Trump Played Tapper & Bash during the debate.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
Overall, I have to say while Tapper & Bash at times tried to help Biden out, they did a better than expected job during the debate. Bash and Tapper are both intelligent, which brings me to what surprised me most about the debate - Trump played them and I am not sure even as I post this if they realized they got played.

How many times did Tapper and Bash ask Trump a question and multiple times he did not answer it, he used that time to respond to Biden or attack him. Tapper and Bash would then tell Trump, the question was: "......whatever it was" which bought Trump more time to respond to Biden or attack him, or in some cases answer the question he was actually asked. Whether you like Trump or not, you have to give him credit, he controlled the debate and the moderators.

In all honesty, I am going to vote for Trump, but had I been a moderator, after the third time of the above mentioned incident, I would have stated to Trump:, this is the third time you have not answered the question, we need you to stick to the what is being discussed or we are going to move on the next question". I am surprised Bash & Tapper did not do something like this.

Give Trump credit, love him or hate him, he saw an opening for an advantage and he used it the entire debate. Love CNN or hate them, while we all know they hate Trump and are very biased, they did make an effort to be as close to fair as possible even though it must have nauseated them to do so.
Overall, I have to say while Tapper & Bash at times tried to help Biden out, they did a better than expected job during the debate. Bash and Tapper are both intelligent, which brings me to what surprised me most about the debate - Trump played them and I am not sure even as I post this if they realized they got played.

How many times did Tapper and Bash ask Trump a question and multiple times he did not answer it, he used that time to respond to Biden or attack him. Tapper and Bash would then tell Trump, the question was: "......whatever it was" which bought Trump more time to respond to Biden or attack him, or in some cases answer the question he was actually asked. Whether you like Trump or not, you have to give him credit, he controlled the debate and the moderators.

In all honesty, I am going to vote for Trump, but had I been a moderator, after the third time of the above mentioned incident, I would have stated to Trump:, this is the third time you have not answered the question, we need you to stick to the what is being discussed or we are going to move on the next question". I am surprised Bash & Tapper did not do something like this.

Give Trump credit, love him or hate him, he saw an opening for an advantage and he used it the entire debate. Love CNN or hate them, while we all know they hate Trump and are very biased, they did make an effort to be as close to fair as possible even though it must have nauseated them to do so.
Trump needs to answer the questions. He has to at least address them before he counters Bidens move. On child care I dont know if this is a federal issue and he should say as much, "I will help the economy and arm the states to help with childcare pursuits, we dont need to impulsively believe for EVERY problem the federal government is the answer".
Well, I thought the debate was a clusterfuck. Biden was in a fog and Trump spewed lies like a machine gun.

President Biden still has my vote. I take comfort in the fact that he is surrounded by good people - including VP Harris.

Trump needs to answer the questions. He has to at least address them before he counters Bidens move. On child care I dont know if this is a federal issue and he should say as much, "I will help the economy and arm the states to help with childcare pursuits, we dont need to impulsively believe for EVERY problem the federal government is the answer".
The art of ducking a question is 100% one of the politician's key tools. Trump is just playing by their rules.
Well, I thought the debate was a clusterfuck. Biden was in a fog and Trump spewed lies like a machine gun.

President Biden still has my vote. I take comfort in the fact that he is surrounded by good people - including VP Harris.

View attachment 968531
I'm voting for Biden. A man can be tired one time. Biden was tired this evening and it showed. But Trump lied his ass off. So IMO Trump lost.

The Debate From Hell: Stumbling Biden Slow To Counter Trump's Barrage Of Lies​

Trump lied nearly non-stop, on everything from tariffs to the VA Choice Act to his role on Jan. 6 -- and got away with it thanks to a tired and fumbling performance by Biden.

Much more at the link below...

Trump Barrage Of Lies
Biden made the mistake of trying to stay on topic.
Overall, I have to say while Tapper & Bash at times tried to help Biden out, they did a better than expected job during the debate. Bash and Tapper are both intelligent, which brings me to what surprised me most about the debate - Trump played them and I am not sure even as I post this if they realized they got played.

How many times did Tapper and Bash ask Trump a question and multiple times he did not answer it, he used that time to respond to Biden or attack him. Tapper and Bash would then tell Trump, the question was: "......whatever it was" which bought Trump more time to respond to Biden or attack him, or in some cases answer the question he was actually asked. Whether you like Trump or not, you have to give him credit, he controlled the debate and the moderators.

In all honesty, I am going to vote for Trump, but had I been a moderator, after the third time of the above mentioned incident, I would have stated to Trump:, this is the third time you have not answered the question, we need you to stick to the what is being discussed or we are going to move on the next question". I am surprised Bash & Tapper did not do something like this.

Give Trump credit, love him or hate him, he saw an opening for an advantage and he used it the entire debate. Love CNN or hate them, while we all know they hate Trump and are very biased, they did make an effort to be as close to fair as possible even though it must have nauseated them to do so.
The moderators will now receive death threats.

The Debate From Hell: Stumbling Biden Slow To Counter Trump's Barrage Of Lies​

Trump lied nearly non-stop, on everything from tariffs to the VA Choice Act to his role on Jan. 6 -- and got away with it thanks to a tired and fumbling performance by Biden.

Much more at the link below...
The Lies" that the HuffPost lists are not lies. Keep drinking the KoolAde
I'm voting for Biden. A man can be tired one time. Biden was tired this evening and it showed. But Trump lied his ass off. So IMO Trump lost.

As usual you are totally out of line with the consensus spread across the spectrum of allegiances .
Are you still sufficiently compos mentis to see that you have a lack of comprehension skills , doubtless tied to your compulsive obsessive personality problems ?

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