Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

That's not remotely true.
They have reconciliation votes for spending bills, go look that up. Look it up.
Thats what the republicans used to pass their mega spending bills.
They own this debt they caused it
And lets not forget, Bush started with a balanced budget and ended with trillion dollar deficits, and the economy in ruin.

What a joke comment you made when you don't even know how the government works. We've been over this how many times? You are a retard...
I thought you said everything is Hunky-Dory and looking just fine for the past 3 years..

as we're in a mild recession possibly headed for a depression.
Trump and bush fucked up the debt and deficit so badly it doesn't even matter how much Biden adds, he will never be as bad as those 2 failures.
Wow, you're such a stupid partisan shithead. "Oh! They did it too!".

Fuckin' idiot.
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Trump was the king of debt, deficits, fake money, FED stimulus, and handouts. Trump oversaw the largest increase in US debt, deficits, and FED balance sheet increase in US history. Trump policy created the housing bubble, and Trump policy handed $trillions to people.
Trump did this before covid, in 2017 he passed the $5 Trillion stimulus bill that greatly added to our deficits and hand outs. Trump continued this all through out his presidency.
Trump was the handout president, and the debt president, and the deficit president, and the FED fake money printing president.

AND every step of the way Trump begged the FED and Congress for more money.

In 2017, Trump borrowed $ 4.7 trillion to pay for his massive tax cut act
In 2019, Trump borrowed Trillions to and ramped up deficits to pay for all of his new spending bills.
In 2019, Trump attacked Jay Powell for not cutting rates enough and begged for more stimulus:

Trump tweeted, “The Federal Reserve is derelict in its duties if it doesn’t lower the Rate and even, ideally, stimulate.”

In Oct 2019, the FED instituted QE again, because Trump's economy was so weak he needed even more stimulus.
In 2020 Trump broke the bank and borrowed $ trillions to give handouts to all his buddies and caused the housing bubble.

Trump's policy gave us these massive deficts, massive FED fake money balance sheet inc, and massive fake money handouts.

This all happened both before and after covid. Covid is not an excuse at all.
Biden has lowered the annual deficit from the $3T he inherited form Trump and Biden has paid for his spending by other cuts and tax increases on the ultra-wealthy.

Trump policy caused this inflation, Trump policy caused these deficits, and Trump policy caused the biggest FED balance sheet inc in US history, yet all the republicans try to spin and lie to blame Biden.

DeSantis says Trump’s spending ‘set the stage for the inflation that we have now’​

How come when I said it Republicans here called me stupid?
Actually it was Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden that got the inflation to where it is today.

This is what your second favorite candidate is saying about Trump. How come he didn't blame it on Carter like you?

He owes it to you to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have now,” DeSantis said.
I guess the $10 trillion Obama added didn't matter either.

Is that because he was black?

If Biden adds more debt than Trump, despite his awesome economy, will that be bad?
you've already been schooled on this repeatedly

Obama inherited the Bush Crash, he inherited the trillion dollar deficits. BUT he got the deficit down to $500B by the end.

Republicans cause the deficit and thus the debt, democrats consistently lowere the deficits and have been lowering deficits for 30+ years.

The republicans own this debt, they caused it
This is what your second favorite candidate is saying about Trump. How come he didn't blame it on Carter like you?

He owes it to you to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have now,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis said it best in the debate last night

Trump blew up the deficit aded $7+T, and caused the inflation we have now. DeSantis told the truth for once and said Trump debt caused this inflation.
This is what your second favorite candidate is saying about Trump. How come he didn't blame it on Carter like you?

He owes it to you to defend his record, where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have now,” DeSantis said.
Silly Boo Boo

The inflation we have now was not caused by Carter. Carter caused the inflation then, but Reagan mitigated that.

No, the inflation we have now was caused by Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden.
deficit is much much more important than debt.
Deficit tells you where the debt is going. Debt is highly misleading because if you inherit no annual deficit (like Bush did), then pass massive spending bills and leave office with a trillion dollar deficit, you fucked up massively, like Bush did...
In the 21st century the republicans have done nothing but:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.
I have had this discussion with my conservative friends already. When Trump spent money, it was just cause he needed to. When Biden does it he is buying votes. Simple.
In other words, actually helping people.

I know that looks like Black magic, to right wingers.
Your silly ranting and trolling are not worth the time of a response.

There is nothing factual you can say at all.

The GOP record is a total disgrace and they have destroyed America with their failure. If you voted for Bush and Trump, you have blood and debt and deficit on your hands, you have destroyed America.

In the 21st Century the republicans have been a total failure with:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
Massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.

Republicans went from having a balanced budget in 2000, to having $3T/yr deficits at the end of Trump's presidency. With both Bush and Trump directly responsible for those increases

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