Trump: poisoning the minds of our country

He's just taking it further, step by step. Or more accurately, his speechwriter is, but he's still saying it. He knows that he can take it further with his base, because they're clearly on board.

The thing is, it doesn't appear to be hurting him in the overall polls. So -- and I learned this back in 2016 -- America doesn't appear to be what we thought it was. I would have bet that we wouldn't fall for a mentally ill, authoritarian celebrity con man like this. No way. Surely we had learned from history.

But here we are.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
Pros and cons of unauthorized( or undocumented )immigrants in the United States can be summarized as follows:

1. Economic contributions: Unauthorized immigrants often fill jobs in industries facing labor shortages, contributing to economic growth and productivity. They pay taxes, spend on goods and services, and start businesses, which can stimulate local economies.
2. Cultural diversity: Unauthorized immigrants bring diverse cultural perspectives, traditions, and skills, enriching the social fabric of the United States.
3. Family unity: For unauthorized immigrants with family members already residing in the US, their presence can contribute to family unity and emotional well-being.

1. Strain on public resources: Critics argue that unauthorized immigrants strain public resources, such as healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, which some believe should be reserved for legal residents and citizens.
2. Potential for exploitation: Unauthorized immigrants may be vulnerable to exploitation due to their legal status, facing unsafe working conditions, low wages, and limited access to benefits and protections.
3. Challenges to law enforcement: The presence of unauthorized immigrants can pose challenges to law enforcement agencies, particularly in the context of border security and immigration enforcement.

Perspectives on the pros and cons of unauthorized immigration can differ significantly, and the impact can vary depending on individual circumstances and regional contexts. This aims to provide a general understanding of some common arguments associated with the topic.

==>Unlike Americans with weapons invading Iraq or other countries around the world, most immigrants don't have guns or bombs. They don't want to harm Americans or rob America's banks. Lol. They just seek the better place or opportunity. :)

Sources :

1. The Economic Benefits of Extending Permanent Legal Status to Unauthorized Immigrants | CEA | The White House

2. Immigration - Path to Citizenship

3. Top 10 Pro & Con Arguments - Immigration -

4. Illegal Immigration

5. The Pros and Cons of Immigration Reform


7. Unintended Consequences of US Immigration Policy: Explaining the Post-1965 Surge from Latin America

8. Smuggling of migrants: the harsh search for a better life


10. Is Illegal Immigration an Economic Burden to America? | ACLU |
Meister in #4 said: Trump is never going to win a popularity contest...I didn't vote for him to win one. •¥• mvvstvr.23.10.11 #4

Meister in #4 said: I voted for him to move this nation forward, and he did before the states locked down the economy.
•¥¥• mvvstvr.23.10.11 #4

You have eloquently captured the unique MAGA threat to the continuation of progressive advancement of our two century experiment in western liberal democratic self rule Saint Meister in your POST mvvstvr.23.10.11 #4 .

The direction that you and your white religious Christian minority within the Republican establishment want to take our nation forward is unworthy of our founding generation.

You want America ruled under a white male sloppy Christian savior figure who is not popular. He and white Christian Republicanism will never become popular in a multicultural free Republic where the moral standard is dedication to the rule of law and equal justice under “secular” law for all individuals.

So devoid of ever holding popular appeal in a democratic republic the Republican Party believes it has a divine right to take and hold power without the consent of the majority of citizens that actually votes.

We have the religious authoritarianism that Saint Meister wants going on in Ohio right now.

Ohio Republicans plot to thwart voters who backed 'immoral and evil' abortion rights pblshd.12.12.19 B.Reed News5 Cleveland.​
News 5 Cleveland reports that some Republicans in the Ohio state legislature are now going all-in on backing a total abortion ban,​
We have a Republican now that espouses Trump to be a saint and 2/3rd of the voting population to be evil and immoral and incapable of living in a free society and for which DJT as monarch is the only solution.

"Do you think that putting forward a personhood bill would be going against the will of the people?" Statehouse reporter Morgan Trau asked him.​

"It would be going against the majority of the voters, yes, I fully acknowledge that," Beigel responded. "Voters can decide to do things that are immoral and evil; That has been a deeply historical part of our country and the majority of people have desired evil at many times in our culture's history." pblshd.12.12.19 B.Reed News 5 Cleveland

Why do you vote for an unpopular political party that believes 2/3 of the people are evil and that espouses 15 week fetuses and big corporations are persons?

nf.23.12.19 #673
to mvvstvr.23.10.11 #4

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He's just taking it further, step by step. Or more accurately, his speechwriter is, but he's still saying it. He knows that he can take it further with his base, because they're clearly on board.

I probably shouldn't fill you in, as you haven't yet figured it out, but he's trolling you snowflakes. His speechwriters knew with certainty that a line like that would trigger the MSM and he'd get weeks worth of free airtime out of it.
Yes, America is doing GREAT! This one's in the bag, it's Biden for four more. You can relax now, phew ....

OMG Democrats are the dumbest fucks. But their politicians tell them there's a sphinx on the driveway and they see it!

Hilarious fuckup

Keep spiking that pre-game football wankers.
That was funny, otto105 with a brain. What would he do with it, he's a Democrat.

My sister is a big lib. She got a PhD with her spare brain capacity the Democrats used so little. She got mad at me over abortion when I AGREED with her, I am pro-choice. Democrats turn off their brain when they become Democrats. It's required or they'd know themselves how stupid what they are saying is
Follow the orange shitstain sycophant.

Now go kiss the ring while screaming some hail pootins.
I probably shouldn't fill you in, as you haven't yet figured it out, but he's trolling you snowflakes. His speechwriters knew with certainty that a line like that would trigger the MSM and he'd get weeks worth of free airtime out of it.

Trump Qult defined...

So what that he said that? He didn't mean it. even if he did mean it, it was just hyperbole. But if it wasn't hyperbole, you just didn't understand him. If you did understand him, he was just joking. And if he wasn't joking, he was just taken out of context. And if he wasn't taken out of context, he was trolling you.

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