Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

I probably shouldn't fill you in, as you haven't yet figured it out, but he's trolling you snowflakes. His speechwriters knew with certainty that a line like that would trigger the MSM and he'd get weeks worth of free airtime out of it.
I agree that most of what you people want are trolling, attacks and insults. I realize how important that is to you, what a high priority it is. I see how much you like that.

Your world is a middle school playground, as one of the insecure kids cheering on the oafish bully against those who scare you. And you're re-making America in your weak, ignorant, paranoid image. Congratulations.
I agree that most of what you people want are trolling, attacks and insults. I realize how important that is to you, what a high priority it is. I see how much you like that.

Your world is a middle school playground, as one of the insecure kids cheering on the oafish bully against those who scare you. And you're re-making America in your weak, ignorant, paranoid image. Congratulations.
LOL Puerile insults. Your forte. God luv ya snowflake. Never change, OK?
The evidence is that "minds" were already quite poisoned for someone such as Trump to have ever been elected. At the same time, the poison was not uniquely to that side, as the offerings of candidates in general reflect an acceptance on the part of the electorate that should never have sunk so low.
Pros and cons of unauthorized( or undocumented )immigrants in the United States can be summarized as follows:

1. Economic contributions: Unauthorized immigrants often fill jobs in industries facing labor shortages, contributing to economic growth and productivity. They pay taxes, spend on goods and services, and start businesses, which can stimulate local economies.
2. Cultural diversity: Unauthorized immigrants bring diverse cultural perspectives, traditions, and skills, enriching the social fabric of the United States.
3. Family unity: For unauthorized immigrants with family members already residing in the US, their presence can contribute to family unity and emotional well-being.

1. Strain on public resources: Critics argue that unauthorized immigrants strain public resources, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, which some believe should be reserved for legal residents and citizens.
2. Potential for exploitation: Unauthorized immigrants may be vulnerable to exploitation due to their legal status, facing unsafe working conditions, low wages, and limited access to benefits and protections.
3. Challenges to law enforcement: The presence of unauthorized immigrants can pose challenges to law enforcement agencies, particularly in the context of border security and immigration enforcement.

Perspectives on the pros and cons of unauthorized immigration can differ significantly, and the impact can vary depending on individual circumstances and regional contexts. This aims to provide a general understanding of some common arguments associated with the topic.

==>Unlike Americans with weapons invading Iraq or other countries around the world, most immigrants don't have guns or bombs. They don't want to harm Americans or rob America's banks. Lol. They just seek the better place or opportunity. :)

Sources :

1. The Economic Benefits of Extending Permanent Legal Status to Unauthorized Immigrants | CEA | The White House

2. Immigration - Path to Citizenship

3. Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Immigration -

4. Illegal Immigration

5. The Pros and Cons of Immigration Reform


7. Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America

8. Smuggling of migrants: the harsh search for a better life


10. Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? | ACLU |

What's great about legal immigration is you get all the benefits of illegal immigrants with less crime and fewer people going straight on welfare living off other people's earnings to support their families. Now they get to support uneducated families who didn't have the integrity to come here legally along with rapes, murder, child abuse, robbery, shit in the streets, ...

What we need to do is give three months notice for all illegals to leave and if they don't they will spend at least one year in real prison before they are deported for real and barred from ever vacationing here must less moving here
Dude I had hair on my balls before your daddy made you his possession.

Gothca. I don't know why leftist women don't shave, you look nasty all hairy like that. But it is a free country still until you get your way.

Just kidding, you're obviously a teenage boy there Champ. MAGA!
Gothca. I don't know why leftist women don't shave, you look nasty all hairy like that. But it is a free country still until you get your way.

Just kidding, you're obviously a teenage boy there Champ. MAGA!
Sure, when did your pair drop?
Typical teenage comeback. You brought up balls, I mocked you for being a teenage boy/girl, you went back to your balls.

Never has so much been made of so little
You have been a little minded boi child on this board for a long time. Your pair is still with your momma.

Convince me different.
You have been a little minded boi child on this board for a long time. Your pair is still with your momma.

Convince me different.

That's convincing. That was clearly what I was asking for in my last post. Thanks!

While we're waiting, what are your pronouns? Dumb and dumber? What about dumbest?
That's convincing. That was clearly what I was asking for in my last post. Thanks!

While we're waiting, what are your pronouns? Dumb and dumber? What about dumbest?
So, you can’t convince anyone of you adult status.

When are you going to try to grow a real pair?
So, you can’t convince anyone of you adult status.

When are you going to try to grow a real pair?

I never said I was an adult. Do you even go to school? How old are you?

And all you're doing is parroting back to me whatever I say over and over. Lame, girlfriend
I never said I was an adult. Do you even go to school? How old are you?

And all you're doing is parroting back to me whatever I say over and over. Lame, girlfriend


How many times have YOU been swiped right on?

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