Trump plans to make Democrats an offer to end shutdown, not declare national emergency...

Trump is the weakest, most cowardly president in living memory. He has this one thing, the shutdown, left. Every passing day erodes the support he will need to save his presidency

Do you think Trump gives a shit about saving his presidency? He has NOTHING to lose and neither do we. Fuck the government. Keep that motherfucking bitch shut down until 2020. We don't give a RAT FUCK!!! We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by letting this bloated piece of donkey-shit governemt rot to the fucking bone!

Negotiations 101: Never play hardball with someone who has nothing to lose.

Either give us a wall or CRY in your authoritarian cornflakes while FedZilla emaciates.


Melt, bitch! Your commie tears are delicious!

Quit pretending that Trump hates America as much as you do. Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity.
Why not a border barrier (wall, fence,whatever)?

Many say because it will be ineffective. Many think it's a necessity and will be effective. My question to those against the border barrier is what harm will it do? Is it really worth keeping the government "shut down" to say no to the border barrier.

Lets be real, both sides have the power to end the government shutdown. Trump can cave in, but then there will certainly not be funding for more border barrier. NP and the house can end the shutdown for 2-3 billion for new border barrier, a lot of money, but hardly a blip on total national spending.

The truth is that the fight is not really about the border barrier, it's about the presidential election in 2020. If Trump fights and gets his "wall", his chance of winning reelection increases greatly. If he had caved in December, like he almost did, he could had kissed his chances of reelection goodbye because he would have lost his base. And of course the real reason NP and the dems don't want to appropriate money for the border barrier is that it would be a win for Trump, possibly giving him a second term. They want a dem sitting in the oval.

If someone could wave a magic wand and remove the politics of the next presidential election, a compromise would be quite easy to reach and the shutdown would be over.
what harm will it do?
$5B wasted.
This is 1B. Multiply by 5.
And is that worth the harm of the government shutdown? What does the least harm? Also, the other side disagrees that the 5B would be wasted.
no doubt one way or another trump will give the dems exactly what they want
with this president, I doubt it

he has to give them something, but no way they get "everything they want"
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.
no doubt one way or another trump will give the dems exactly what they want
with this president, I doubt it

he has to give them something, but no way they get "everything they want"
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.

that was a cpl weeks ago,,,this is today

BREAKING!! Trump will offer Dems DACA AMNESTY in return for border WALL FUNDING!!!
Trump is winning the perception war right now, support for a wall is trending up on the right, and support for a compromise is trending up with those on the left

It's looking more and more like Democrats will be forced to come to the table, which is good news for America

(CNN) — President Donald Trump plans to offer Democrats another proposal to end the shutdown when he addresses the nation from the White House on Saturday afternoon -- what officials are describing as his third offer to end the shutdown, according to a senior administration official.

The official told CNN that Trump's idea is to put something on the table to get Democrats to engage with negotiations. Trump is not expected to back down from his demand for a border wall, but the plan will seek to entice Democrats by offering other concessions.
Why is Trump doing these negotiations via television? Does he think we are going to vote on it?
he is using the bully pulpit - seems to make sense
Why not a border barrier (wall, fence,whatever)?

Many say because it will be ineffective. Many think it's a necessity and will be effective. My question to those against the border barrier is what harm will it do? Is it really worth keeping the government "shut down" to say no to the border barrier.

Lets be real, both sides have the power to end the government shutdown. Trump can cave in, but then there will certainly not be funding for more border barrier. NP and the house can end the shutdown for 2-3 billion for new border barrier, a lot of money, but hardly a blip on total national spending.

The truth is that the fight is not really about the border barrier, it's about the presidential election in 2020. If Trump fights and gets his "wall", his chance of winning reelection increases greatly. If he had caved in December, like he almost did, he could had kissed his chances of reelection goodbye because he would have lost his base. And of course the real reason NP and the dems don't want to appropriate money for the border barrier is that it would be a win for Trump, possibly giving him a second term. They want a dem sitting in the oval.

If someone could wave a magic wand and remove the politics of the next presidential election, a compromise would be quite easy to reach and the shutdown would be over.
what harm will it do?
$5B wasted.
This is 1B. Multiply by 5.

Please, this is never and has never been about the money. Our government added 1.38 trillion dollars to our debt last year, you think any of them really care about 5 billion?
I was simply answering the question "What harm would it do?" The only harm would be wasted money and I refuse to dismiss 5B as chicken feed. It is a lot of money, however hard the government tries to convince us it is nothing.
with this president, I doubt it

he has to give them something, but no way they get "everything they want"
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.

that was a cpl weeks ago,,,this is today

BREAKING!! Trump will offer Dems DACA AMNESTY in return for border WALL FUNDING!!!
If he is actually willing to do this and doesn't throw in a bunch of other riders like last time, insisting on eliminating two large immigration programs as part of the deal, the Dems had better take it.
I do not expect he will offer anything of substance in his so-called deal. He's really shown colossal stupidity picking this fight that should have began and ended with his inability to get anything from a republican congress.
Yep. He had 2 years of complete republican control to get something done about this "national emergency", and the master negotiator failed. So now it's, let's blame the democrats.
Wonder if he will offer citizenship to millions again?
In that case incentive is everything.
Trump wasn't the one who offered citizenship to millions, was it?
actually yes he did

TRUMP TWEETS that he wants DACA amnesty and Dems DON’T!!!
Well, a Tweet oughta do it. Right?
I was thinking more along the lines of a valid offer made to reps of Congress, like happened a year ago and Trump rejected, two days after saying on national television that he would sign whatever Congress agreed to.
The Pres let us down. He would have gotten his 5B. He could have battled on for his other immigration reforms the next time. The Wall would be under construction by now.
But Trump said NO.

that was a cpl weeks ago,,,this is today

BREAKING!! Trump will offer Dems DACA AMNESTY in return for border WALL FUNDING!!!
If he is actually willing to do this and doesn't throw in a bunch of other riders like last time, insisting on eliminating two large immigration programs as part of the deal, the Dems had better take it.
its still a sell out...but those of us that knew him expected a sell out
Why not a border barrier (wall, fence,whatever)?

Many say because it will be ineffective. Many think it's a necessity and will be effective. My question to those against the border barrier is what harm will it do? Is it really worth keeping the government "shut down" to say no to the border barrier.

Lets be real, both sides have the power to end the government shutdown. Trump can cave in, but then there will certainly not be funding for more border barrier. NP and the house can end the shutdown for 2-3 billion for new border barrier, a lot of money, but hardly a blip on total national spending.

The truth is that the fight is not really about the border barrier, it's about the presidential election in 2020. If Trump fights and gets his "wall", his chance of winning reelection increases greatly. If he had caved in December, like he almost did, he could had kissed his chances of reelection goodbye because he would have lost his base. And of course the real reason NP and the dems don't want to appropriate money for the border barrier is that it would be a win for Trump, possibly giving him a second term. They want a dem sitting in the oval.

If someone could wave a magic wand and remove the politics of the next presidential election, a compromise would be quite easy to reach and the shutdown would be over.
what harm will it do?
$5B wasted.
This is 1B. Multiply by 5.

Please, this is never and has never been about the money. Our government added 1.38 trillion dollars to our debt last year, you think any of them really care about 5 billion?
I was simply answering the question "What harm would it do?" The only harm would be wasted money and I refuse to dismiss 5B as chicken feed. It is a lot of money, however hard the government tries to convince us it is nothing.
And the government shutdown has most likely already cost us more than 5 billion. Remember the furloughed gov. employees will get back pay for all the work they didn't do once the shutdown is over.
And the government shutdown has most likely already cost us more than 5 billion. Remember the furloughed gov. employees will get back pay for all the work they didn't do once the shutdown is over.
We could have used that money on the wall.

Now it will cost more.
that MFer trump better not give amnesty to those DACA MFers

no doubt one way or another trump will give the dems exactly what they want

I am thinking Trump will offer DACA. something for their base of non-citizen anti-Americans. With Democrats you have to remember who they represent. And they won’t take it.
The wall would be a political victory for trump. They know Americans want a wall. They don’t because it locks their voters in the other side.
So they want to block the wall and then say in 2020 “see trump couldnt give you a wall”. Yes they are that evil...and their supporters are that stupid. You’ve seen it here.
I read that in March food stamps run out. I’m hoping we are shut down to at least then.
Trump needs the support of voters to swing his way and against the democrats. Otherwise, NP will always be a NO for the wall.
If he does nothing else but make these little commie rodent shits suffer until 2020, I will be satisfied.

I would consider RBG's replacement a bonus.


Why do you hate the Coast Guard and the Border Patrol and the Secret Service among others?

What have they done to you for such hate?

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Yep. He had 2 years of complete republican control to get something done about this "national emergency", and the master negotiator failed. So now it's, let's blame the democrats.
And it's working!!!




Trump has been trying to get this done but never had the 8 - 10 Democrat Senators he need to end a filibuster & McConnell was not willing to employ the "nuclear option" for regular budget issues (seems like a bad move by Mitch, as the Dems are not likely to return the favor when they get power back)

the optics of a shutdown while Repubs held power would have been horrendous (we would have actually seen the "blue wave" in the midterms)

bottom line? Trump now has a "foil" so he has more freedom to draw a hard line
Trump needs the support of voters to swing his way and against the democrats. Otherwise, NP will always be a NO for the wall.
If he does nothing else but make these little commie rodent shits suffer until 2020, I will be satisfied.

I would consider RBG's replacement a bonus.

What little commie rodent shits do you think are suffering?
TSA employees with no paychecks. Coast Guardsmen with no paychecks. Mean salary for a TSA employee: $40,000. Seaman: $29,000; Petty Officer $43,000.
TSA is there to keep bombs off our planes. Coast Guard pulls drowning people from the water. They make enough to put shoes on the kids' feet, but nothing fancy. In some places, you couldn't even live on it.
Like in California, where I heard on the radio this morning, the state wants to "loan" TSA employees some of their unemployment funds to get them by 'til they get their retroactive pay. The Trump adminstration has forbidden it, but is not disallowing claims for the furloughed workers who are NOT working. California says they're going to do it anyway.
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The only people with anything to lose are the motherfucking Democrats. This game worked before.

Not this time.

They better start making a deal before it gets much worse.

But, I hope they remain stubborn for a few more fucking MONTHS to maximize their suffering. I will greatly enjoy it. They deserve nothing less.

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