Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Actually the source of the post, Rolling Stone" is guilty of poisoning the minds of generations of kids into thinking that a sex, drugs and rock&roll lifestyle is cool. How many kids have died or have had their lives ruined by following the Rolling Stone magazine philosophy? You almost gotta laugh that only old burned out lefties still think that the old drug promoting rag turned on line blog has enough brain cells left to analyze current political topics.
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Yet another ignorant post from someone who has no clue whatsoever what the word “Fascism” means, posting a meme made by someone equally ignorant, trying to throw the word around as a random slur.

Not one of the fourteen points claimed on this stupid meme has anything whatsoever to do with the meaning of the word “Fascism”. Not one.

Do you have even a vestige of a clue how stupid this makes you look?
You're a faggot
If he (shudder) actually makes it back into office again...

Copycatting the commemoration of the Beer Hall Putsch in Munich in 1923...

I wonder if he'll build a Heldendenkmal for his martyrs of January 6th?

Our presidential electoral verification system involves the Electoral College but depends on 50 states following different procedures. Do Republicans want a federal verification system instead, or for us to do away with the Electoral College altogether, which already favors Republicans? If so, then please make that argument or limit your protests to individual states.

Trump has repeated his Orwellian “Big Lie” ad nauseam concerning the 2020 election being “stolen” from him — even as he ginned up supporters and pressured honest Republicans to “find” just enough votes for him to win, as he tried to nulify whole already state-validated Electoral Slates (validated by bipartisan & Republican election officials). Desperate after these attempts failed, and he got no support in the nation’s courts, he and his allies on Jan. 6th sought “trial by combat” — invading the Capitol to stop the formal electoral count two months after the election itself, hoping for a Constitutional crisis. He did all this despite having no proof of his allegations whatever.

Trump’s “Big Lie” was another example — probably the boldest and most successful one — of him “poisoning the minds” of our country and his supporters. It certainly worked on you.


The only poison around here is libtards WILLFULLY DENYING REALITY.

Libtards are under the mistaken impression that reality is whatever they say it is.

The rest of America sees through their bullshit. Libtard reality is PRICES DOUBLE the minute they take office. That's reality. The rest of it is leftard asswipes trying to shove their bullshit down America's throat, and as the polls show very clearly, America ain't buying it.
So? Letting them control our border is insane, which is why you support it.
Few drugs come in from illegals. Most drugs come in through legal ports of entry, with people who are allowed to come into the US, like truck drivers. That's the easiest way for cartels to get their shit in.
Few drugs come in from illegals. Most drugs come in through legal ports of entry, with people who are allowed to come into the US, like truck drivers. That's the easiest way for cartels to get their shit in.

More and more tired old BS talking points from MSLSD. Aren’t you ever ashamed? Embarrassed? How much does deep state pay you? $0.05 per ignotant post no matter what? Ill give you $0.06 to stop posting.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
Still. Don't. Care.

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