Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

Convention against Torture

Signed by US in 1988. Ratified in 1994.

Did the North Vietnamese sign off on that document? Has ISIS signed off on that document? Has North Korea signed off on it?
And now this maniac is arguing we should be like North Korea and North Vietnam!

By the way, there is no North Vietnam, dummy.

And no, North Korea did not sign it.
Typical leftie nit picking and selective quotes. Trump's reply was prompted by a deliberately provocative question by the former Clinton chief of staff who pretends to be a journalist, George Stefanopolis, who proposed a scenario where America would be facing a nuclear attack or a dirty bomb. Sanders would probably surrender, Hillary would call in sick and Obama would blame Bush but Trump would try to prevent it using every tool available. it's a journalist's fault.......Who didn't see THIS coming? :lol:
Only a pussy thinks water boarding is torture...
You would take less than two minutes.

Not torture? Hmm, I'm sure American soldiers subjected to it in the future will be very pleased to know that.

Most of the time, American soldiers have undergone far more severe forms of torture than mere waterboarding. John McCain cannot raise his arms over his head today.

So, what's the problem? You approve of torture.

I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.

Where is the evidence that torturing helps you win? The Nazis and the Japanese tortured. Did that help them win?
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
You would take less than two minutes.

Not torture? Hmm, I'm sure American soldiers subjected to it in the future will be very pleased to know that.

Most of the time, American soldiers have undergone far more severe forms of torture than mere waterboarding. John McCain cannot raise his arms over his head today.

So, what's the problem? You approve of torture.

I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.

Where is the evidence that torturing helps you win? The Nazis and the Japanese tortured. Did that help them win?

Depends on what the definition of is... Is
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter. Defending a country that does not believe in torture.
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!
And Cruz promised to bomb oil tankers. I'm sure the coastal nations will appreciate that.

You do realize he was talking about trucks, not ships. Right?

ISIS doesn't have oil tanker ships.

Oh, shut up! ISIS is landlocked! Get a freaking map!
You would take less than two minutes.

Not torture? Hmm, I'm sure American soldiers subjected to it in the future will be very pleased to know that.

Most of the time, American soldiers have undergone far more severe forms of torture than mere waterboarding. John McCain cannot raise his arms over his head today.

So, what's the problem? You approve of torture.

I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.

Where is the evidence that torturing helps you win? The Nazis and the Japanese tortured. Did that help them win?

No but it was because we had American patriots fighting for our cause and not a bunch of cowards.
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

A lot of YEARS? Where was this? World War II only lasted for four years.
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
It's an expression we used in the military, idiot.
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?

He may have seen action in the Chicago ghetto.
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!

They're beheading women and children. Castrating men in public. Setting people on fire with gasoline. Stoning Christians.
Fuck yeah! For starters..... have no interest in using torture for anything else besides inflicting pain for the sake of inflicting pain. 'MURICA!
That's all it is. That it is about obtaining information is a lie they tell themselves.
Many of them don't even bother to lie's right up there for all to see now. We want to torture to induce pain. 'MURICA! :salute:
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

A lot of YEARS? Where was this? World War II only lasted for four years.
Yeah. The last war we fought in was WWII...

You just get dumber and dumber. Senility is really kicking in. May I recommend Aricept?
For the purposes of this Convention, the term "torture" means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.

Convention against Torture

Signed by US in 1988. Ratified in 1994.

Did the North Vietnamese sign off on that document? Has ISIS signed off on that document? Has North Korea signed off on it?
Ergo...let's be like them, right?
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!

Trust me, the whole world is not against you leftists in this country who are Islam kowtowing, Israel despising, open border welcoming, abortion and gay marriage loving, militarily cowards more worried about torturing a terrorist than about protecting us citizens from terrorism. It is those right wing Christians in this country who are on opposite opinions of everything you people stand for who the whole world is against. Trump's words will have no effect either way.
So, chalk you up for supporting America the Torturer.
Yes, chalk me up.

Of course we would not dare align any misgivings with your holy garments. You are unblemished.

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