Trump plans to revamp the CIA. Isn't that dangerous...?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Trump is even siding with Julian Assange over the intelligence from the CIA, FBI, and other national security agencies. Senator John McCain begins hearings tomorrow on Russian hacking. Should be interesting.
Trump plans to revamp the CIA. Isn't that dangerous...?

Not at all. He's using the tried and true. He's borrowing Vlad's old KGB.
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota

Well, you're obviously not up to speed on the latest news about his proposed revamping. He is planning much more than you mentioned. Is Trump more powerful than the CIA? Think about it...

Remembering JFK...
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota

Well, you're obviously not up to speed on the latest news about his proposed revamping. He is planning much more than you mentioned. Is Trump more powerful than the CIA? Think about it...
------------------------------------------------------------- think that the 'cia' serves at the Presidents pleasure so if the Trump decides to replace them lock stock and barrel its ok with me Lakhota
REVAMP , he might redo / replace some appointees like the head of the 'cia' if he doesn't trust him but i don't see him reddoing the entire 'cia' but i could be wrong . I think that the head of the 'cia' is john brennan who is a mrobama appointee and supporter plus a few other things Lakhota

Well, you're obviously not up to speed on the latest news about his proposed revamping. He is planning much more than you mentioned. Is Trump more powerful than the CIA? Think about it...
------------------------------------------------------------- think that the 'cia' serves at the Presidents pleasure so if the Trump decides to replace them lock stock and barrel its ok with me Lakhota

I sincerely hope he tries.
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

Benghazi talking points. Trump has to clean house.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary

Mike Morell, then-head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (CTC), had the task of helping to prepare talking points for then-U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, who was slated to appear on five Sunday morning talk shows a few days later.

Morell was personally responsible for “cutting some 50 percent of the text,” including all “references to Al Qaeda” and the many earlier terror attacks against U.S. and other Western targets in Benghazi.

When the Senate Intelligence Committee finally succeeded in prying loose the emails that had flowed back and forth to the CIA, State Department and the White House during the talking points editing process, it was clear that Morell not only had misrepresented his own role, but also had been less than forthcoming about the close oversight role played by the White House in ensuring that all references to al-Qa’eda 15 terrorism would be scrubbed.

Morell also made sure to scrub from the talking points the honest assessment that “We cannot rule out that individuals had previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.”

More at link on this pig.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

Jesus...sadly you have no clue how many terrorist plans they have stopped... and you never will. Working in the intelligence agency is like being an Umpire in baseball. When you do your job no one notices, but you screw up once and you are the worst piece of shit to walk the Earth.
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

Benghazi talking points. Trump has to clean house.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary

Mike Morell, then-head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (CTC), had the task of helping to prepare talking points for then-U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, who was slated to appear on five Sunday morning talk shows a few days later.

Morell was personally responsible for “cutting some 50 percent of the text,” including all “references to Al Qaeda” and the many earlier terror attacks against U.S. and other Western targets in Benghazi.

When the Senate Intelligence Committee finally succeeded in prying loose the emails that had flowed back and forth to the CIA, State Department and the White House during the talking points editing process, it was clear that Morell not only had misrepresented his own role, but also had been less than forthcoming about the close oversight role played by the White House in ensuring that all references to al-Qa’eda 15 terrorism would be scrubbed.

Morell also made sure to scrub from the talking points the honest assessment that “We cannot rule out that individuals had previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.”

More at link on this pig.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary

More fake news from FRONTPAGE Mag.
Everything Trump does is dangerous, so my answer to your question, OP, is, "Yes." Truly, I'm concerned that he will taunt someone and they will blow up a town or city or something.
Everything Trump does is dangerous, so my answer to your question, OP, is, "Yes." Truly, I'm concerned that he will taunt someone and they will blow up a town or city or something.

Sad, but true. We now have the American version of Kim Jong-un. Ain't we lucky...
Where was the CIA when terrorists were attending flight school learning to steer a plane into a building. They spent more time on the frivolous "Valery Plame" issue than they did on national security. Now they seem to be whining that they are powerless to stop foreign hacking into American security. It would be dangerous not to revamp the CIA.

Benghazi talking points. Trump has to clean house.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary

Mike Morell, then-head of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center (CTC), had the task of helping to prepare talking points for then-U.S. Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice, who was slated to appear on five Sunday morning talk shows a few days later.

Morell was personally responsible for “cutting some 50 percent of the text,” including all “references to Al Qaeda” and the many earlier terror attacks against U.S. and other Western targets in Benghazi.

When the Senate Intelligence Committee finally succeeded in prying loose the emails that had flowed back and forth to the CIA, State Department and the White House during the talking points editing process, it was clear that Morell not only had misrepresented his own role, but also had been less than forthcoming about the close oversight role played by the White House in ensuring that all references to al-Qa’eda 15 terrorism would be scrubbed.

Morell also made sure to scrub from the talking points the honest assessment that “We cannot rule out that individuals had previously surveilled the U.S. facilities, also contributing to the efficacy of the attacks.”

More at link on this pig.

CIA Chief Who Edited Benghazi Talking Points, Works for Hillary Adviser, Endorses Hillary

More fake news from FRONTPAGE Mag.

Pffft. You wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you upside your head fool.
Everything Trump does is dangerous, so my answer to your question, OP, is, "Yes." Truly, I'm concerned that he will taunt someone and they will blow up a town or city or something.

So you are only worried about Trump? Not worried about all the old neocons like John "I was a hero once but now I'm an asshole that wants war with everyone" McCain?
Trump plans to revamp the CIA. Isn't that dangerous...?

Not at all. He's using the tried and true. He's borrowing Vlad's old KGB.
You're going to have a hard time transitioning from political appointee's to people actually qualified to do the job. It's going to be struggle but you'll get through it.
Trump will try to eliminate any person or organization who doesn't blindly enforce his personal propaganda. It doesn't matter how accurate they are. If they don't praise him in every way, he wants them gone.
Our entire national security community needs to be completely overhauled. It's so stupid, so wasteful, and so inept that it could only come from government.
Trump will try to eliminate any person or organization who doesn't blindly enforce his personal propaganda. It doesn't matter how accurate they are. If they don't praise him in every way, he wants them gone.
So you're saying he's the less radical version of Barack Obama?

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