Trump pledges to support legal marijuana in a blow to Sessions

That's odd, considering you earlier made the presence of a medical professional or being in a hospital a requirement for using medication.

So this is a moral issue, but one which requires the presence of medical professionals, but the medical professionals have no say....are you sure you've actually thought this through?

I have thought this through very well. The issue of using these substances is completely a Moral one. The altered mental or physical state resulting from using them is an Immoral act.

The one exception to that would be if the substance was used under direct medical supervision, in a medical facility. That exception is only allowed because there are medical professionals there to mitigate the potential side effects of the medication and because the environment removes the potential to have to make decisions for oneself.
An altered state from time to time makes life tolerable during stressful times. My doctor recommends 2 glasses of wine every's worked well for me and my wife..46 years of marriage.
An altered state from time to time makes life tolerable during stressful times. My doctor recommends 2 glasses of wine every's worked well for me and my wife..46 years of marriage.

It may make life tolerable, but you may find it make the afterlife far less tolerable. Just saying.
That's odd, considering you earlier made the presence of a medical professional or being in a hospital a requirement for using medication.

So this is a moral issue, but one which requires the presence of medical professionals, but the medical professionals have no say....are you sure you've actually thought this through?

I have thought this through very well. The issue of using these substances is completely a Moral one. The altered mental or physical state resulting from using them is an Immoral act.

The one exception to that would be if the substance was used under direct medical supervision, in a medical facility. That exception is only allowed because there are medical professionals there to mitigate the potential side effects of the medication and because the environment removes the potential to have to make decisions for oneself.

Your positions are laughable. You said life isn’t about “fun” but rather “right and wrong”. The first miracle Jesus did was to turn water into wine. You’d execute Him for that.

Typical conservative. You’re all for “freedom” but not for others. You say you believe in the Constitution but you really don’t. You should move tonthe Phillipines. Duerte is your kind of guy.
Your positions are laughable. You said life isn’t about “fun” but rather “right and wrong”. The first miracle Jesus did was to turn water into wine. You’d execute Him for that.

Life isn't about fun, and since I'm not a Christian, I don't know what Jesus has to do with anything.

Typical conservative. You’re all for “freedom” but not for others. You say you believe in the Constitution but you really don’t. You should move to the Phillipines. Duerte is your kind of guy.

Please show me where I have EVER promoted Freedom. I'm an ultra-Conservative and an Authoritarian. I believe the Constitution is a flawed document and written by very naive individuals. It needs to be corrected, but until it is, it's the law of the land.
That's odd, considering you earlier made the presence of a medical professional or being in a hospital a requirement for using medication.

So this is a moral issue, but one which requires the presence of medical professionals, but the medical professionals have no say....are you sure you've actually thought this through?

I have thought this through very well. The issue of using these substances is completely a Moral one. The altered mental or physical state resulting from using them is an Immoral act.

The one exception to that would be if the substance was used under direct medical supervision, in a medical facility. That exception is only allowed because there are medical professionals there to mitigate the potential side effects of the medication and because the environment removes the potential to have to make decisions for oneself.
pot is my, anti-hypocrisy medication.
Everything you eat or drink alters your physiology and your mental state. Everything.

I’ve always eaten from scratch and from fresh, avoiding processed foods and chemicals in my foods because I would quickly get sick if I didn’t.

Exercise alters your mental state by release endorphins. As does laughter. You say life isn’t about “fun” and yet we encourage children to play. And endorphins improve your health and well being.

Studies have consistently shown that red wine reduces plaque in the arteries. Those who drink moderately live longer than those who don’t drink at all.

Perhaps if you’d had more fun in your life, as well as an occasional glass of wine, you’d be looking at living past the age of 70.

Last but not least, hate and ill feelings towards others is a proven killer. You talk about “morality” and “right and wrong”, but want those who don’t believe as you do, killed. Your attitude has no morality at all. You would trample everyone’s rights and freedoms to enforce your narrow view of morality.

If you don’t live past 70, I’d say it’s God’s punishment for your total lack of morality. Myself, I’m 68 and in excellent health. I’m looking forward to many more years of living, loving and fun.
Last but not least, hate and ill feelings towards others is a proven killer. You talk about “morality” and “right and wrong”, but want those who don’t believe as you do, killed. Your attitude has no morality at all. You would trample everyone’s rights and freedoms to enforce your narrow view of morality.

We obviously have different views of Morality. You know what mine is. I now know what yours is. Since neither of our views will change, that's about all I need to say.

If you don’t live past 70, I’d say it’s God’s punishment for your total lack of morality. Myself, I’m 68 and in excellent health. I’m looking forward to many more years of living, loving and fun.

Even if I don't get killed by the Government in the next 25 years, I figure with my medical history I can't survive more than a couple years without medical care and I will not take Medicare or Social Security.
That's odd, considering you earlier made the presence of a medical professional or being in a hospital a requirement for using medication.

So this is a moral issue, but one which requires the presence of medical professionals, but the medical professionals have no say....are you sure you've actually thought this through?

I have thought this through very well. The issue of using these substances is completely a Moral one. The altered mental or physical state resulting from using them is an Immoral act.

The one exception to that would be if the substance was used under direct medical supervision, in a medical facility. That exception is only allowed because there are medical professionals there to mitigate the potential side effects of the medication and because the environment removes the potential to have to make decisions for oneself.

Your positions are laughable. You said life isn’t about “fun” but rather “right and wrong”. The first miracle Jesus did was to turn water into wine. You’d execute Him for that.

Typical conservative. You’re all for “freedom” but not for others. You say you believe in the Constitution but you really don’t. You should move tonthe Phillipines. Duerte is your kind of guy.
You’re all for “freedom” but not for others.
many lefties are the same way.....
Last but not least, hate and ill feelings towards others is a proven killer. You talk about “morality” and “right and wrong”, but want those who don’t believe as you do, killed. Your attitude has no morality at all. You would trample everyone’s rights and freedoms to enforce your narrow view of morality.

We obviously have different views of Morality. You know what mine is. I now know what yours is. Since neither of our views will change, that's about all I need to say.

If you don’t live past 70, I’d say it’s God’s punishment for your total lack of morality. Myself, I’m 68 and in excellent health. I’m looking forward to many more years of living, loving and fun.

Even if I don't get killed by the Government in the next 25 years, I figure with my medical history I can't survive more than a couple years without medical care and I will not take Medicare or Social Security.
even though you paid into each one?....thats being foolish....

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