Trump Promises More Water for California

Donald Trump made a bizarre pitch to California voters, promising to fill the state’s canals with enough water to dampen forests to prevent wildfires.

Said Trump: “All the currently dry canals will be brimming and used to irrigate everything including your own homes and bathrooms and everything—you’re going to be happy and I’m going to get it done fast.”

He added: “They say that there’s so much water up north that I want to have the overflow areas go into your forests and dampen your forests because if you dampen your forests you’re not going to have these forest fires that are burning at levels that nobody’s ever seen before.”

And you know he is going to get it done. Dems, be afraid...very very afraid. I am sure Mexico will be happy to foot the bill like for the wall.

Why doesn't he just shoot down the Jewish space laser!!!!
This is the same Trump that promised to zero out the national debt in 8 years and increased the debt $8 trillion in 4 years.
And he promises to build big beautiful new cities. Complete with rainbow farting unicorns and great jobs.
All the while sticking up for the unions and people making $60hr to watch their machine do all the work.
Just stop, his proposal is doable California already studied it. The only thing preventing you or Trump from fixing the problem is out of control environmentalist. That's on you people. You can't blame Republicans Dems run the entire show out there on the west coast, California, Oregon and Washington.
It's good to hear hs proposal is doable. how about a link to his proposal?
I believe he is addressing the lack of infrastructure in California to store water. After years of drought conditions they had an enormous amount of precipitation this past year and most of it ran straight into the ocean.

Here in Las Vegas, Lake Mead actually rose several feet for the first time in like 20 years.
In the 70s, California shut off water distribution to hundreds of farms, orchards and ranches. The purpose of the shut off was to protect the snail darter fish. Various groups have been trying to get the water back ever since.
Dude that California proposal was literally 30+ years ago, Trump has obviously been briefed on it and is looking into this. Don't be a douche, give the guy credit for discussing an actual, doable solution Dems themselves proposed.
I will be happy to give him credit for discussing anything, as soon as you give a link to him actually discussing it. Just because there has been a plan doesn't mean he intends to use that particular one.
Trump got in the way of CA State water plan before. It was a plan supported by (guess who)

What makes him think he can do it again?
I will be happy to give him credit for discussing anything, as soon as you give a link to him actually discussing it. Just because there has been a plan doesn't mean he intends to use that particular one.
Stop trolling. Where's that thread asking if we can have an intelligent discussion between the left and the right, here's evidence it's not possible.
Trump had an infrastructure plan the last time he was elected...

Let's get it.. Trump failed to deliver... Much like his business, he all hat and no cattle...

Biden has another year to go and he has already passed him...

And Obama opens his hole

Trump in Infrastructure is a proven looser
In the 70s, California shut off water distribution to hundreds of farms, orchards and ranches. The purpose of the shut off was to protect the snail darter fish. Various groups have been trying to get the water back ever since.
Correct, the environmentalists have wrecked all three states. The Clintons and the environmentalists virtually destroyed the timber industry out here. They didn't save 1 tree, the entire industry was gifted to Canada who was only too happy to cut down their trees. This decimated local economies across western states.

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