Trump publicly requested Russia to hack the election

If democrats had any integrity, they'd have never nominated Bill Clinton, Barak Obama, or Hillary Clinton.
What about John Kennedy. What is your view of him. Thanks in advance.
There is no comparison.
I was wondering, what is your estimation of Harry Truman? Thanks again.
LSMFT=Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco

LSMFT=Lord Save Me From Truman
LSMFT=Loose Straps Mean Floppy Tits
There are many

LSMFT=Lets Screw My Finger's Tired
I agree 100% with that. The FBI was looking for them. Clinton criminally deleted them. your point?
One could actually say that this is proof that Trump is actually "very pro-Intelligence".

He is demonstrating faith in the FBI to do the right thing in this tweet.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
Nobody gives a shit. Obama invited violent criminals to flood our borders, and vote.

Trump knew that the dems weren't going to investigate shit. So he invited the Russians to do it. I think it's hilarious.
He is about to release several more avowed beheaders from GTMO, too. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. He likely secretly wants ISIS to grow and succeed in killing thousands more innocent people. He and Kerry tried to use ISIS as a political tool against the Syrian President he's been trying to depose for years. (And the Dems are hypocritically upset that Russia may have tried to influence our election.)
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
Nobody gives a shit. Obama invited violent criminals to flood our borders, and vote.

Trump knew that the dems weren't going to investigate shit. So he invited the Russians to do it. I think it's hilarious.
He is about to release several more avowed beheaders from GTMO, too. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. He likely secretly wants ISIS to grow and succeed in killing thousands more innocent people. He and Kerry tried to use ISIS as a political tool against the Syrian President he's been trying to depose for years. (And the Dems are hypocritically upset that Russia may have tried to influence our election.)
There's nothing secret about it.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
If you had the best interests of your country at heart, you'd quietly drown yourself in your bathtub this evening.
A nasty un-American comment.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

Amen! That's a fact. Why won't Trump admit that Putin did what he asked?
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

Amen! That's a fact. Why won't Trump admit that Putin did what he asked?
...and another liberal idiot parrots the lie!
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

Hacking is one thing, the impact of what has been hacked is the core and root of your anger. Move On.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
Nobody gives a shit. Obama invited violent criminals to flood our borders, and vote.

Trump knew that the dems weren't going to investigate shit. So he invited the Russians to do it. I think it's hilarious.
It was clearly an off-the-cuff joke, and everybody in the room knew it. Unfortunately, the room was full of journalists, which is to say there wasn't a shred of honesty, professionalism, or decency among them.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.

Still hungover...?

And butt-hurt to boot ?

Had Hilda not deleted the damn emails in the first place.....she along with the DNC deserve everything they got and more.

No emails were hacked at the State Dept, where they used a secure server. Hillary claims she was too stupid to figure out how to use it but I suspect she was just trying to hide things from the dept, namely the way people had to go through the Clinton Foundation to contact Sec of State Clinton and engage in pay to play. If only she had been honest and cared about national security, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

When it came up that her little home server was hacked, the left was quick to deny it and claim no proof of that. Now, they are saying it definitely was hacked by Russia and that they would have sat on the emails if not for Trump telling them what to do. The hacking was done at least 3 years ago, before Hillary left the State Dept and deleted the emails. Whoever had them, and it could be several hostile countries, probably intended to use them against us. I don't buy it that Russia or any other enemy would help us by getting rid of that corrupt bitch.

Funny how now they claim that those Russians would do what Trump or any other American tells them to do. Allowing Hillary to win would have destroyed us, which is what Russia would love.

None of the accusations make sense. Bottom line is that this is totally Hillary's fault. First, for being such a corrupt bitch and, second, for being such a technically challenged idiot.

Time for the left to deal with the fact that Hillary was busted. When will they care about the dirty deeds on Hillary's part and stop blaming whoever the whistleblowers are?

The left never cared about security for our ambassadors, our military, our borders, or even national security. Seems the only security that the libs in Washington are on top of is their own personal security. They don't cut any corners with that, do they? They have their armed guards, fences and walls. Shame they don't put the rest of the country on top of the priority list.
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Hey, Russia, if you happen upon those 30,000 emails in know...cyber "wanderings", let us know!

Not asking you to hack or anything. Just, you know, while you are surfing porn and stuff, if you just happen upon those emails on the open web, you know?


The hacking had been done several years before Trump said that.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
Nobody gives a shit. Obama invited violent criminals to flood our borders, and vote.

Trump knew that the dems weren't going to investigate shit. So he invited the Russians to do it. I think it's hilarious.
It was clearly an off-the-cuff joke, and everybody in the room knew it. Unfortunately, the room was full of journalists, which is to say there wasn't a shred of honesty, professionalism, or decency among them.
The loud uncouth crowds that cheered at Trump rallies knew that he was making an off-the-cuff joke when he expressed the hope that the Russians would hack the emails of his opponent, the very same way that they knew he was using satire when he said he would appoint a special prosecutor to put Hillary Clinton in jail, and that he was metaphorically speaking when he said he would build a wall all along the southern border of the United States. Democrats simply so not understand humor like the half-educated voters of the old Confederacy.
He wasn't being satirical about the special prosecutor. And the wall is going up. Poor retards on the left need a safe space. And yes, we're only half commiecated. Our families don't leave it to the state to raise their kids and tell them what to do. Thank god.
The intelligence community has produced a report saying it is highly confident that the intelligence community is correct.
I'm thrilled the Democrats are blaming Russia for their loss. That means they don't know the real reason and will repeat their mistakes!
Only reason the hacking of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that the loss by the Dems was so big that they are totally embarrassed!

Gross negligence by the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place.The Republican National Committee had strong defense!
Only reason the hacking of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that the loss by the Dems was so big that they are totally embarrassed!

Gross negligence by the Democratic National Committee allowed hacking to take place.The Republican National Committee had strong defense!
I heard the same thing on Russia Today (RT) this morning.
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails
Trump invites Russia to meddle in the U.S. presidential race with Clinton’s emails

No wonder Trump is trying to dismiss Russian espionage. It's now clear that Trump is an illegitimate bastard president, and it's going to dog him for the next for years. If the republicans had any integrity, they'd impeach him on his first day.
Yup I remember when Donald said that.

At the time he was desperate and felt outnumbered by the media.

Little did he know that with a little help from Director Comey and the blue collar workers in Mich., Pa., NC, Wisc., and Ohio that he would pull off a major victory on his own without Vlad's help.

I am sure Vlad and Donald will get along great now.

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