Trump Plays Politics With Fear

Politics with fear? Since when are radical lefties shocked by "politics with fear". The democrat party can't exist without the politics of fear. "Republicans will take away social security, pollute the water, lock up your homosexual neighbors, murder your pets and cause all animal life on the planet to go extinct.". You name it, democrats will blame republicans for it.
Yeah because Democrats never fear monger ecept when they claim Republicans will bring back Jim Crow laws or toss old people out on the streets and other shit like this.

Yes - because NaziCons actually say that shit.
Shitting bull you truly do get dumber with each passing day if we could develop and rent out the empty space between your ears we could solve Americas homeless problem.
Fear is a powerful motivator that is sadly all too often exploited by politicians. No one is more adept at doing so than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now Trump says he "would certainly implement" a data base for tracking Muslims in the United States.

Trump spoke Thursday in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign events. "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," he said, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." Later Trump was asked how his plan would differ from the Nazi's requiring Jews to register. "You tell me," Trump responded to a reporter. When asked where he would register Muslims he said, "Different places," not ruling out mosques. "It's all about management," he said. "Our country has no management." He was asked if Muslims would have to be legally obligated to sign into a database, "They have to be -- they have to be," he responded.

Trump has often resorted to demagoguery to drive his poll numbers up. But these remarks are the height of religious bigotry and un-American. Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told NBC News, "What else can you compare this to except to prewar Nazi Germany?"

Wartime America. Talk to FDR.
Wartime America

sez billy who ran away from joining the military but now is all gun hoo
Bush the lesser did the same thing with the 9-11 backdrop in his presidential run in 2004 and New Yorkers then voted against him
Fear is a powerful motivator that is sadly all too often exploited by politicians. No one is more adept at doing so than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now Trump says he "would certainly implement" a data base for tracking Muslims in the United States.

Trump spoke Thursday in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign events. "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," he said, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." Later Trump was asked how his plan would differ from the Nazi's requiring Jews to register. "You tell me," Trump responded to a reporter. When asked where he would register Muslims he said, "Different places," not ruling out mosques. "It's all about management," he said. "Our country has no management." He was asked if Muslims would have to be legally obligated to sign into a database, "They have to be -- they have to be," he responded.

Trump has often resorted to demagoguery to drive his poll numbers up. But these remarks are the height of religious bigotry and un-American. Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told NBC News, "What else can you compare this to except to prewar Nazi Germany?"

More: Trump Plays Politics With Fear

Can Trump fearmonger his way to the White House? I don't think so...
Fear has been the ally of every dictator from Napoleon, to Hitler, to Stalin.
Fear is a powerful motivator that is sadly all too often exploited by politicians. No one is more adept at doing so than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now Trump says he "would certainly implement" a data base for tracking Muslims in the United States.

Trump spoke Thursday in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign events. "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," he said, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." Later Trump was asked how his plan would differ from the Nazi's requiring Jews to register. "You tell me," Trump responded to a reporter. When asked where he would register Muslims he said, "Different places," not ruling out mosques. "It's all about management," he said. "Our country has no management." He was asked if Muslims would have to be legally obligated to sign into a database, "They have to be -- they have to be," he responded.

Trump has often resorted to demagoguery to drive his poll numbers up. But these remarks are the height of religious bigotry and un-American. Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told NBC News, "What else can you compare this to except to prewar Nazi Germany?"

Wartime America. Talk to FDR.
Wartime America

sez billy who ran away from joining the military but now is all gun hoo

Gawd, wotta loon. Note how he runs from the post.

Please explain how I "ran away from joining the military". Be specific now.
Fear is a powerful motivator that is sadly all too often exploited by politicians. No one is more adept at doing so than Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Now Trump says he "would certainly implement" a data base for tracking Muslims in the United States.

Trump spoke Thursday in Newton, Iowa, in between campaign events. "I would certainly implement that. Absolutely," he said, "There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases." Later Trump was asked how his plan would differ from the Nazi's requiring Jews to register. "You tell me," Trump responded to a reporter. When asked where he would register Muslims he said, "Different places," not ruling out mosques. "It's all about management," he said. "Our country has no management." He was asked if Muslims would have to be legally obligated to sign into a database, "They have to be -- they have to be," he responded.

Trump has often resorted to demagoguery to drive his poll numbers up. But these remarks are the height of religious bigotry and un-American. Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told NBC News, "What else can you compare this to except to prewar Nazi Germany?"

More: Trump Plays Politics With Fear

Can Trump fearmonger his way to the White House? I don't think so...
Fear has been the ally of every dictator from Napoleon, to Hitler, to Stalin.

To American Democrats.
Can Hillary fearmonger her way to the White House by claiming Republicans want to stop paying for all of the lazy, shiftless Democrats' "free shit"???

I keep hearing about free shit. How about a little detail as to where I can get some of that?

free shit ... you know, RW talking points ... their shit is free ...


So the Libs on USMB are apparently too retarded to figure out how to get welfare, food stamps, and an Obama phone....
View attachment 55358

Yes, in fact your are a Special Kind of Stupid.

10 out 10 Conservatives Hate America

Nope. Your the one who's a special of partisan stupid.

At least one of those Paris gunman was from Syria and if you don't think others will be in with all the refugee's than your a fool.

10 of 10 idiots like you are fools who would rather have refugees come here, unvetted, so they can feel good about themselves. Who care is a few are terrorists and a few Americans are killed. Certainly not your sorry ass.

10 out of 10 fools like you hate America.

I have now heard everything! The Democrats - original creators and continuous orchestrators of 'Fear-Mongering' - are demonizing Donald Trump for pointing our REAL threats, not like that FAKE shite the Libs always stir up!


"The GOP are waging a 'War on Women'. If they gain control they will ensure women will not be able to make decisions regarding their own bodies. They are for dirty air, dirty water, and want to destroy the planet because they are 'global Warming Armageddon' deniers! They will strip you of your Social Security, Food Stamps, Welfare, Medicare, Medic-Aid, Obamaphones, and cardboard refrigerators we have you living out of! They will eat your children!

BEFORE the Paris attacks, 150+ dead and almost as many wounded, Obama declared:
- My 'foreign policy is 'INCOMPLETE'
- My goal has always been to CONTAIN ISIS...and we have

Immediately AFTER the Paris attacks, Obama said:
- Yes, Isis has vowed to do to the US what it did to Paris, infiltrating the refugees to do so
- It Takes 12 - 18 Months to fully vet a Syrian refugee
- We have almost NOTHING - no records, files, bios, etc - with which to vet these refugees
- I still want to bring Syrians into the US...but instead of bringing in 10,000 I want to bring in approx. 65, the end of the year (roughly 35 DAYS)
- Forget Paris, Americans are afraid of 'Widows and Orphans' (because that's all that came into Paris, too, right?!

Trump made the point that as long as Obama continues to ignore ISIS and ISIS threats, Americans are in danger. Obama has this 'cavalier' attitude, STILL, about ISIS. He called them a 'JV Team' and then he not only mocked concerned US citizens , but he also mocked ISIS and their promise to carry out Paris-like attacks on the U.S.

With HIS record against terrorists the last thing he needs to be, or deserves to be, arrogant and smug.
- Fort Hood
- Boston
- Benghazi (+19 other US Embassies)
- Naval Recruiting Station

Add in a few deaths of Americans abroad with NO acknowledgement from Obama:
- Israel
- Mali

Add in dumbmass mocking comments like the 'Widows and Orphans'

To put it bluntly, President Obama's record, his policies, his strategy, and his results have all been a FAILURE....and on top of it he is acting like 'his shite don't stink'.

America - HOME - is in FAR more danger NOW than it was 8 years ago...or EVER!
Libs (and Washington Establishment GOP) and 'PC-Huggers' are all doing the 'chicken little', running around screaming about Trump's comment about registering Muslims.

What is and HAS been one of our biggest weaknesses in regards to illegal immigration and potential threats? Our VISA Program. Foreigners receive / have received Visas and simply just disappeared, overstayed their 'welcome', no attempt is REALLY made to track them down and kick them out, and they are NEVER heard from again.

EVERY individual, not just but especially (these days) Muslim foreigners, applying for a Visa (or coming into this country illegally) should be entered into a SHARED (FBI, CIA, NSA, BPA, DHS, ATF, etc) database with which to use for VISA Enforcement, Law Enforcement, and providing for / protecting our National Security!
- Those applying for a visa should be added. Those caught coming her or here already illegally should be FINGER-PRINTED and added to the database at a minimum. (Obama would still release them and protect the sanctuary cities, but at least we would have a record, though incomplete - like his foreign policy - of who is in this country!

- There IS a serious breakdown of our Immigration process and in keeping track of who is here
- There is a serious problem with illegals coming into the country, in owing who is here

If any sane person would put their rabid partisanship on the shelf and look at the FACTS and REALITY they would know this to be true!

I wholeheartedly support a 'registration' process like this!
With all hyped up concern about Syrians coming into the U.S. to kill us, does this mean we can finally pass a law preventing individuals on the Terrorist Watch List from purchasing firearms?

Because the N.R.A. has no problem with people on the Terrorist Watch list buying a semi-automatic weapon.
With all hyped up concern about Syrians coming into the U.S. to kill us, does this mean we can finally pass a law preventing individuals on the Terrorist Watch List from purchasing firearms?

Because the N.R.A. has no problem with people on the Terrorist Watch list buying a semi-automatic weapon.

1. LINK?
- According to 'un-uh', "nolinkyoulie'

2. 'Hyped up concern about Syrians entering the US'
Obama 'policy', 'strategy'. LYING about ISIS since 2012 (proven), ignoring them and painfully attempting to minimize terrorists / ISIS as no threat, Islamic Extremists, and ignoring numerous threats / calls for assassinations / etc.... has resulted in / led to 20 US Embassies being overrun on 9/11/12, 4 Americans being killed on 9/11/12, the ft. Hood Terrorist attack - Americans killed, Boston Marathon Bombing - Americans killed, Chattanooga Tn Naval Recruiting station terrorist attack - Americans killed...with Fast and Furious weapons, Cal University stabbing, 1 American killed in Paris, 1 American killed in Mali

ISIS vowed to infiltrate the 'refugees' flowing out of Syria, promised to attack the west...President Obama declared the day before the attacks on Paris that his goal has always been to 'contain ' ISIS and that he HAD DONE SO. isis RESPONDED BY CARRYING OUT their promise by killing over 150 Parisian and wounding almost as many more.

President Obama, demonstrating - even after his own failed record of keeping Americans safe and after having called ISIS a 'JV TEAM' - his ability to underestimate ISIS (and lack of a grasp on reality) mocked both the Americans people for being afraid of 'Orphans and children' (so soon after the horrific terrorist attack in Paris) AND mocked ISIS / ISIS' threats to reap Paris-like destruction on the US. In extremely callous disrespect, Obama called the Paris attacks a 'set-back' and vowed NOT to change course in regards to his 'policy' or 'strategy' regarding ISIS.

So, 'bravoactual', are YOU also mocking the American people's concerns for their safety and national security, declaring there is no basis for it?

3. Obama, who has presided over the continuous SUCCESSFUL attacks upon the US and repeated loss of American lives while he continues with his proven failed policies, suggests that the United States and American people - to prove we are not bigots, racists, heartless, selfish, Islamaphobes - should BLINDLY, NAEIVELY, and without acknowledgement of facts / history openly accept THOUSANDS of foreign refugees without question, HOPING there are no terrorists - as ISIS promised - amongst them!


Sorry, but his 'track record' alone is no where enough to 'hang my hat on'.
With all hyped up concern about Syrians coming into the U.S. to kill us, does this mean we can finally pass a law preventing individuals on the Terrorist Watch List from purchasing firearms?

Because the N.R.A. has no problem with people on the Terrorist Watch list buying a semi-automatic weapon.

1. LINK?
- According to 'un-uh', "nolinkyoulie'

2. 'Hyped up concern about Syrians entering the US'
Obama 'policy', 'strategy'. LYING about ISIS since 2012 (proven), ignoring them and painfully attempting to minimize terrorists / ISIS as no threat, Islamic Extremists, and ignoring numerous threats / calls for assassinations / etc.... has resulted in / led to 20 US Embassies being overrun on 9/11/12, 4 Americans being killed on 9/11/12, the ft. Hood Terrorist attack - Americans killed, Boston Marathon Bombing - Americans killed, Chattanooga Tn Naval Recruiting station terrorist attack - Americans killed...with Fast and Furious weapons, Cal University stabbing, 1 American killed in Paris, 1 American killed in Mali

ISIS vowed to infiltrate the 'refugees' flowing out of Syria, promised to attack the west...President Obama declared the day before the attacks on Paris that his goal has always been to 'contain ' ISIS and that he HAD DONE SO. isis RESPONDED BY CARRYING OUT their promise by killing over 150 Parisian and wounding almost as many more.

President Obama, demonstrating - even after his own failed record of keeping Americans safe and after having called ISIS a 'JV TEAM' - his ability to underestimate ISIS (and lack of a grasp on reality) mocked both the Americans people for being afraid of 'Orphans and children' (so soon after the horrific terrorist attack in Paris) AND mocked ISIS / ISIS' threats to reap Paris-like destruction on the US. In extremely callous disrespect, Obama called the Paris attacks a 'set-back' and vowed NOT to change course in regards to his 'policy' or 'strategy' regarding ISIS.

So, 'bravoactual', are YOU also mocking the American people's concerns for their safety and national security, declaring there is no basis for it?

3. Obama, who has presided over the continuous SUCCESSFUL attacks upon the US and repeated loss of American lives while he continues with his proven failed policies, suggests that the United States and American people - to prove we are not bigots, racists, heartless, selfish, Islamaphobes - should BLINDLY, NAEIVELY, and without acknowledgement of facts / history openly accept THOUSANDS of foreign refugees without question, HOPING there are no terrorists - as ISIS promised - amongst them!


Sorry, but his 'track record' alone is no where enough to 'hang my hat on'.

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns.

NRA defends stance on law allowing terror suspects weapons.

NRA defends blocking bill to stop terrorists getting guns

Then there is the Texas Republican who does not Syrian Refugees sent to Texas because guns are to easy to purchase in Texas.

Texas GOP lawmaker: Keep Syrian refugees out of our state because it’s too easy to get a gun here.

Translation of the above Left-Wing Propaganda:

NRA Protects Constitutional Right to Bear Arms!

Let's compare that to President Obama:

1. Illegally arms Mexican Drug cartels
- Results in over 500 deaths, to include 2 American citizens

2. Illegally and arguably treasonously armed Al Qaeida (9/11/01 and 9/11/12) in Libya - who had been hiring Islamic Extremists for years to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Americans.
- Eventually took the nation to war, using our military without Congressional authority ti 'Go to War', to help Al Qaeida (9/11/01 and 9/11/12) take over their own country...also resulting in the deaths of 4 Americans, to include the 1st US Ambassador in over 30 years to be assassinated.

3. Illegally Supplied/armed Syrian 'Rebels' / ISIS from Benghazi; supplied/funded/armed and even trained troops for ISIS

This is all anyone really needs to know about Progressive Liberals - this one post! While condemning and attacking an organization that fights for and acts to DEFEND our Constitutional Rights and for our National Security, you have pissy, whiny, traitor-supporting Liberals excusing and justifying Obama's criminal, treasonous acts!

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