Trump proposing 20 percent tax on Mexican good, could fund wall


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
His very first real step in the destruction of the America economy.
LOL All that will fund is a trade war that will eventually extend to people in Europe that disagree with the orange clown. And then, we get to see the Dirty Thirties all over again.
Clueless and Clueless both who have no idea how the economy works. Only what MSM tells them. bhahahah
All the Republicans base wanted were high paying jobs that required no education.

Instead, their Social Security is gonna get cut. The price of everything is going to skyrocket from Trade wars. They won't have health care. And they will still be living off food stamps and charity.

Not at all what they expected.

Why? To economists, free trade means the absence of government interference with trade: no tariffs, quotas, subsidies, or other interventions, explicit or implicit. To politicians, “free-trade” means a complex set of managed trade policies (Gardner even referred to the solemn obligation to “write the rules for global trade,” which in his mind is something either our government does or a foreign government does).

Which imports will be taxed, and at what rates? Which exports will be subsidized, and at what levels? How will labor, environmental, and social policies be enforced by domestic and foreign governments? For government officials, countries are engaged in “free trade” when they agree on a complex package of explicit and implicit taxes and subsidies such that neither has a special advantage over the other, nor is disadvantaged relative to some other trading partner (however such advantages are defined).

As Murray Rothbard once wrote, “If authentic free trade ever looms on the policy horizon, there’ll be one sure way to tell. The government/media/big-business complex will oppose it tooth and nail. We’ll see a string of op-eds “warning” about the imminent return of the 19th century. Media pundits and academics will raise all the old canards against the free market, that it’s exploitative and anarchic without government “coordination.” The establishment would react to instituting true free trade about as enthusiastically as it would to repealing the income tax.”

Free Trade Versus “Free Trade”

Try taking real economic over again maybe you will actually learn somethig then again it's doubtful.
Clueless and Clueless both who have no idea how the economy works. Only what MSM tells them. bhahahah
Well, the last Repub President surely left us in a good economic position, correct? And do you not know the history of the factors that led to the first Great Republican Depression?
His very first real step in the destruction of the Mexican economy.

There I fixed it for you.

And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

We buy WAY more crap from Mexico than they buy from us. They can tariff us all they want, we'll laugh at them. Their economy is in shambles.
Why yes, you did. And that of Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, and, in fact, the whole world. That is what happened after 1929. The orange clown definitely is trying to put us down that path.
Clueless and Clueless both who have no idea how the economy works. Only what MSM tells them. bhahahah
Well, the last Repub President surely left us in a good economic position, correct? And do you not know the history of the factors that led to the first Great Republican Depression?
Are you referring to the Globalist who let all the Mexicans IN?
His very first real step in the destruction of the America economy.

Once again, you're wrong.

Peso gets smacked after Mexican president cancels meeting in latest international Twitter spat

All Mexico had to do was cancel the fucking meeting and their fucking currency took a huge nose dive. It's fucking MEXICO that will be fucked if they don't cooperate, not us. How many fucking times do we have to tell you that shit? Our dollar is extremely strong, the fucking Peso is like wet tissue paper.

And they wanna try to be the big dog in the room? They never met a man like Trump. He's a business man and knows EXACTLY what he's doing. He's not afraid to do it and doesn't give a shit what anyone else says or thinks.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.
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Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.
View attachment 108916

Trump proposing 20-percent tax on Mexican goods, Could fund wall

Guess that is one way to pay for it, do or die Trump is going to find a way for that wall.
And then Mexico imposes a 20% tax on our goods and takes the money right back.

Face it, American tax payers, and not Mexico, will be paying for that wall.
Do a little research on the US - Mexico trade imbalance and you'll discover how really stupid you are.

You were saying...?
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.

Trade wars spread. Europe has every reason to oppose this method of applying political pressure.

As for the US, Trump's direction has Americans paying higher retail prices to support the wall. Is that what you call brilliant?

Also, this move could change Mexico's work on illegal immigration, drug trafficing to the US, US directed terrorism, etc, and probably makes Mexico more in favor of a TPP led by China.
What part of Businesses will come /here/ are you missing? There's not going to be higher prices if businesses leave Europe and come here to sell to us.

Now I'll give you that businesses moving from Mexico to America will probably have to charge more - after all they pay shit wages in Mexico, but everyone who voted for Trump was welcoming that in the first place so it's not a factor. We'd prefer the American jobs to the savings.
Well, he did say his anaugural speech...."the carnage starts NOW", unquote. LOLOLOLO....this guy is gonna leave this nation, his supporters and the world a hot fuckin mess and we have nobody to blame but rednecks and ignorance!! These bafoons should know that the Mexican imports, effect 90's of the states that overwhelming voted for Trump, duh, especially the fools in the south and mid eastern parts of the country, dumb shits.
Damn how far has America fallen that Mexico's displeasure with us would cause all of Europe to abandon trade with us?

You people are idiots, seriously. No business on the planet gives a single fuck what Mexico blusters about, they want money and if America is buying, which we all know she is, I guarantee you they'll be selling to us.

Fuck yes, let the European governments start that trade war with the US, fucking pile on those tariffs over there, business will be back here in the US faster than you could believe - Trump's a god damned genius. He has the entire world by the balls and they all know it, it's fucking beautiful.

Trade wars spread. Europe has every reason to oppose this method of applying political pressure.

As for the US, Trump's direction has Americans paying higher retail prices to support the wall. Is that what you call brilliant?

Also, this move could change Mexico's work on illegal immigration, drug trafficing to the US, US directed terrorism, etc, and probably makes Mexico more in favor of a TPP led by China.
Exactly, all they have to do is throw their hands up in the air and allow the flow to be massive than what it is. He's really playing with fire and its so Trump....when you haven't a clue on how things work in the real world and you have nothing but yes men at your disposal, you tend to govern like a retarded 2 year old who's parents are afraid to discipline you base on your handicap
Are rednecks aware that its the US business's that pay the actual tarriffs to have those goods brought into this country? And that the increase are passed onto you? Are these idiots aware that Mexico is two stone throws away from our borders and when hatred is created, its very easy to look the other way when real terrorist want to enter via that way? Does the US also know that all the billions they're gonna pay building this so called bs wall, that the money could best be used to enforce our laws here already? I mean, this shit is getting serious folks, the man is insane to the core. Somebody please take this power hunger ingrate's pen away and send him to his room

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