Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

I have had this discussion with my conservative friends already. When Trump spent money, it was just cause he needed to. When Biden does it he is buying votes. Simple.
You are full of crap. When a rep is in they have to spend fix everything leftist scum ruined
From a locked thread by The Banker ....guess the mods got tired of his lying....

Meanwhile Biden is presiding over a massive interest rate inc, a massive FED tightening and FED balance sheet reduction, and the annual deficit has dropped from the massive $3+T/yr in 2020, down to $1.3T/yr in 2022.

Yep.....Bidenomics has given us huge inflation. 2020 was the big Covid hit and it belongs to Trump because he was president.

Biden didn't drop the deficit much in 2021......2.5 trillion.

And he's on track to be hit 2 trillion again this year. (We are already above 1.5 trillion).

So, he's been three years above 1 trillion. 2 above 2 trillion.

His total deficit is 6.2 trillion vs Trumps total of 4.7 trillion which includes COVID.

Your lies just keep damning your stupid arguments.

Been to the grocery store lately. Unless Mass has gone totally socialist, prices are 20% higher. Try eating that.

Pretty sure they were lower for three years in row. I'll check.


2005 lower than 2004
2006 lower than 2005
2007 lower than 2006 (and 2007 was about 1/3 of 2004) so it was not marginal.

He cleans the toilets at the bank, you can't expect him to understand math.
you are scared and you surrendered like a bitch

I have posted fact after fact
You post memes.
Do you even realize you look weak and incompetent.
You started a fight and you got beat badly

GO post more memes and keep looking stupid.
From a locked thread by The Banker ....guess the mods got tired of his lying....

Meanwhile Biden is presiding over a massive interest rate inc, a massive FED tightening and FED balance sheet reduction, and the annual deficit has dropped from the massive $3+T/yr in 2020, down to $1.3T/yr in 2022.

Yep.....Bidenomics has given us huge inflation. 2020 was the big Covid hit and it belongs to Trump because he was president.

Biden didn't drop the deficit much in 2021......2.5 trillion.

And he's on track to be hit 2 trillion again this year. (We are already above 1.5 trillion).

So, he's been three years above 1 trillion. 2 above 2 trillion.

His total deficit is 6.2 trillion vs Trumps total of 4.7 trillion which includes COVID.

Your lies just keep damning your stupid arguments.

Been to the grocery store lately. Unless Mass has gone totally socialist, prices are 20% higher. Try eating that.



Mega Triggered !
record triggered !!


In the 21st Century the republicans have been a total failure with:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
Massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.

Republicans went from having a balanced budget in 2000, to having $3T/yr deficits at the end of Trump's presidency. With both Bush and Trump directly responsible for those increases
All I got?
$10 trillion not enough?
Run, Forrest, run!
We are still waiting for you to do something and post something of merit, which you can;t do.

In the 21st Century the republicans have been a total failure with:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
Massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.

Republicans went from having a balanced budget in 2000, to having $3T/yr deficits at the end of Trump's presidency. With both Bush and Trump directly responsible for those increases
you are scared and you surrendered like a bitch

I have posted fact after fact
You post memes.
Do you even realize you look weak and incompetent.
You started a fight and you got beat badly

GO post more memes and keep looking stupid.

I have posted fact after fact

You have posted lie after lie.
We are still waiting for you to do something and post something of merit, which you can;t do.

In the 21st Century the republicans have been a total failure with:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
Massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.

Republicans went from having a balanced budget in 2000, to having $3T/yr deficits at the end of Trump's presidency. With both Bush and Trump directly responsible for those increases

There are some fact here. The rest is just opinion.

Trump has a 3 Trillion deficit in 2020. Fact. His previous 3 years were added in, his total hit 4.7 trillion.

That is a fact.

Biden is on course to hit 6.2 Trillion at the end of this year. In effect 1.5 trillion more than Trump in one years less time.

Those are your facts.

That you can't help but jizz all over your screen when you post your other blatherings isn't our concern.
We are still waiting for you to do something and post something of merit, which you can;t do.

In the 21st Century the republicans have been a total failure with:

Failed mis-managed wars that cost trillions
Massive spending and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy that ballooned the balanced budget that we had to begin the century
2 Recessions, one of them a world beater that occurred 7 years into the presidents term
A failed response to a health crisis where the US had world record cases and deaths
One president that turned a balanced budget into $1T/yr deficit
Another president that turned a lowered $500B/yr deficit into a $3T/yr deficit
An insurrection at the Capitol based on total lies.
EXCUSES for all this failure

In the 21st century Democrats have done nothing but:
Fix Bush's mega mess
Fix Trump's mega mess
Lower the deficit from the insanely high level that they inherited from their predecessor
Created millions upon millions upon millions of jobs.

Republicans went from having a balanced budget in 2000, to having $3T/yr deficits at the end of Trump's presidency. With both Bush and Trump directly responsible for those increases

$10 trillion has no merit?
Weakest recovery in history has no merit?

How much is Biden going to borrow this year?
More than last year?
Is Biden going to add more debt than Trump?
Could be close.
Covid is over, why isn't Biden back to pre-covid spending levels?
Covid is over, why isn't Biden back to pre-covid deficit levels?
EXCUSES for all this failure

We are just posting the numbers. You said Bush might have had 1 year where he lowered the deficit.

He had 3. Bush was never close to Obama in terms of his deficits. The graphs and numbers don't lie.

Obama was a loser to the tune of almost 9 trillion. His first four years he was over 1 Trillion.

Great job.

Those are the FACTS.
Trumps Tax cut for the rich is self serving and his overall move for tax changes is the reason the economy is where its at currently.

corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. Corporations already had some breaks and loopholes but now they just have another. Trump has various corporations. Win for him. Granted those lawyer fees are being paid by the money he is saving.

Then you look at his overvaluing his properties for better loan deals and then undervaluing his properties for additional tax breaks.

How has that help the average American.? Have prices gone down. The rich get richer.

The domino scenario- When economy is not doing well , corporate taxes paid will be less than if the economy was doing well

Government income from corporations have fallen as they are making less money now.

Trump now has plenty of money to pay for lawyers based on his illegal actions.

The tax overhaul that Trump did will increase the national debt for years and pay for his lawyers for years to come.

He gets the tax break and can manipulate how much taxes he pays and overestimate his properties for loans.

Corporate greed and he has not had enough and wants more.
Trumps Tax cut for the rich is self serving and his overall move for tax changes is the reason the economy is where its at currently.

corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. Corporations already had some breaks and loopholes but now they just have another. Trump has various corporations. Win for him. Granted those lawyer fees are being paid by the money he is saving.

Then you look at his overvaluing his properties for better loan deals and then undervaluing his properties for additional tax breaks.

How has that help the average American.? Have prices gone down.

The domino scenario- When economy is not doing well , corporate taxes paid will be less than if the economy was doing well

Government income from corporations have fallen as they are making less money now .

Trump now has plenty of money to pay for lawyers based on his illegal actions.

The tax overhaul that Trump did will increase the national debt for years.

He gets the tax break and can manipulate how much taxes he pays and overestimate his properties for loans.

Corporate greed and he has not had enough and wants more.

Trumps Tax cut for the rich is self serving and his overall move for tax changes is the reason the economy is where its at currently.

Trump cut taxes for almost everybody.
Maybe not rich people in blue states though.

The tax overhaul that Trump did will increase the national debt for years.

Dems had control of the House and Senate for 2 years, why didn't they reverse it?
We are still waiting for you to do something and post something of merit, which you can;t do.

Did it numerous times with the data you won't share becasue it shows you to be a liar.

And this post of yours does too.

You need to see someone, you are pathologically screwed up.
Trumps Tax cut for the rich is self serving and his overall move for tax changes is the reason the economy is where its at currently.

Trump cut taxes for almost everybody.
Maybe not rich people in blue states though.

The tax overhaul that Trump did will increase the national debt for years.

Dems had control of the House and Senate for 2 years, why didn't they reverse it?
It still benefits him more than the average Joe. Obviously he can cut taxes just on the rich, AS he must do it for all. The results are still the same.

Raising and lower taxes based on change in senate and presidency would create a yo- yo scenario with no continuity. Also cutting more taxes would make the situation worsen. Raising taxes then repubs would blame demos?
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corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. Corporations already had some breaks and loopholes but now they just have another. Trump has various corporations. Win for him. Granted those lawyer fees are being paid by the money he is saving.
Specifically, please. What is the source of every dime paid in taxes by a corporation?
Specifically, please. What is the source of every dime paid in taxes by a corporation?
The point is how much revenue that corporations pay in taxes. corporate taxes was cut from 35% to 21%. So obviously that is less revenue for the government. Then you have federal debt that is rising. Less money coming in and more money being spent.

Currently the federal debt is rising. Is it really that hard to see that if corporate taxes was cut then that is less revenue for the government. Sure you can say spending increased also but less revenue is also a factor.

Now you factor in the Covid 19 issues which increases spending by the government

Now you now have potential government shutdown as they fight over the budget that Trump left behind.


So if national debt is rising, how smart is it to give corporate tax breaks which obviously will increase debt as there is less income coming in. Corporate income is still only a percentage of income for the government. Guess who benefits from this. Trump family and Donald's lawyers as well as people he has paid off.

The last drop on the chart before it flat lines is the tax break initiated by Trump. For 20 years it was steady.

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It still benefits him more than the average Joe. Obviously he can cut taxes just on the rich, AS he must do it for all. The results are still the same.

Raising and lower taxes based on change in senate and presidency would create a yo- yo scenario with no continuity. Also cutting more taxes would make the situation worsen. Raising taxes then repubs would blame demos?

Of course, people who paid more taxes got a bigger benefit.

Also cutting more taxes would make the situation worsen.
Would make what situation worse?

Raising taxes then repubs would blame demos?

I'd blame anyone who raised taxes.

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