Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

A tip I learned from Trump. When you climb up Biden's ass, remember to go feet first so you can breathe. You're welcome, Trump lover
Biden who? You really can't imagine that there are more that the two sides of your pathetic pissing match. Sad.
My complaint like I said isn't that I'm so offended by socks, it's that he doesn't vary his schtick.

Ah, those guys. Yea, you can tell, if not right away, but certainly after they get to drinking or the pressure starts that they are a sock. As Lord and Master I also used to have all kinds of tools about IPs and e-mails and such that would look for these things and then we'd just put a "sock of so and so" under their avatar and let them run with it. Often they would start a new sock cause they ALMOST got away with it the first time. I was never a fan of banning, banned exactly two(2) folks over a decade and they were hard cases. Loved to suspend though, with the malcontents after I put them through the paces of showing them the rules, where they broke the rules and warning them that the next time was a suspension, they'd do it again and I'd show them the...

die of suspension 1.1.png

and tell them I was gonna roll it and whatever came up was the time of suspension then I'd show them...

die one and a half 1.1.png

so that's 36 hours, or I'd roll a seven(7) so that's a week and if they really pizzed me off...

die of suspension 1.4.jpg

Moral of the story?

The moderators at this site are boring stiffs.

Yes I know all about these kinds of sites. Did ya'll know admin can read your PMs? Know what's really a challenge? Finding a moderator that seems cool but won't let mod power get to their head. At best I was 50% on that.
Biden who? You really can't imagine that there are more that the two sides of your pathetic pissing match. Sad.

You really aren't very smart. That isn't what I ever said. But you are why I hate the Libertarian Party. Your shit doesn't stink and you always believe you know something the rest of us don't when you want to sacrifice your life for your intellectual superiority, which isn't superior or intellectual
Ah, those guys. Yea, you can tell, if not right away, but certainly after they get to drinking or the pressure starts that they are a sock. As Lord and Master I also used to have all kinds of tools about IPs and e-mails and such that would look for these things and then we'd just put a "sock of so and so" under their avatar and let them run with it. Often they would start a new sock cause they ALMOST got away with it the first time. I was never a fan of banning, banned exactly two(2) folks over a decade and they were hard cases. Loved to suspend though, with the malcontents after I put them through the paces of showing them the rules, where they broke the rules and warning them that the next time was a suspension, they'd do it again and I'd show them the...

View attachment 875116

and tell them I was gonna roll it and whatever came up was the time of suspension then I'd show them...

View attachment 875118
so that's 36 hours, or I'd roll a seven(7) so that's a week and if they really pizzed me off...

View attachment 875119
Moral of the story?

The moderators at this site are boring stiffs.

Yes I know all about these kinds of sites. Did ya'll know admin can read your PMs? Know what's really a challenge? Finding a moderator that seems cool but won't let mod power get to their head. At best I was 50% on that.

I give don't taz me credit for that. He isn't banning or threatening me for endlessly ragging on him about this
Ah, "yes it is." An intellectual argument from you for a change. No I'm not you are must be the Democrat's favorite response

Any comment on Trump being married to a immigrant, and his son being poisoned blood?

Asking for a friend.
I give don't taz me credit for that.

For what? I'm missing sumpin.

He isn't banning or threatening me for endlessly ragging on him about this

Recently I had a complaint about unfairness towards me at this site and a guy told me taz was a fine mod so I put my question to him in PM which he tried to answer and failed so it got bumped up to Coyote who also failed but I know when to stop pushing and took one on the chin for the team but then now I know all I need to know about the quality of "Justice is Blind" at this site and I can work with it. However they were both very pleasant dealing with me (and my gazillion words, questions and links) while they told me their bull$h!t about my mistreatment.
26 pages of confusion, collision , misdirection, anarchy, totalitarianisms ...... all evident of a failed system.....~S~
Trump quotes Putin. Hitler. Orman. Xi.

Then your side's talking head drive-by media talks about for the next 24 straight which is exactly what Trump wants.

Does this guy ever quote an American?

I doubt it, Trump is far too arrogant to acknowledge anyone else every said anything sage.

Ya'll know that website I was talking about where I was Lord and Master? I used to be skew's boss. He hated me like poison. But still skews was one of the good ones, he kept his control issues in check. Cause I was his boss. Know how just there I was telling ya'll about the real powers of mod/admin and such? He hated that, thought we should be the secret Gestapo.

Sup, skews?

He doesn't talk to me at this site. I say he wouldn't have posted in this thread if he knew I was around the corner.

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