Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

Democrats see Trump as another Hitler because democrats have resurrected Weimar Germany and they know how that ended.

Weimar America that's what they did. Then demand loyalty and patriotism.
Democrats see Trump as another Hitler because democrats have resurrected Weimar Germany and they know how that ended.

Weimar America that's what they did. Then demand loyalty and patriotism.
That post^^^^ from a fuckup who apparently forgets the former 1-term fuckup requires loyalty oaths to him, not our nation.
That post^^^^ from a fuckup who apparently forgets the former 1-term fuckup requires loyalty oaths to him, not our nation.
Judging from the number of betrayers that wrongfully accepted appointments, he was right. "do you promise not to sabotage the presidency?" Should have been signed in blood.

The nation is being turned into some kind of Weimar nightmare and does not deserve loyalty. The nation built by those white slavers deserves loyalty.
You’re advocating murder and vigilantism now.

Way to go Trumpers

I know … Trump empowered this attitude
Vigilantism is what you have when everything else is gone.

Defund the police. Abolish the prisons. Open the borders.
Vigilantism is what you have when everything else is gone.

Defund the police. Abolish the prisons. Open the borders.
Where is all this defund bullshit happening?

And do you what to defund the CIA, FBI, IRS and Public Schools....
Trump quotes Putin. Hitler. Orman. Xi.

Does this guy ever quote an American?
As a matter of fact he does.

Where is all this defund bullshit happening?

And do you what to defund the CIA, FBI, IRS and Public Schools....
Where is it happening? Chicago, Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland. Actually Portland doesn't have much of a police department left.

I am on the side of abolishing the police, the prisons and the criminal courts. Close them all.

Vigilante justice should be the only justice.
Where is it happening? Chicago, Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland. Actually Portland doesn't have much of a police department left.

I am on the side of abolishing the police, the prisons and the criminal courts. Close them all.

Vigilante justice should be the only justice.
You would have loved 1930s Germany
Now it's little man and my Dear Mother. Desperate much?

That's it. youtube has scrubbed all the parents reading porn form public school libraries. Wonder why?

Google is just as fu(ked, lemme try them, oh look, they missed scrubbing one...

There it is. Isn't that nice? There ya go, righties, save that to your PC then see how long it takes google, or this site to scrub it.

Listen, Mr. 105 I understand you not answering the questions as then there's no way you can publicly support the left's agenda without admitting you're a pervert bent on destroying America as we know it. You are so bent on you and your ilk taking control over Mother government so you can control my life and there's NO WAY if you had your druthers that I would be allowed, in America, to type what I'm typing now that you are willing to ignore porn in elementary public school libraries. I didn't miss a fu(kin beat with my words that you can spin, is there? I know all the left's simple minded, circular logic so-called tricks. But here's a thing about you, this site and sites like this.

Marchimedes has arrived.

And that's why you desire censorship and the abolition of the 1st Amendment. Here's how you do that: If the left gets the White House, The House and The Senate ya'll need to spend every last political capitol cent you have and go after the 2nd Amendment first. Then ya'll go gun grab. Your gonna need The Mighty US of A military to do that along with the cops. But that ain't gonna work cause I am a Mighty US of A Army veteran and we shall fight. It's one of the reasons we raised our right hand and swore the Oath in the first fu(kin place. Main reason I joined the Army at 17 is cause I'm a patriot. First... no, I can't say that. The military is never gonna enforce such an order cause that would be an unlawful order. They'll turn around and shoot dead the fu(k that gave that order. You don't understand, you don't have a clue, you desire to take away Constitutionally guaranteed rights. Sumpin about a Mother government grown tyrannical. Lemme ask you sumpin, Nancy. Is it gonna be you that kicks my door in? Gotta warn you, I'm as tuff as men come. How hard are you gonna fight to take my rights away? You won't. And you're not gonna get other tuff men to do it for you, puzzy. Also at least 400 million guns in this nation and I know at least many of them the left has them too. They just won't admit it. Now say...


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It's still not you you dumb azz, half-breed stu-tu-tering muslim. Maybe you should get back to trying to fundamentally changing my nation.

Your turn. I'm quite sure THIS time you'll nail it.

I don't need your idiotic censure shit.

Don't check the book out. Let your children grow up.
You’re advocating murder and vigilantism now.

Yea, that was fu(ked up.

Way to go Trumpers

That's just A moron that voted for Trump. My side has just as many extremists as your side does.

borat 1.1.jpg

I know … Trump empowered this attitude

There you people go again with that $h!t. Jump off a cliff!

Didn't do it, eh?

Where exactly now did Trump tell any one to do any thing illegal? "Careful now as I have that reply wroted.)
Yea, that was fu(ked up.

That's just A moron that voted for Trump. My side has just as many extremists as your side does.

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There you people go again with that $h!t. Jump off a cliff!

Didn't do it, eh?

Where exactly now did Trump tell any one to do any thing illegal? "Careful now as I have that reply wroted.)
Is English not your native tongue??
I don't need your idiotic censure shit.

Don't check the book out. Let your children grow up.

Put a lot of thought into that reply, eh?

I say the asker of the unanswered salient question wins the debate. You do understand folks are reading all this, correct? Lemme try it this way...

teacher 20.9.png
Is English not your native tongue??

Born and raised upstate NY. My Dear Mother's side goes back to the 1600's, my Father's to the 1700's. I've wroted down more killer King's English so far in this this thread, with aplomb, than you can shake a stick at. At stick is a short piece of tree.

So, so-called American what is one thing in The Mighty US of A Constitution that can't be amended?


Yall are obviously not used to this.

And why the fu(k can't you retards answer direct questions?

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