Trump promises much worse than water boarding...torture?

I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
It's an expression we used in the military, idiot.
I'm surprised he doesn't know that. I was Navy and while it's not used so much by us, it's a familiar phrase.
Torture shouldn't be only to get information. It should be done to make an example of what happens to enemies.

Should we show the video (of us torturing someone) only on the Net? Or include tV? Cable only? And who gets the rights and royalties.

Ah the problems to manage when you use torture as a teaching aid.

But I am sure you will get a ready audience of tRump supporters. Its a program that will be HUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!

Will tRump be making a personal appearence while the torture is LIVE!
Maybe he (trump) can handle a torch. this programs gonna be HOtHOtHOt.
All of the psychos' arguments have been destroyed. They want to torture for the sake of torture. Not for any gain of intelligence. It's just a bestial instinct to be as much of an animal as the Nazis or terrorists or North Koreans. This is their actual goal! They actually COMPLAIN they can't be Nazis or terrorists or North Koreans.

Holy shit!
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
It's an expression we used in the military, idiot.

I wasn't in there for YEARS like you were but I never heard the expression. I went in in 65 and got out in 68. I was hit in June of 66.
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
It's an expression we used in the military, idiot.

No. I was in the military. I heard it used by those who couldn't be in the military because they wet the bed.
The Nazis at Fox News invented the "no physical harm" criteria for torture. It's a crock of shit you parrots picked up without even knowing it has nothing to do with international law.

Hey numb-nutz - suggestion... you keep siding with filthy Muslims and the enemy, you might be experiencing waterboarding yourself. Then you'll truly be able to post as one with experience. LOL!
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
You'd rather have torturer's covering your back. Gotcha. What a fine upstanding christian-y American you are.

Not torture? Hmm, I'm sure American soldiers subjected to it in the future will be very pleased to know that.

Most of the time, American soldiers have undergone far more severe forms of torture than mere waterboarding. John McCain cannot raise his arms over his head today.

So, what's the problem? You approve of torture.

I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.

Where is the evidence that torturing helps you win? The Nazis and the Japanese tortured. Did that help them win?

No but it was because we had American patriots fighting for our cause and not a bunch of cowards.

Interesting that you call today's military a bunch of cowards. Once again, a RWr proving that support of our military is only dependent on when it is politically expedient for them. Otherwise, trash and ignore and insult them.
Not torture? Hmm, I'm sure American soldiers subjected to it in the future will be very pleased to know that.

These psychos have given every enemy permission to torture Americans.
You think if we don't torture them, they won't torture us? Really, you think that? :lol:
When you redefine what torture is, and give permission to waterboard, you increase the chances of our fighting men to be tortured.

Common sense, dumbass.
Trump promises to get the U.S. charged with war crimes as soon as he's POTUS. Get the whole world against us....what a deal!...what a puke!....what a Christian!

Trust me, the whole world is not against you leftists in this country who are Islam kowtowing, Israel despising, open border welcoming, abortion and gay marriage loving, militarily cowards more worried about torturing a terrorist than about protecting us citizens from terrorism. It is those right wing Christians in this country who are on opposite opinions of everything you people stand for who the whole world is against. Trump's words will have no effect either way.
So, chalk you up for supporting America the Torturer.
Yes, chalk me up.

Of course we would not dare align any misgivings with your holy garments. You are unblemished.
I do not have holy garments. I do not believe in torture tho. As an interrogation method it is unreliable at best and as for purposely torturing to inflict pain....that is for the psycho crazies who get off on hurting others. No thank you.
I approve of whatever it takes to win. The military we have faced does not subscribe to the same rules our soldiers are hamstrung by.
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

A lot of YEARS? Where was this? World War II only lasted for four years.
Yeah. The last war we fought in was WWII...

You just get dumber and dumber. Senility is really kicking in. May I recommend Aricept?

Tell us about your YEARS at the tip of the spear.
When you redefine what torture is, and give permission to waterboard, you increase the chances of our fighting men to be tortured.

Common sense, dumbass.

Trump will reinstate waterboarding, that's a fact. He's also going to tell intel to twist their nuts off with steel wool until they talk. Or, pull their fucking teeth out one at a time until they talk, with a red-hot piece of metal shoved up their ass.
Big difference - ?? He's telling intel ... not assholes like you and the media.
Torture shouldn't be only to get information. It should be done to make an example of what happens to enemies.

Should we show the video (of us torturing someone) only on the Net? Or include tV? Cable only? And who gets the rights and royalties.

Ah the problems to manage when you use torture as a teaching aid.

But I am sure you will get a ready audience of tRump supporters. Its a program that will be HUUUUUUUGGGGGEEEEE!!!!!!!

Will tRump be making a personal appearence while the torture is LIVE!
Maybe he (trump) can handle a torch. this programs gonna be HOtHOtHOt.
Pay Per View.....the RW will pay plenty to watch. Maybe they can set up big screens in their churches.
Dunking someone is not torture... It's persuasion
Neither did the Nazis, and we kicked their asses.

You have some seriously flawed thinking.

Let me put it this way. Were I called up yet again to go to battle, I would rather face the enemy soldiers and have my weapon trained upon them than to have to worry about guys like you covering my back.
I spent a lot of years at the tip of the pointy spear, pants shitter.

You were an African missionary?
It's an expression we used in the military, idiot.
I'm surprised he doesn't know that. I was Navy and while it's not used so much by us, it's a familiar phrase.

I wasn't lying safe and secure 500 miles away from the action eating center cut pork chops and rib eyes. I was actually under fire.

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