Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

In 2004 ---the ticket read Kerry v. Bush ----whom did you consider the MOST

Presidential elections from 1988 through 2012 were just pure hell on wheels. We picked the dumbest men in America, not the brightest
It's amazing to see how one celebrity con man and his enablers can open Pandora's box like this.

Evidently this was there, all along. This hatred, rage and rot. Incredible. I admit, I didn't see it.
Well you live in darkness! It's not hatred, it's righteous indignation at what you idiots call a President, and a political party. It is pure evil!
The presidency of Ronald Reagan was marked by numerous scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any president of the United States.

Fair enough, Democrats have been trying to end our two party system for a long time now, it didn't start with Trump.

You were indeed the first MAGA supporter for Reagan! Of course then no one knew what you meant when you said MAGA. You were ahead of your time, lyin man
Fair enough, Democrats have been trying to end our two party system for a long time now, it didn't start with Trump.
Well, this democrat is all for that.
Let's have 5 parties and cut elections down to 6 months.
Everyone is in it for the $$$, win or lose.
You were indeed the first MAGA supporter for Reagan!
The first and last time I ever voted for a republican.
Of course then no one knew what you meant when you said MAGA. You were ahead of your time, lyin man
Open a history book, or you could have lived through the idiocy and corruption, that was Reagan.
Neither was competent.
true----but IMVO----Bush was less incompetent ----but I was younger then
and could not do ELEPHANT
Well, this democrat is all for that.
Let's have 5 parties and cut elections down to 6 months.
Everyone is in it for the $$$, win or lose.

The first and last time I ever voted for a republican.

Open a history book, or you could have lived through the idiocy and corruption, that was Reagan.
I have a vague memory of a startling moment in the time of Reagan. A reporter
asked a question on the economy and his answer was "I was not an economics
major in college" (approx.)
Well, this democrat is all for that.
Let's have 5 parties and cut elections down to 6 months.
Everyone is in it for the $$$, win or lose.

The first and last time I ever voted for a republican.

Open a history book, or you could have lived through the idiocy and corruption, that was Reagan.

Could be why he phrased it the way he did. Grow a brain and learn to read.

That was funny, otto105 with a brain. What would he do with it, he's a Democrat.

My sister is a big lib. She got a PhD with her spare brain capacity the Democrats used so little. She got mad at me over abortion when I AGREED with her, I am pro-choice. Democrats turn off their brain when they become Democrats. It's required or they'd know themselves how stupid what they are saying is
Well, I certainly agree there is disgusting fascist-like rhetoric demonizing immigrants. But I disagree with your seeming one sided approach here.

There are plenty of people who have rational fears about the huge waves of “refugee” immigrants now pouring over the border to await a hearing. At most of these long-delayed hearings their requests will be rejected. But many will find other ways to stay, even if just by becoming “illegal” and joining the underground economy. Many, probably most, will become a part of our large hard-working class of easily exploited workers. Many will eventually leave after struggling to raise some money.

Of course there is a big security problem too from those hard-core criminals or terrorists who can easily sneak in, even though all refugee applicants are fingerprinted and photographed and questioned before being given appointment dates.

Just because one half of the nation is slowly losing their minds and having them poisoned does not mean the underlying issues are being adequately or rationally addressed by liberals. Concern about and radical changes at the Southern border are — in my opinion — absolutely warranted.
They are not ‘immigrants,’ they are illegal aliens if they crash our border and they are unvetted migrants who say they are seeking asylum, but we don’t really know until we vet them, which is becoming impossible because our border is wide open and there are way too many crossing the border every day to adequately tell who they are. You really need to stop lying.

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