Trump publicly requested Russia to hack the election

Neocons hate conservatism so much, they've turned to doing what they have always done. :p

I would say publicly requesting the Russians to hack and release documents from a political opponent during an American presidential election is a definition of treason.

You ridiculous douchebag, why would TRUTH be "treason?"
Mind your manners or you too will end-up in the cornfield.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.


What did Russia do and please be specific...

If it's alleged that a civilian who wasn't even taken seriously as a political contender could get a foreign government to "hack" the opponent's e-mails, what does it say about the Obama administration and the freaking U.S. "intelligence community"? Is it alleged by the radical left that the democrat party had no cyber defense and that the Obama administration was unable to protect the United States from a cyber invasion? Are you lefties sure you want to go down that road?
To the OP, if I tell you to BITE ME, I don't mean it LITERALLY. :p
Did Hillary ask the intervene on her behalf? She must have because her campaign collaborated with them on digging into Trump's background and releasing the report - that turned out NOT to be true...
Lakhota, when I tell YOU to go f* yourself ... I LITERALLY mean it.


'Words have consequences.'

So do ELECTIONS, snowflake!

Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Linked Article said:
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,” Trump said during a news conference at one of his South Florida resorts. He added later, “They probably have them. I’d like to have them released.”
This is the silly "announcement" Trump made, mocking Hillary's missing emails, and reminding her that even a foreign country with a halfway decent espionage service probably knows what's in them, so she shouldn't keep trying to keep them from America's authorities.

Anyone with half a brain knew that Trump was mocking her, not "asking for Russia's help".

But that apparently doesn't include the fanatical liberals trying to find (or invent) any excuse they can to bash Trump.

Trump's sardonic "request" apparently hit home. Some of the more desperate liberals are still trying to pretend he was actually requesting Russia's help, rather than what he was obviously doing, chiding Hillary for her illegal behavior.

And here we have an actual example of desperate liberals who think people are so gullible, they'd fall for such an obvious fib.

Clearly we got such fanatics out of office just in time. Can you imagine having people in office who thought you were so stupid, you'd even believe that?
Asking Putin to hack the election should be treason.
Trump put his foot in it when he asked the Russians to hack Democrat emails. He knows this although his grandiose personality disorder requires him to deny it even as we have all seen the proof on TV. No-one is impressed by his followers' denial although Trump himself, even being a loudmouth egotist, has his lip buttoned on this act of treason.
Even "illegitimate" elections?
A liberal / Hillary loss does not make an election 'illegitimate' - it makes liberals sad, bitter, angry, disrespectful, subversive, sore-loser, butt-hurt snowflakes.
BTW, when are you going to apologize to CNN?
CNN is no longer considered a NEWS organization. They admitted themselves, live on the air, that they are a branch of the DNC, a propaganda-generating organization whose existence is to advance the DNC and progressive agenda.

When is CNN going to apologize to Americans for their deception?
BTW, when are you going to apologize to CNN?
CNN is no longer considered a NEWS organization. They admitted themselves, live on the air, that they are a branch of the DNC, a propaganda-generating organization whose existence is to advance the DNC and progressive agenda.

So what? Even if true, Fox News and others were pushing Trump. That doesn't give you the right to LIE about CNN. You flat out LIED. Have you no shame or honor? BTW, CNN gave Trump one hell of a lot of free air time.
That doesn't give you the right to LIE about CNN. You flat out LIED. Have you no shame or honor?
I said nothing CNN did not ADMIT to, sad little snowflake.

The only one you're fooling with that BS act is YOURSELF! :p
This narrative only succeeds in demonstrating how DESPERATE snowflakes are and how far they are willing to reach to grab a lifeline, anything to believe in order to refuse to accept their candidate sucked so badly she could not defeat a non-politician in a rigged/fixed election with $1 billion in hand.

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