Trump: poisoning the minds of our country


He talked the talk, but accomplished nada!

I normally would not reply to this comment as it is, Iike so many others from the other side of this issue, off the central topic of this OP. The OP only addresses Trump’s normalizing of the disgusting racist/fascist rhetoric of “poisoning” the nation’s “blood.” Of course he has also previously talked about the “good genes” of his white supporters at rallies and the bad genes of others.

On your point. First, your link does not support your comment but actually essentially repudiates it. In my opinion we should re-negotiate agreements and have Mexico and other Central American countries again implement a policy that to the extent possible refugees be stopped as they enter those countries, or that refugee applications be made there. Those countries can be persuaded to help. In general, refugee applicants like economic immigrants should not be permitted on into the U.S. until their application is tentatively accepted and an appointment date is set. Such an interview for refugee status in most cases also should be done in Mexico or other third countries at American embassies or consulate buildings.

This will by no means solve all problems, but it will end the present reality of increasing waves of immigrants simply presenting themselves at the Southern border or sneaking past it and filing for refugee status and being released quickly into the U.S. to wait for an interview here. Of course many, but certainly not the majority, decide to ignore their appointment dates, disappear into the general population, and become “illegals”.

I suggest this policy not because I do not sympathize with the often desperate plight of these people, and certainly not because they are “poisoning our nation’s blood.” The vast majority would make hardworking and grateful contributions to our nation should they be let it as temporary residents or even eventually become citizens.

There is no doubt that this stricter policy will cause suffering, but it will also prevent suffering. It is essentially no different than our policy for millions of others who seek and deserve refugee status or simply desire to immigrate here from other more distant overseas countries. Most who are flocking to the Southern borders are in fact seeking economic and social betterment.

This is my last word on this question here, as this issue in fact deserves more serious treatment in a seperate OP. Many other changes should be introduced to comprehensive immigration law. Many liberals and genuine conservatives can agree on these, once the demagogy and “poisonous” language of the discussion ends.
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No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
No attempt to hide it. Dark days for America.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
General Election: Trump vs. BidenHarvard-HarrisTrump 52, Biden 48Trump +4
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. KennedyHarvard-HarrisTrump 44, Biden 36, Kennedy 20Trump +8
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinHarvard-HarrisTrump 43, Biden 35, Kennedy 17, West 2, Stein 2Trump +8
Georgia: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 49, Biden 43Trump +6
Georgia: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 44, Biden 37, Kennedy 6, West 2, Stein 1Trump +7
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 44Trump +2
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 39, Biden 38, Kennedy 9, West 1, Stein 1Trump +1
Michigan: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 42Trump +4
Michigan: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 39, Biden 35, Kennedy 10, West 2, Stein 1Trump +4
Wisconsin: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 45, Biden 41Trump +4
Wisconsin: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 40, Biden 34, Kennedy 10, Stein 3, West 1Trump +6
Nevada: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 47, Biden 44Trump +3
Nevada: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 42, Biden 37, Kennedy 11, West 2, Stein 1Trump +5
Arizona: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 46, Biden 42Trump +4
Arizona: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 40, Biden 37, Kennedy 10, West 1, Stein 1Trump +3
North Carolina: Trump vs. BidenBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 49, Biden 40Trump +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy vs. West vs. SteinBloomberg/MrnConsultTrump 45, Biden 34, Kennedy 8, West 1, Stein 1Trump +11
General Election: Trump vs. BidenRasmussen ReportsTrump 48, Biden 38Trump +10
General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. KennedyRasmussen ReportsTrump 40, Biden 32, Kennedy 16Trump +8
In my opinion we should re-negotiate agreements and have Mexico and other Central American countries again implement a policy that to the extent possible refugees be stopped as they enter those countries, or that refugee applications be made there.

There is no doubt that this stricter policy will cause suffering, but it will also prevent suffering

Someone a while ago posted the H1B & H2B visa doctrine , which has been in effect for quite some time, but apparently violated consistently Tom

I'm unsure just what wiggle room exists w/in it to do so?

“Me and my lot”? I have no “lot,” no party, no militia, no prosecutors, no lawyers, no “Deep State”! I am just one retired working man with a lot of political experience and a deep knowledge of history who is trying to convince my fellow Americans that Trump is a unique danger to our Republic and democracy. I have said before and I say again: Trump must be defeated by voters in November 2024. Should he win, should he lose and be put in jail, should he be assassinated or choke to death on a Big Mac — I personally can do and plan to do no more than I am doing now.
Yeah, right, but you vote just like a Democrat.
I normally would not reply to this comment as it is, Iike so many others from the other side of this issue, off the central topic of this OP. The OP only addresses Trump’s normalizing of the disgusting racist/fascist rhetoric of “poisoning” the nation’s “blood.” Of course he has also previously talked about the “good genes” of his white supporters at rallies and the bad genes of others.

On your point. First, your link does not support your comment but actually essentially repudiates it. In my opinion we should re-negotiate agreements and have Mexico and other Central American countries again implement a policy that to the extent possible refugees be stopped as they enter those countries, or that refugee applications be made there. Those countries can be persuaded to help. In general, refugee applicants like economic immigrants should not be permitted on into the U.S. until their application is tentatively accepted and an appointment date is set. Such an interview for refugee status in most cases also should be done in Mexico or other third countries at American embassies or consulate buildings.

This will by no means solve all problems, but it will end the present reality of increasing waves of immigrants simply presenting themselves at the Southern border or sneaking past it and filing for refugee status and being released quickly into the U.S. to wait for an interview here. Of course many, but certainly not the majority, decide to ignore their appointment dates, disappear into the general population, and become “illegals”.

I suggest this policy not because I do not sympathize with the often desperate plight of these people, and certainly not because they are “poisoning our nation’s blood.” The vast majority would make hardworking and grateful contributions to our nation should they be let it as temporary residents or even eventually become citizens.

There is no doubt that this stricter policy will cause suffering, but it will also prevent suffering. It is essentially no different than our policy for millions of others who seek and deserve refugee status or simply desire to immigrate here from other more distant overseas countries. Most who are flocking to the Southern borders are in fact seeking economic and social betterment.

This is my last word on this question here, as this issue in fact deserves more serious treatment in a seperate OP. Many other changes should be introduced to comprehensive immigration law. Many liberals and genuine conservatives can agree on these, once the demagogy and “poisonous” language of the discussion ends.
It disputed trump having only 1000 a day 365000 a year while sitting as president.

In 2018 he had 550,000....

In 2019 he had 950, went up....


I do agree we need immigration reform, but done by congress, as it should be done, making it permanent, and no leeway for each president to have their own policy, differing by each president.
No matter what you think about immigration in general or Joe Biden in particular, or how you want to resolve the many problems of immigration (legal & illegal) or border insecurity, there ought to be universal disgust with “The Donald’s” imitation of fascist rhetoric…

Today for the second time he casually remarked that:

“Immigrants are poisoning the blood of our country.”

The issue may change and the words too, but when not praising himself or the “strong leaders” abroad who “really like me” (Putin, XiJinping, Kim Jong-un) Trump continues to degenerate. He cunningly “drops the names” of dictators he respects. Why would he mention the leaders of U.S-allied democratic states, who mainly despise and fear him? He becomes ever more demagogic and crazed and — in his inimitable way — casually uses fascist code phrases in his language …

Nothing new here. Nothing really surprising. The cunning political conman & narcissist who has captured the Republican Party and won the hearts and minds of millions of “MAGA” Americans … continues to poison those minds.
Numbnuts Trump wasn't saying anything about citizens. Hitler was attacking German Jews. Big fucking difference. Stop making stupid accusations.
Now you want to make a comparison Jo Biden attacked American citizens
With his MAGA republican hitlerish speech.
Somebody is watching too much MSLSD with racial MadCow. The Country is being destroyed day by day. Tens of millions over-run the border. Tons of Fentynal. Sick men pretending to be women in dresses, makeup, pumps and lingere in public are in leadership positions in DC including the Pentagon. Homelessness rising off the charts. $7T GOVT spending with revenue $4T. Home O taking it up the butt on video in Congress to flaunt at the American public? Twisting disturbed children to have nuts cut off So they might feel better? Bearded men in dresses reading porn books spread leg in front of 2nd graders?

Yet these bone-headed buffoons (like this OP) latch on like a tick on a hound-dog to a word the MSM credits to evil Trump? Huh? No one sees the insanity in these creatures? Like the one post above.^^^^^^^^^
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This is pretty simple stuff, Tom! You can have an entitlement society like you on the left want...or you can have open borders like you on the left want. What you CAN'T have is both! Bottom line is you go bankrupt trying to do so! Cities like New York, Chicago and Boston have already figured that out. The US as a nation will be figuring that out as well.

That has nothing to do with Trump's rhetoric. The truth is that his border policies WORKED! Yours don't!
Except it did not work,
cost a lot of money,
destroyed or stole private property
“Me and my lot”? I have no “lot,” no party, no militia, no prosecutors, no lawyers, no “Deep State”! I am just one retired working man with a lot of political experience and a deep knowledge of history who is trying to convince my fellow Americans that Trump is a unique danger to our Republic and democracy.
You vote Republican, do you? I included you in the Left, generally. As for Trump being a "unique danger", we were told that, for the entirety of his term in office. He did NOTHING that was tyrannical. Not a single action. He went through the courts - and won - because of the nonsense the DC crowd and their media were throwing at him daily.

You may be sincere in what you believe but you have not a single shred of proof based on his actions while president, that indicate he is some Hitler wannabe. How the hell would he even pull off such a plan? Most of that cesspool in DC is set against his every decision and just as they fought him in his first term, they will fight him in a second IF he is even allowed back into the office.

The real issue isn't Trump, at all. The very real danger lies in the hyper polarized atmosphere of DC and the coming of an actual rejection of the very "democracy" that the Left keeps wailing about. If the man is elected next year, will you accept that he is president? If so, you are the rare outlier on the Left. If you can, set aside the hysteria over Orange Man Bad and imagine that the election goes to Biden or Newsom or Obama. What do you suppose would happen if the other half of the nation finally said eff it, that person is illegitimate even though the media says he/she won. I don't see a way back from that. That outcome will be far worse than a 4 year Trump administration.

The man can write EOs but if he pushes anything truly radical, there are enough "never Trump" Republicans to stop him, even if the Republicans managed to win both Houses of the Congress. The real problem ahead is that we are irredeemably divided and there is no mechanism in DC to fix that. America is crashing under the influence of tribal hatred that is being fomented DAILY by media corporations.

IMO, 2024 is going to lay bare everything that is corrupt about our electoral system, for all the world to see. Speaking for myself only, if we see mass mail voting without any mechanism to verify who is doing the voting I will not trust the results. Even if he wins, I'd still be suspect of a system like that. Mail in voting with no solid procedures in place to VERIFY who is voting, has been rejected time and again by both parties and in most other democracies around the world. It is a system that is PERFECT for cheating. Only ONE party is demanding such voting be allowed and when this shell collapses and the chaos begins, I hope everyone remembers who caused it by refusing to secure our system and restore trust in the ballot.

I think 2024 could easily be our last election before the country begins falling apart at the seams. If we on the Right see the same kinds of "irregularities" again that flip swing states in the wee hours, most on the Right will finally have to admit to themselves that tyranny has come to America and it's time to decide on a new way forward. You would not sit idly by and accept a government that you believed to be illegitimate. Why would you expect those on the Right to do so?
One can validly criticize Trump’s rather churlish and sophomoric manner of communicating.

But be real. Isn’t it obvious that he’s referring to those who illegally enter and then remain in our nation?
Trump is a no good racist hate mongering pile of priveledged trash.

He's been that way his entire adult life.

It's a shame that you MAGA idiots gave the keys to the W.H. to that criminal degenerate fuck.
Trump is a no good racist hate mongering pile of priveledged trash.

He's been that way his entire adult life.

It's a shame that you MAGA idiots gave the keys to the W.H. to that criminal degenerate fuck.
Trump did more for Black people than any other modern president. Black voters are coming to him in droves.

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