Trump publicly requested Russia to hack the election

Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

You're just a pure fucking LIAR as usual. The quote from your link:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

First, at the time he said that, the hildabitch had already deleted and scrubbed the server with Bleach Bit in spite of them being under subpoena.

Second, given that FACT, Russia would have to already be in possession of them or knew who did. Since they weren't produced I would assume neither was the case, or they were holding them for leverage in case the hildabitch was elected.

In short you can't ask someone to hack something that everyone knew no longer existed, can you?
This narrative only succeeds in demonstrating how DESPERATE snowflakes are and how far they are willing to reach to grab a lifeline, anything to believe in order to refuse to accept their candidate sucked so badly she could not defeat a non-politician in a rigged/fixed election with $1 billion in hand.
Although the Russians did release stolen Democrat emails they could not have rigged/fixed the election without the willing participation of many Americans.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

You're just a pure fucking LIAR as usual. The quote from your link:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

First, at the time he said that, the hildabitch had already deleted and scrubbed the server with Bleach Bit in spite of them being under subpoena.

Second, given that FACT, Russia would have to already be in possession of them or knew who did. Since they weren't produced I would assume neither was the case, or they were holding them for leverage in case the hildabitch was elected.

In short you can't ask someone to hack something that everyone knew no longer existed, can you?
Who can explain how Trump's mind works.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

You're just a pure fucking LIAR as usual. The quote from your link:

“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”

First, at the time he said that, the hildabitch had already deleted and scrubbed the server with Bleach Bit in spite of them being under subpoena.

Second, given that FACT, Russia would have to already be in possession of them or knew who did. Since they weren't produced I would assume neither was the case, or they were holding them for leverage in case the hildabitch was elected.

In short you can't ask someone to hack something that everyone knew no longer existed, can you?
Who can explain how Trump's mind works.

Who can explain how lying ass regressives minds work?
Libs are pissed that their own EXPOSED rigged election, racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic remarks, dirty laundry, etc cost them the election - that and having the worst candidate ever....and 'it's not fair'.

The Drama Queen in Chief won't make it through four years before he's impeached. The IRS will probably get him.
After multiple violations of the Constitution, 2 un-authorized wars, aiding and abetting terrorists, and the most lawless Presidency in US history, if Barak Obama was not Impeached no one will ever be because no one deserved it more.

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