching hemorrhoids.

Keep up the ass rape, Trump.
Trump is the weakest, most cowardly president in living memory. He has this one thing, the shutdown, left. Every passing day erodes the support he will need to save his presidency.

Barack Obama, jimmy carter, and Bill Clinton are all alive and thus in living memory. Unless your an idiot and then your memory might not be that great
Last time I believe Dem wanted unlimited Chain migration and few other items? Trump would not be swindled. Go around them. You can't deal with this level of dishonest evil dems.
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.
Reagan and Bush both set in motion the laws on chain migration but you still try to blame the wrong party. Since evidently they have you hoodwinked into believing a lie rich folks and corporations love the illegals they find them better workers than white people.

WHITE PEOPLE??? not all americans are white
Trump needs the support of voters to swing his way and against the democrats. Otherwise, NP will always be a NO for the wall.
If he does nothing else but make these little commie rodent shits suffer until 2020, I will be satisfied.

I would consider RBG's replacement a bonus.

What little commie rodent shits do you think are suffering?
TSA employees with no paychecks. Coast Guardsmen with no paychecks. Mean salary for a TSA employee: $40,000. Seaman: $29,000; Petty Officer $43,000.
TSA is there to keep bombs off our planes. Coast Guard pulls drowning people from the water. They make enough to put shoes on the kids' feet, but nothing fancy. In some places, you couldn't even live on it.
Like in California, where I heard on the radio this morning, the state wants to "loan" TSA employees some of their unemployment funds to get them by 'til they get their retroactive pay. Trump has forbidden it. The state says they're going to do it anyway.

Well old lady...another day another lie right? “Trump has forbidden it”. You’ve spent your life lying so why change now? Hell you got several lies in here.
California doesn’t want to loan anyone anything. They want to use federal unemployment funds. That’s what California does habitually...their every breath is funded by federal handouts.
But labor department laws forbid it. Trump hasn’t. The House of Reps can change the laws but of course Pelosi hasn’t budged on it.
So California has a big huge budget...they can set up payments for TSA if they like. Nobody...not even the God-man Trump, could stop them. But California will never do that unless somebody else pays.
You are the reason this county is ungovernable.

Sorry if I was inaccurate, DOTR. It was not intentional. I didn't read the article because as I said, I had heard it on the radio--did I confuse it with another story about loans for the out of work? I may have.
Don't get all worked up.
To everyone reading this--go back and read the article. Old Lady may have gotten her stories confused.
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I'm guessing if he offers full amnesty he and the Republican Party will not be in power after 2020, or probably for a couple of decades.

My guess would be he offers one of the following: extended DACA protection, or work VISAS for some (I like this idea best as you want ICE to be able to do their job), and/or a pathway to citizenship for some.
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Trump needs the support of voters to swing his way and against the democrats. Otherwise, NP will always be a NO for the wall.
If he does nothing else but make these little commie rodent shits suffer until 2020, I will be satisfied.

I would consider RBG's replacement a bonus.

What little commie rodent shits do you think are suffering?
TSA employees with no paychecks. Coast Guardsmen with no paychecks. Mean salary for a TSA employee: $40,000. Seaman: $29,000; Petty Officer $43,000.
TSA is there to keep bombs off our planes. Coast Guard pulls drowning people from the water. They make enough to put shoes on the kids' feet, but nothing fancy. In some places, you couldn't even live on it.
Like in California, where I heard on the radio this morning, the state wants to "loan" TSA employees some of their unemployment funds to get them by 'til they get their retroactive pay. Trump has forbidden it. The state says they're going to do it anyway.

My son is a Coast Guard petty officer. And believe me they want the wall. Democrats will never break them. They fight human trafficking and drug smuggling every day.
And yes they pull drowning people out of the water. Now I know what you are going to say...people are going to drown anyway. People are going to drown when there are no Coast Guard nearby. But at least they do what they can...for low pay. Or no pay at the moment.
I am very supportive of the Coast Guard and very disappointed they are being targeted by this shut down. Which I'm pretty sure I made clear.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
Trump did not have 60% of the votes you moron!
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
It would have been much more politically convenient for the democrats had he not saved this fight for them to show how they love sell us out to foreign interests for new voters.

I am kind of glad he did. The house GOP got kicked in the balls for doing nothing and now the house Dems are getting kicked the balls.

They are all hate us. They loath us. They are angry that they have to kiss our asses to get elected but after that, not one of these Washingto assholes give a single rat fuck about Americans.

Fuck them all!!!

I hope Trump keeps going in dry on their raw anuses. I hope they suffer many many more rotten cases of scorching hemorrhoids.

Keep up the ass rape, Trump.
Trump is the weakest, most cowardly president in living memory. He has this one thing, the shutdown, left. Every passing day erodes the support he will need to save his presidency.

Barack Obama, jimmy carter, and Bill Clinton are all alive and thus in living memory. Unless your an idiot and then your memory might not be that great
Seriously? We have used the the word unprecedented a lot lately but the way Trump unwittingly cornered himself on this may be the stupidest thing I have ever seen a president do. He has committed political suicide and you people are cheering him on.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.

You really are dumber than a box of hammers!

Republican Congress? You can't pass a bill with 51 votes in the Senate, now can you?

And you have the balls to call someone else stupid?
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
What are Dims offering "of substance?" $5 billion is only a fifth of what it will take to build a complete border wall.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
Trump did not have 60% of the votes you moron!
Hold on and let me check who runs the senate............yep it's still McConnell. You see the way the government is supposed to work is that the president asks congress for something. If they say no the president accepts that as the cost of leading a free country. This governing by other means is an insult to everything this country was founded on and more the stuff of despots.
Trump needs the support of voters to swing his way and against the democrats. Otherwise, NP will always be a NO for the wall.
If he does nothing else but make these little commie rodent shits suffer until 2020, I will be satisfied.

I would consider RBG's replacement a bonus.

What little commie rodent shits do you think are suffering?
TSA employees with no paychecks. Coast Guardsmen with no paychecks. Mean salary for a TSA employee: $40,000. Seaman: $29,000; Petty Officer $43,000.
TSA is there to keep bombs off our planes. Coast Guard pulls drowning people from the water. They make enough to put shoes on the kids' feet, but nothing fancy. In some places, you couldn't even live on it.
Like in California, where I heard on the radio this morning, the state wants to "loan" TSA employees some of their unemployment funds to get them by 'til they get their retroactive pay. Trump has forbidden it. The state says they're going to do it anyway.

Well old lady...another day another lie right? “Trump has forbidden it”. You’ve spent your life lying so why change now? Hell you got several lies in here.
California doesn’t want to loan anyone anything. They want to use federal unemployment funds. That’s what California does habitually...their every breath is funded by federal handouts.
But labor department laws forbid it. Trump hasn’t. The House of Reps can change the laws but of course Pelosi hasn’t budged on it.
So California has a big huge budget...they can set up payments for TSA if they like. Nobody...not even the God-man Trump, could stop them. But California will never do that unless somebody else pays.
You are the reason this county is ungovernable.

Sorry if I was inaccurate, DOTR. It was not intentional. I didn't read the article because as I said, I had heard it on the radio--did I confuse it with another story about loans for the out of work? I may have.
Don't get all worked up.
To everyone reading this--go back and read the article. Old Lady may have gotten her stories confused.
And dcbl quoted the article and indeed I didn't have my stories confused. The unemployment payments would have to be repaid after the shutdown, which sounds a lot like a "loan" to me.
Where do you get off calling me a liar, again, DOTR?
Why not a border barrier (wall, fence,whatever)?

Many say because it will be ineffective. Many think it's a necessity and will be effective. My question to those against the border barrier is what harm will it do? Is it really worth keeping the government "shut down" to say no to the border barrier.

Lets be real, both sides have the power to end the government shutdown. Trump can cave in, but then there will certainly not be funding for more border barrier. NP and the house can end the shutdown for 2-3 billion for new border barrier, a lot of money, but hardly a blip on total national spending.

The truth is that the fight is not really about the border barrier, it's about the presidential election in 2020. If Trump fights and gets his "wall", his chance of winning reelection increases greatly. If he had caved in December, like he almost did, he could had kissed his chances of reelection goodbye because he would have lost his base. And of course the real reason NP and the dems don't want to appropriate money for the border barrier is that it would be a win for Trump, possibly giving him a second term. They want a dem sitting in the oval.

If someone could wave a magic wand and remove the politics of the next presidential election, a compromise would be quite easy to reach and the shutdown would be over.
what harm will it do?
$5B wasted.
This is 1B. Multiply by 5.

That's chump change compared to a $4 trillion budget.

My school district in Florida had a budget more then the what he is asking for the border wall! There would be 6 times those pallets full of money depicted above, and that was 10 years ago.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
Trump did not have 60% of the votes you moron!
he had about 30% of the vote

Are we doubling down on somebody else's ignorance?

there are 235 million legal age voters and trump got what,,,62 million???

closer to 25%
no doubt one way or another trump will give the dems exactly what they want
with this president, I doubt it

he has to give them something, but no way they get "everything they want"
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!

There are not millions in DACA. Check your self before you wreck yourself!

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