Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Conservatives are so anal.

Yea, we tend to obsess over minor details like tax rates and how many millions of illegal aliens has SlowJoeBiden begged into this nation now?

Naw, you fuckups gave up on the tax thing years ago. Now it’s all genitalia and assholes.

Really? At what income level should the highest tax bracket start and what should the rate be? Want me to go find the bunch of fu(ks at this site I've put that question to with nary the answer other than more?

I don't care what you and your top do with your uglies however if my adult children were not and in public school I'd be losing my mutha fu(kin mind.

This isn't a tax thread march, they died years ago

Sorry, too much work to fix that.

I mentioned taxes, you bit then but when I asked you a very specific tax question...

This isn't a tax thread march,

Fu(kin puzzy.

It's also not a thread about you being a fuckup helicopter parent.

If me being upset about porn in my children's public school library then I'm a mutha fu(kin attack helicopter parent.

Do you have children? I wouldn't ask such without being prepared to answer the same but then I have.


See how I took the time and effort to put our discussion in one(1) post? Now ya'll don't have to do a bunch of clicking. I'm considerate like that. i bet you retards have never seen that before. I've WAY more tricks. I think we can sum up Mr. 105's posts there in one word...


Obama 1.3.png

No, Slowbama, I wasn't talking to you, I was calling my dog.
11 months... my mistake...

See, Mr. Horses?


I'm crafting images, finding youtubes all while dealing with the issue at hand at a pace that scares Mr. Horse's neighbor's cat and kitty is already lookin over her shoulder at that guy so what the fu(k is your problem you slow, dim witted, effete geniuses? Get with the program. If ya'll have to think about replies then ya'll have never thought any of this $h!t through. I'm keeping an eye on the game. The dirty, stinkin drunk, green bird Shirly need a win for home field advantage.

I'm gettin bored here.
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See, Mr. Horses?


I'm crafting images, finding youtubes all while dealing with the issue at hand at a pace that scares Mr. Horse's neighbor's cat and kitty is already lookin over her shoulder at that guy so what the fu(k is your problem you slow, dim witted, effete geniuses? Get with the program. If ya'll have to think about replies then ya'll have never thought any of this $h!t through.

Sorry, too much work to fix that.

I mentioned taxes, you bit then but when I asked you a very specific tax question...

Fu(kin puzzy.

If me being upset about porn in my children's public school library then I'm a mutha fu(kin attack helicopter parent.

Do you have children? I wouldn't ask such without being prepared to answer the same but then I have.


See how I took the time and effort to put our discussion in one(1) post? Now ya'll don't have to do a bunch of clicking. I'm considerate like that. i bet you retards have never seen that before. I've WAY more tricks. I think we can sum up Mr. 105's posts there in one word...


View attachment 875208

No, Slowbama, I wasn't talking to you, I was calling my dog.

If me being upset about porn in my children's public school library then I'm a mutha fu(kin attack helicopter parent.

Do you have children? I wouldn't ask such without being prepared to answer the same but then I have.

You kids don't even fucking go to the library. Also, does everyone have to approve every freaking book in the library to shield their offspring from feelings and thoughts.

Also, porn is found on everyone's fucking smart phone. But you as a fuckup are worried about the library.
Most of the comments by Trump supporters above just show a complete inability to acknowledge or debate this issue rationally. I avoided replying to off topic or crudely insulting comments. Virtually all of our Trump defenders either respond with low-class personal insults, or discuss utterly off topic unrelated issues as digressions or distractions. Plenty here to demonstrate how “poisoned” the minds of Americans in general have become.

This is my own fault, however. I should have put this topic in the “Clean Debate” forum, where we might have had a better, more on topic, and certainly more civil discussion.
How is Trump guilty of poisoning minds when its liberals that want to silence free speech?... Trump has never and would never try and silence speech or tell a private company what kind of speech is allowed and what's not allowed... can't you Trump haters take that into consideration?... before you fall for crap BS like this...
Most of the comments by Trump supporters above just show a complete inability to acknowledge or debate this issue rationally. I avoided replying to off topic or crudely insulting comments. Virtually all of our Trump defenders either respond with low-class personal insults, or discuss utterly off topic unrelated issues as digressions or distractions. Plenty here to demonstrate how “poisoned” the minds of Americans in general have become.

This is my own fault, however. I should have put this topic in the “Clean Debate” forum, where we might have had a better, more on topic, and certainly more civil discussion.

Fuck off.
How is Trump guilty of poisoning minds when its liberals that want to silence free speech?... Trump has never and would never try and silence speech or tell a private company what kind of speech is allowed and what's not allowed... can't you Trump haters take that into consideration?... before you fall for crap BS like this...
You think it is OK to criminally plan a crime and hide behind free speech as a defense?
How is Trump guilty of poisoning minds when its liberals that want to silence free speech?... Trump has never and would never try and silence speech or tell a private company what kind of speech is allowed and what's not allowed... can't you Trump haters take that into consideration?... before you fall for crap BS like this...
Hilarious fuckup

He tried to have late night hosts such as Jimmy Kimmell silenced by calling NBC to pull him off the air while he was president.

Donald Trump, during his presidency, was reportedly so incensed by Jimmy Kimmel’s relentless TV jokes that White House officials attempted to censor the late-night host. In 2018, there were at least two phone calls to a top Disney executive, demanding action against Kimmel. Disney, the parent company of ABC, which airs “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” was involved in this saga1. Trump felt that Kimmel was being “very dishonest” and doing things he would have once sued over1. However, Kimmel stood his ground and continued to mock the former president despite the pressure1.

Interestingly, this wasn’t an isolated incident. During his tenure, Trump sought advice on how to use his executive powers to stop late-night comedy shows and hosts, including “Saturday Night Live” and Jimmy Kimmel, from making jokes at his expense2. It seems that humor and politics don’t always mix well
Please to read ALL the words, moron, starting at the beginning. Adult children and why did you leave out "public school" before "library."


But parents do. Why did you type "everyone" instead of "parents" and why can't you answer the mutha fu(kin question of do you have children? You don't, that's why. Get some skin in the game before you try talking $h!t to Mom and Dad.

A while back, on youtube a parent went before the school board and started reading out of a book from her child's public school library. it was porn. The board president said "this is inappropriate" and stormed out while Mom went "exactly my point." On one youtube a Father let his 11 year old son read from a book in his public school library. Stuff like "and then Dad stuffed his massive co(k into his five(5) year old daughters puzzy until he came." Oh no you can't find that on youtube anymore cause youtube are a bunch of censoring fu(ks and can't have the truth out there. I saw it, it was gone the next day. Usually I can't bolt from such filth fast like but I watched the whole thing and took one for the team. I can never fu(kin unsee that.

Then why not public school libraries, eh? Cause two(2) wrongs add up to a right.

Math is racist!

Again with the leaving out "public school" before "library."

Do you have children?

There's thing you don't understand about Dad. Dad will kill a fu(k that messes with his child and spend the rest of his life in jail skipping and grinning.

But the real begged question here is...

why do you support porn in public school libraries?
Damn you must have been traumatized by reading the Catcher in the Rye.

I raised three kids to adulthood by not acting like a stupid man boi dad. That's the thing about parenting, you can't shelter your kids as possessions. We didn't shy away from frank talk about sexuality or letting them have their own thoughts.

But you as a little insecure man boi still have your head up your ass.
Huffpost, eh?

So when you're under pressure you go to the words of somebody else?

Folks, whenever a lib start in like they can write just plug that into ol' google and do what I did there.


When retards do such at this site ain't they supposed to credit the origin?
See that's the thing about refuting a point. When a poster has nothing he argues about nothing and ignores the point.

In this case the fact the former 1-term fuckup tried to censure free speech.
See that's the thing about refuting a point. When a poster has nothing he argues about nothing and ignores the point.

In this case the fact the former 1-term fuckup tried to censure free speech.

Trump had no bidness doing that. Fu(k him.

See? It's not so hard to put the hammer down on one's own side.

Now you try it!

Porn in public school libraries and all the other questions I've asked you today.

Do you see me fleeing from your questions, azzhole?

Oh look, another question to hide form.
Nah, "Fox in Sox" did it to me.

Good for you.

Never did.

Neither did we.

Why the fu(k won't you answer... ?

i bet anything there's buku folks reading this tonight.
Don't check the book out little man.

I don't need your moms for (threesomes/rape) liberty hypocrisy.

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