Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

Biden gave away more than that to a crooked regime in Ukraine. The only time lefties complain about the debit is when republicans are in charge.
Thats your response.

I posted a factual research piece that proved Trump spendt $4.7T and added it to the debt.

Here ya go retard, you lose again:

The $4.7 trillion of debt signed into law by President Trump is on top of the current $17.2 trillion debt held by the public and the $9.2 trillion we were already expected to borrow over the next decade absent these proposals.

That's my response to your failure to show that Trump added $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending. Pre-covid would be 2019 and know, because you're an idiot.

Try again?
That's my response to your failure to show that Trump added $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending. Pre-covid would be 2019 and know, because you're an idiot.

Try again?
I guess you can't read seeing how I showed that he did just that in the data I posted.

Something is serious wrong with you. You were dropped on your head way too much, or you ate lead paint.
Your link didn't prove he added $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending.

PS your link said debt, not pre-covid spending. Moron.
oh I forgot you are too stupid to read.
thanks for playing you lose again.

Enjoy the Trump debt, he gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, and he also added trillions out to 2029. Trump added $4.7T to the deficit pre-covid.

Republicans own this debt, they caused it. And lets not talk about how Bush destroyed the country.
Trump was the king of debt, deficits, fake money, FED stimulus, and handouts. Trump oversaw the largest increase in US debt, deficits, and FED balance sheet increase in US history. Trump policy created the housing bubble, and Trump policy handed $trillions to people.
Trump did this before covid, in 2017 he passed the $5 Trillion stimulus bill that greatly added to our deficits and hand outs. Trump continued this all through out his presidency.
Trump was the handout president, and the debt president, and the deficit president, and the FED fake money printing president.

AND every step of the way Trump begged the FED and Congress for more money.

In 2017, Trump borrowed $ 4.7 trillion to pay for his massive tax cut act
In 2019, Trump borrowed Trillions to and ramped up deficits to pay for all of his new spending bills.
In 2019, Trump attacked Jay Powell for not cutting rates enough and begged for more stimulus:

Trump tweeted, “The Federal Reserve is derelict in its duties if it doesn’t lower the Rate and even, ideally, stimulate.”

In Oct 2019, the FED instituted QE again, because Trump's economy was so weak he needed even more stimulus.
In 2020 Trump broke the bank and borrowed $ trillions to give handouts to all his buddies and caused the housing bubble.

Trump's policy gave us these massive deficts, massive FED fake money balance sheet inc, and massive fake money handouts.

This all happened both before and after covid. Covid is not an excuse at all.
Biden has lowered the annual deficit from the $3T he inherited form Trump and Biden has paid for his spending by other cuts and tax increases on the ultra-wealthy.

Trump policy caused this inflation, Trump policy caused these deficits, and Trump policy caused the biggest FED balance sheet inc in US history, yet all the republicans try to spin and lie to blame Biden.
Is this a parody post?
No, I want you to post how you tried to deduct THE ENTIRE TARP authorization from the FY2009 expenditures number, you cowardly innumerate hypocrite.

Nod, Todd.

I wanted to deduct TARP loans, that were going to be repaid, from
Obama's starting point. I also wanted to deduct the FY 2009
spending that Obama added to the delayed spending bills.

And, of course, the slush fund...err..ARRA spending.

To say the 2009 FY spending was an honest starting point to
measure Obama's budget hawkery is just plain dishonest.

Feel free to come up with a more honest adjustment than mine.
oh I forgot you are too stupid to read.
thanks for playing you lose again.

Enjoy the Trump debt, he gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, and he also added trillions out to 2029. Trump added $4.7T to the deficit pre-covid.

Republicans own this debt, they caused it. And lets not talk about how Bush destroyed the country.
What part was Trump versus Congress. Do tell please. Show the numbers. Trump admittedly spent a ton on the military. Did he spend $4.7trn? Please link it.
oh I forgot you are too stupid to read.
thanks for playing you lose again.

Enjoy the Trump debt, he gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, and he also added trillions out to 2029. Trump added $4.7T to the deficit pre-covid.

Republicans own this debt, they caused it. And lets not talk about how Bush destroyed the country.

Enjoy the Trump debt, he gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years,

He didn't add $4.7 trillion in pre-covid spending? DURR

Trump added $4.7T to the deficit pre-covid.

Wait, you confused spending with deficit? Where do you work, the blood bank?
No, the sperm bank. You're as dumb as a fern. You work at a seed bank! Idiot!

Now get out your calculator and prove he added $4.7T to the deficit pre-covid.

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