Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

If you are somehow trying to argue that Obama did not inherit the worst economy ever,

It's clear he didn't.
The recession ended in June 2009. It lasted 18 months and GDP dropped 5.1%.
4 recessions since 1900 lasted longer.
The average recession between 1845-1919 lasted 21.6 months.
1929-1933, GDP declined 26.7%.
1937-193, GDP declined 18.2%.
1945, GDP declined 12.7%.

You're an even bigger drama queen than Obama. LOL!
A) in which of these cases did a new administration inherit the disaster?

B) why might GDP have declined in 1945?
Now we know why Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years.
Trump and the Republicans passed massive spending bills from the very start of the Trump presidency, and they ramped up the deficit massively before covid hit.
Covid is not an excuse for the massive Trump debt, as Trump signed $4.7T pre-covid, and Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in jst 4 years.

Republicans own our out of control debt because they caused it, and let's not forget about what GW Bush did to the deficit.

The $4.7 trillion of debt signed into law by President Trump is on top of the current $17.2 trillion debt held by the public and the $9.2 trillion we were already expected to borrow over the next decade absent these proposals.

The December 2019 spending deal added $500 billion of debt by tacking onto ordinary appropriations a number of tax cuts. Most significantly, the bill permanently repealed three taxes meant to fund the Affordable Care Act, including the Cadillac tax that economists agree would have slowed health care cost growth and significantly reduced deficits over the long term. The legislation also revived a series of temporary special-interest zombie tax breaks, most of which had been expired for two years.

You are deranged.
Yea exactly, the only time worse was the great depression moron.

I guess you are just 16 years old and not alive in 2009. Because anybody alive then knows how bad the economy was after Bush destroyed it.

Your argument is a joke and a fail.

Get back to us when a republican can actually have a presidential term where they don't crash the economy and give us trillions in debt. because it hasn't happened in like 100 years

Yea exactly, the only time worse was the great depression moron.

When you said "ever", you forgot about the Great Depression? You fucking idiot!

There were many recessions before the Great Depression that were deeper and
lasted longer than the 2007-2009 recession.

The $4.7 trillion of debt signed into law by President Trump is on top of the current $17.2 trillion debt held by the public and the $9.2 trillion we were already expected to borrow over the next decade absent these proposals.

You don't have any math that shows Trump added $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending?
Yea exactly, the only time worse was the great depression moron.

When you said "ever", you forgot about the Great Depression? You fucking idiot!

There were many recessions before the Great Depression that were deeper and
lasted longer than the 2007-2009 recession.
What is it about the numbers that you refuse to grasp?

I grasp that the Republican Congress forced Obama to spend less than he wanted.

I can still hear him whining about it.

You saying Obama deserves credit for those spending restrictions reminds me of
Obama fighting as hard as he could against domestic energy and then bragging
about all the new domestic oil and gas production.

Trump spending inflationary and bad. Biden spending not inflationary and good.


And you think you are any different than the Trump simps. No, Banker, you are identical except you shill for the other side. It is always telling when a left or right winger points at the other side and bitches about supporting the exact same things they support.
It is amazing how similar the partisan fanatics of the duopoly are. Yet they’re blind to it.
I grasp that the Republican Congress forced Obama to spend less than he wanted.

I can still hear him whining about it.

You saying Obama deserves credit for those spending restrictions reminds me of
Obama fighting as hard as he could against domestic energy and then bragging
about all the new domestic oil and gas production.

If a Republican congress was the difference, what happened from 2002 to 2006?
You don't have any math that shows Trump added $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending?
Thats your response.

I posted a factual research piece that proved Trump spendt $4.7T and added it to the debt.

Here ya go retard, you lose again:

The $4.7 trillion of debt signed into law by President Trump is on top of the current $17.2 trillion debt held by the public and the $9.2 trillion we were already expected to borrow over the next decade absent these proposals.

You are deranged.
I post facts.
These facts scare you because they destroy your fake reality.

Trump spent wildly before covid. He added $4.7T to the deficit

The $4.7 trillion of debt signed into law by President Trump is on top of the current $17.2 trillion debt held by the public and the $9.2 trillion we were already expected to borrow over the next decade absent these proposals.
If no democrats voted for wouldn't have passed the senate.
Republicans controled the Senate, here's the votes:

You are completely delusional about the massive amount of debt and spending the Republicans had.

Republicans own this debt, their policies caused it. And let's not forget Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget and he left office with trillion dollar deficits, the economy in ruin, and the balanced budget destroyed.

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