Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

yup Bush's deficits got bigger almost every year

Almost? For how many years did they get smaller?

maybe 1 year in his failed 8 year presidency had a minorly lower deficit than previous.

Minorly? Is that how real bankers discuss money?
What was the percentage drop from his peak deficit to his lowest later deficit?

Compare that to Obama who inherited the big Bush $1T/yr deficit and lowered it almost every year of his presidency.

Did Obama lower it more when the demtwats controlled the entire government, or
when the Republicans held the House?

What a bunch of childish stupidity.

Everytime I destroy you you have to revert to childishness, because there is nothing you can say. You certainly can't refute any of the facts I post.

The records of Bush and Trump are a terrible failure, substantially worse than any democrat maybe ever. You people look stupid AF, like when you played dress up at the Capitol and went bat shit crazy and attacked and beat cops.
I post facts, you post memes because you can't debate the facts, like a punk

Your surrender has been noted.

What a bunch of childish stupidity.

Everytime I destroy you you have to revert to childishness, because there is nothing you can say. You certainly can't refute any of the facts I post.

The records of Bush and Trump are a terrible failure, substantially worse than any democrat maybe ever. You people look stupid AF, like when you played dress up at the Capitol and went bat shit crazy and attacked and beat cops.

No answers?
Don't worry, even before you ran away like a little pussy, no one believed you were a banker.
No answers?
Don't worry, even before you ran away like a little pussy, no one believed you were a banker.
What can you even say anymore? After GW Bush crashed the economy, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars, and turned a balanced budget into a Trillion dollar deficit, and then Obama lowered that trillion dollar deficit down to $500B/yr, and then Trump blew it back up to an illogical $3 fuckin Trillion, after adding $4.7T to the debt before 2020.
What the fuck can you even say anymore??

There is nothing you can say to respond or refute or excuse what i just said, and you trash Republicans have American blood on your hands. Enjoy it loser.
What can you even say anymore? After GW Bush crashed the economy, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars, and turned a balanced budget into a Trillion dollar deficit, and then Obama lowered that trillion dollar deficit down to $500B/yr, and then Trump blew it back up to an illogical $3 fuckin Trillion, after adding $4.7T to the debt before 2020.
What the fuck can you even say anymore??

There is nothing you can say to respond or refute or excuse what i just said, and you trash Republicans have American blood on your hands. Enjoy it loser.

Run, Forrest, run!!!
$10 trillion doesn't count 'cause he's black!
Thats all you got and its nothing after Bush caused all that debt by ramping up a $1T/yr deficit

I love how the rpeublican record of total failure makes you squirm. I know you hate seeing it.
Its a reminder that the republicans have been a complete and total failure.

balanced budgets to $3T deficits, republican policy right there.
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Thats all you got and its nothing after Bush caused all that debt by ramping up a $1T/yr deficit

I love how the rpeublican record of total failure makes you squirm. I know you hate seeing it.
Its a reminder that the republicans have been a complete and total failure.

balanced budgets to $3T deficits.

You amaze me at how much bull**** you can pack in so few lines.
yea exactly, you have nothing.

The GOP record of total failure and debt indefensible, and there is nothing you can say...

We got plenty including the house right now.

You jerks are so lucky the NRC can't tie it's shoe laces. If they ever get their act together, you'll be moving to Mexico so you can continue to B.S. people who might believe you.
What can you even say anymore?

About what ?

The fact that groceries are still 25% higher today than a year ago. It does not matter that inflation is "coming down". It's still high and the damage is done. We can't say anything more than that. You try to buy a house lately ? No. Because you'd know interest rates have doubled and are not coming down. 70% of America is struggling and you still have your head up Joe Biden's ass.

After GW Bush crashed the economy,

The economy crashed after 9/11. What was you question ?

started 2 failed and mis-managed wars,

With the help of most democrats who were for the wars before they were against them. Bush was no conservative. We all knew that then. Where the hell have you been ?
turned a balanced budget into a Trillion dollar deficit

Yep, it was balanced....mostly thanks to Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton working together. Bush really effed it all up.
and then Obama lowered that trillion dollar deficit down to $500B/yr

Bush averaged 300 Billion per year.

Obama's first year we were 1.5 trillion.

His second...... 1.3 trillion

His third 1.3 trillion

His fourth......1.1 trillion.

So his average was what.

You are so full of ****

Trump's first year was 80 billion more than Obama's last year. 665 vs 585.

Trump's second year......779

His third year was over 9000

His last year, everyone knows, was COVID... that was his 3.1 trillion.

So we again see that you lie through your oversized ignorant ass.

What the fuck can you even say anymore??

That you are so full of **** we call you "brown eyes". So go ahead liar....dispute any of that. Obama drug out the recovery from the 2008 crash. One of the slowest recoveries ever.

Biden was 2.7 triillion first year.

Biden was over 1.5 trillion his second

Biden is on course for 2 trillion plus this year.

6.2 in three years vs 4.7 for Trumps 4 years including the worst of COVID.

Keep lying....nobody listens to you anymore. They all know you live in your mother's basement with your Biden Blowup doll. You are pathetic.
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The records of Bush and Trump are a terrible failure, substantially worse than any democrat maybe ever. You people look stupid AF, like when you played dress up at the Capitol and went bat shit crazy and attacked and beat cops.

If we compare them, like I just did.....Bush, who was a total jerk and incompetent, looks like Albert Einstein next to Biden.

I just posted the numbers because you can't help but lie about them.

Thats all you got and its nothing after Bush caused all that debt by ramping up a $1T/yr deficit

I love how the rpeublican record of total failure makes you squirm. I know you hate seeing it.
Its a reminder that the republicans have been a complete and total failure.

balanced budgets to $3T deficits, republican policy right there.

All I got?
$10 trillion not enough?
Run, Forrest, run!
What can you even say anymore? After GW Bush crashed the economy, started 2 failed and mis-managed wars, and turned a balanced budget into a Trillion dollar deficit, and then Obama lowered that trillion dollar deficit down to $500B/yr, and then Trump blew it back up to an illogical $3 fuckin Trillion, after adding $4.7T to the debt before 2020.
What the fuck can you even say anymore??

There is nothing you can say to respond or refute or excuse what i just said, and you trash Republicans have American blood on your hands. Enjoy it loser.
Compare that to Obama who inherited the big Bush $1T/yr deficit and lowered it almost every year of his presidency.

It was Obama's deficit. Not Bush's. If it's on your own it. Otherwise, you don't get to hand trump the COVID deficit. You don't get it both ways.

Obama's first four years showed deficits of over 1 trillion. 1st time ever we saw anything over 1 trillion.

Biden is now running on year 3 of over 1 trillion. Trump had 1 year above a trillion.

Bush's deficits got bigger almost every year, maybe 1 year in his failed 8 year presidency had a minorly lower deficit than previous.

Pretty sure they were lower for three years in row. I'll check.


2005 lower than 2004
2006 lower than 2005
2007 lower than 2006 (and 2007 was about 1/3 of 2004) so it was not marginal.

My goodness you are full of ****.

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