Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

that is POISON to our society
It does not “poison the blood”

That you know you have to tweet and re-phrase DJT’s deplorable Hitler-esque hate speech just a bit is telling enough about your commitment to the racism and sexism and xenophobia that is burned into the soul of Reagan’s MAGA. New and grotesquely improved under Trump.

And you defend the insurrection that was designed to reject the voters in minority run big cities like Detroit and Atlanta. You can’t get more anti-Lib West Democracy than that.

Leo123 in #1048 said: “The judge is wrong. There was no insurrection. lvvnnn.23.12.05 #1,048

See POST nf.23.12.06 #1,064

The judge can see that Trump and the mob he had assembled was for a specific task. They all shared the same motive to “WIN” a second term that could not be won by constitutional and peaceful means once Pence refused to commit fraud.

nf.23.12.06 #1,065
to lvvnnn.23.12.05 #1,048

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Trump took a verbal shortcut that libs are trying to exploit

But you cant fool informed people

We know what trump was saying and completely agree

Remember, these are the same people that still believe that Jans. 6 was an actual insurrection, that Trump told them to drink bleach and that he referred to the white supremacists in Charlottesville as ”fine people.” They aren’t too bright. They will believe any headline or tweet they read that confirms their indoctrination.
It's amazing to see how one celebrity con man and his enablers can open Pandora's box like this.

Evidently this was there, all along. This hatred, rage and rot. Incredible. I admit, I didn't see it.

I would say that the vast majority of the rage is on the left. They exhibit it every time they don’t get their way. The leftists peons riot in the streets and the leftists politicians attempt to jail their opponents.

Any true American should be outraged about our current border policy. We allow illegals to come into the country get free housing, free healthcare and even vote in local elections certain areas(NYC). Another 4 years of a Democrat and they will all likely be granted citizenship. Saying it is irresponsible is a huge understatement. It is actually approaching the level of treason. That should make YOU angry, but it doesn’t because, orange man bad.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
/——-/ Hyperbole much?
Here's a funny story about skews. When Trump got in the race the first time skews went on and on and on about that naked picture of Melania and how she was such whore, slut, ill suited to be First Lady and other choice comments. Ah he was such a firebrand in his youth.


Here's a thing that makes me nuts about this site... I got a notification that one francoHFW tagged a post of mine with one of those gay, "I'm a fu(kin coward," drive-by emoji/icons of "fake news."


Where skews at?

I haven't talked to franco for years. He went on and on about having sex with my mother then my sister. I reported it, the mods deleted the posts, I put him on ignore and haven't talked to him/her/it/they/zee/candy or whatever his pronouns are since. Yes, there are still stories with happy endings ...

As for skews13 , I'd say it's his normal double standards, but in this case it was too much for the poor guy. Look what a charmed wife Trump leads. Then to find out his wife is THAT hot? It's more than the poor little man skews could handle

That’s because support for Trump is irrational.

There’s nothing rational about an unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration; there’s nothing rational about using fascist rhetoric to demonize and vilify immigrants; and there’s nothing rational about lying about immigrants all being ‘drug dealers’ and ‘mentally ill – it’s all irrational fearmongering and demagoguery.
Support for Trump is not irrational. Trump doesn't judge the deplorables. Nasty fucks, social outcasts flock to him for affirmation.
Support for Trump is not irrational. Trump doesn't judge the deplorables. Nasty fucks, social outcasts flock to him for affirmation.

Deplorable, now there's a big name for a little guy. Do know what it means?

Another term to learn is fucking idiot, which is you and Hillary.

Hillary pegged your ass.

What has Milania ever done to you or anyone else? This is the hate of the Democrat party. Racist, anti-Semetic, and as you mentioned completely sexist.

Who is a mere WOMAN to defy your overblown male ego, Archie Bunker?
What has Milania ever done to you or anyone else? This is the hate of the Democrat party. Racist, anti-Semetic, and as you mentioned completely sexist.

Who is a mere WOMAN to defy your overblown male ego, Archie Bunker?
Archibald kaz can't cope with a changing word. So Trumpy says we just gonna turn back time to where Archibalds can manage. That's what made Trumpy the hero of every human failure out there.
Archibald kaz can't cope with a changing word. So Trumpy says we just gonna turn back time to where Archibalds can manage. That's what made Trumpy the hero of every human failure out there.

Archie Bunker say what? I know that's an insult, but you lost me there. Try simplifying it. Thanks MAGA man, go do some lovin on Don at his next Trump rally
We are repeating 1930s Germany here and now. Out of control inflation, out of control crime, a hypersexualized degenerate culture that was Weimar Germany. That is also Weimar America. Am I alone in seeing the signs? No.

What is really amusing is that you can both bleat patriotism to this decaying hulk AND reject the white man slavers that created this nation and built it. My patriotism is with the white slavers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Yes, you are alone.

Can you define out of control inflation.

Also, crime is down, but hey, you're the phax fuckup.
Yet another gem that destroys every thing I've posted so far in this thread.

Thank you.

I'm sorry I don't speak f@g. Can we get miketx in here to translate?

I do what he does only fasterer.

Wow, another reach around.

You're a gem. What did you get yourself for christmas.
Archie Bunker say what? I know that's an insult, but you lost me there. Try simplifying it. Thanks MAGA man, go do some lovin on Don at his next Trump rally
Archibald kaz can't keep up with a changing world. Archibald kaz is so lonely in this new world, he feels victimized and Trumpy says "Yes you are indeed the victim, none of what you are going through is really your fault. I alone can fix it". This is fantastic news for Archibald kaz.

Crime isn't down, we just stopped counting it. Duh. Or as your classmates say, duh
Yes, Bidenomics

Low unemployment

High employment

Solid GDP

Infrastructure Investments

Action on Climate Change

Whiny ass maga fuckups

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