Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Born and raised upstate NY. My Dear Mother's side goes back to the 1600's, my Father's to the 1700's. I've wroted down more killer King's English so far in this this thread, with aplomb, than you can shake a stick at. At stick is a short piece of tree.

So, so-called American what is one thing in The Mighty US of A Constitution that can't be amended?
You're such a simpleton.
otto 1.1.png

Fail. Try again. Oh look, I've started an otto file. That one is otto 1.1. I bet you can't wait for otto 1.2.
While I wait for you idiots to reply recent images I've crafted that I can't stop showing enough...

View attachment 875260

View attachment 875261
I get a lot of wood on the ball a lot of the time but even for me that $h!ts funny. There's several more thousand where that came from.

View attachment 875262

A - batman. Then it goes all the way to ZZ Top. (That means very, very many Mr. 105) and they all make a point. I've a thread over a million views, it's all me and another that stopped 14k short of a million cause the site went belly up. I'm just gettin started. I been doing exactly this for 21 years. Seems to me you stupid fu(ks need to load for bear. Or for God's sake tell a joke.
You just got here and already tedious.
I pick this one cause for some reason I named it aaaaa so it's at the beginning and I ran into it right away cause I was looking for the next thing to show you jerks sumpin. Remember when Pelosi pre-tore her copy of Trump's SOTU speech?

aaaaa 2.png

That's from the very beginning of "A's," top line there. Every conceivable issue you fu(ks whine about I probably have a joke/image/political point for and they all land that well. Probably added an easy ten(10) to that list today, and now, after two(2) decades of crafting such I'm really fast at it. Still with all that my favorite thing is asking unanswered, salient political questions.
You would have loved 1930s Germany
We are repeating 1930s Germany here and now. Out of control inflation, out of control crime, a hypersexualized degenerate culture that was Weimar Germany. That is also Weimar America. Am I alone in seeing the signs? No.

What is really amusing is that you can both bleat patriotism to this decaying hulk AND reject the white man slavers that created this nation and built it. My patriotism is with the white slavers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Trump has made these people fucking violent


Whereas George Floyd made "you people" violent. A worthless junkie who stabbed a pregnant woman in the gut. Your leftard hero. Worth 20 murders and 2 billion dollars in property damage.
Most of the comments by Trump supporters above just show a complete inability to acknowledge or debate this issue rationally.

That’s because support for Trump is irrational.

There’s nothing rational about an unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration; there’s nothing rational about using fascist rhetoric to demonize and vilify immigrants; and there’s nothing rational about lying about immigrants all being ‘drug dealers’ and ‘mentally ill – it’s all irrational fearmongering and demagoguery.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
Your Hitler analogy is more than idiotic, it's ignorant. Trump was talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS that Biden has invited in, not Jews that already lived in Hitler's country. You asshole TDSers are truly brainwashed and full of hatred.

Biden has committed a high crime by NOT enforcing our Southern Border. He is letting in hoards of unvetted people from all over the world!! Yes that is POISON to our society and any other country's society. We are in a border war with Mexico right now only, we are just laying down and letting them run over us. That is what is happening. No one cares about your little Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Your Hitler analogy is more than idiotic, it's ignorant. Trump was talking about ILLEGAL ALIENS that Biden has invited in, not Jews that already lived in Hitler's country. You asshole TDSers are truly brainwashed and full of hatred.

Biden has committed a high crime by NOT enforcing our Southern Border. He is letting in hoards of unvetted people from all over the world!! Yes that is POISON to our society and any other country's society. We are in a border war with Mexico right now only, we are just laying down and letting them run over us. That is what is happening. No one cares about your little Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Leftard lies and the leftard bullshit are costing them plenty.

Illegal gangs are already robbing rich peoples' houses. In Detroit, the city farthest from the southern border.

Not the way to win voters.
Hilarious fuckup

He tried to have late night hosts such as Jimmy Kimmell silenced by calling NBC to pull him off the air while he was president.

Donald Trump, during his presidency, was reportedly so incensed by Jimmy Kimmel’s relentless TV jokes that White House officials attempted to censor the late-night host. In 2018, there were at least two phone calls to a top Disney executive, demanding action against Kimmel. Disney, the parent company of ABC, which airs “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” was involved in this saga1. Trump felt that Kimmel was being “very dishonest” and doing things he would have once sued over1. However, Kimmel stood his ground and continued to mock the former president despite the pressure1.

Interestingly, this wasn’t an isolated incident. During his tenure, Trump sought advice on how to use his executive powers to stop late-night comedy shows and hosts, including “Saturday Night Live” and Jimmy Kimmel, from making jokes at his expense2. It seems that humor and politics don’t always mix well
Bullshit.... Trump sought advise???? give me a break that could mean anything... an accusation without context is bullshit...

That’s because support for Trump is irrational.

There’s nothing rational about an unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration; there’s nothing rational about using fascist rhetoric to demonize and vilify immigrants; and there’s nothing rational about lying about immigrants all being ‘drug dealers’ and ‘mentally ill – it’s all irrational fearmongering and demagoguery.
Whats irrational about being able to afford to live? Well, except fdor you lazy ilk sucking the government teat.
Illegal is illegal, its against the law just like everything your goosesteppers do.
Less than a year now, where will you move Mrs. Jones??
“Me and my lot”? I have no “lot,” no party, no militia, no prosecutors, no lawyers, no “Deep State”! I am just one retired working man with a lot of political experience and a deep knowledge of history who is trying to convince my fellow Americans that Trump is a unique danger to our Republic and democracy. I have said before and I say again: Trump must be defeated by voters in November 2024. Should he win, should he lose and be put in jail, should he be assassinated or choke to death on a Big Mac — I personally can do and plan to do no more than I am doing now.
You sir are a traitor to the country as you support those whose only goal is the downfall of the United states, bring your weak arse and see what happens

That’s because support for Trump is irrational.

There’s nothing rational about an unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration; there’s nothing rational about using fascist rhetoric to demonize and vilify immigrants; and there’s nothing rational about lying about immigrants all being ‘drug dealers’ and ‘mentally ill – it’s all irrational fearmongering and demagoguery.
These illegal aliens can be and are any and everything. Howw stupid is it to say they are not gang members or have diseases, since nobody checks them for anything?
Are you stupid or somethin Forrest??

That’s because support for Trump is irrational.

There’s nothing rational about an unwarranted fear of immigrants and immigration; there’s nothing rational about using fascist rhetoric to demonize and vilify immigrants; and there’s nothing rational about lying about immigrants all being ‘drug dealers’ and ‘mentally ill – it’s all irrational fearmongering and demagoguery.
Well, I certainly agree there is disgusting fascist-like rhetoric demonizing immigrants. But I disagree with your seeming one sided approach here.

There are plenty of people who have rational fears about the huge waves of “refugee” immigrants now pouring over the border to await a hearing. At most of these long-delayed hearings their requests will be rejected. But many will find other ways to stay, even if just by becoming “illegal” and joining the underground economy. Many, probably most, will become a part of our large hard-working class of easily exploited workers. Many will eventually leave after struggling to raise some money.

Of course there is a big security problem too from those hard-core criminals or terrorists who can easily sneak in, even though all refugee applicants are fingerprinted and photographed and questioned before being given appointment dates.

Just because one half of the nation is slowly losing their minds and having them poisoned does not mean the underlying issues are being adequately or rationally addressed by liberals. Concern about and radical changes at the Southern border are — in my opinion — absolutely warranted.
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