Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Agnotology is a powerful force in America, money pays for it and the naive follow and believe. Interesting how easy it is to convince people up is down.

'Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming' Naomi Oreskes, Erik M. M. Conway

"Every country in the world has dimwits and crooks in politics, but no country treats them with greater respect than we do—or with such gutlessness. Some con man who claims on a Sunday morning talk show that global warming is a hoax and every scientist who claims otherwise is faking it, or argues that if the rich in this country paid no taxes, their wealth would trickle down to the rest of us, is treated with respect and mildly queried, without being reminded that what he is proposing has not only been discredited repeatedly, but known back in the old days as the horse-and-sparrow theory of economics: If you feed the horse enough oats, some of them will pass through for the sparrows." Charles Simic Sticking to Our Guns
Trump has once again appealed to his neanderthal base. Does anyone honestly believe the dumbest among us should run the country? I suspect only neanderthals believe that.

Pittsburgh Mayor says they will continue to follow the climate agreement.
We kicked the dumbest out of office back in November.

Only those who rode the short bus believe that.
Then you should get off that bus.

You're probably stupid enough to think that the Paris Accords was about climate.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

Better yet, what nations are REQUIRED to do anything and if they violate those rules, what is the punishment?

What nations are permitted to ignore the protocol, increasing their CO2 production until 2030 as much as possible. What are the populations of those countries?
I'm outraged that my American president is putting my interests first instead of last, as our previous president did.
You bought his lies. Most of his stats were lies.
You also bought he was going to repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One WITH SOMETHING BETTER.
America is no longer the leader of the free world.

Nope. Germany is taking over that role. Merkel is the queen of Europe.

The rest of the industrialized world trusts Markel's judgment

They do not trust Trump

Good don't call on us let them use their own military.


Yes. Merkel has already warned Europe that they can no longer depend on the US. The long and firm bond between the US and all those countries has been severed by Trump, and the friend they thought they had can't be counted on. The good news is that it's only temporary. As soon as Trump is gone, the US can regain it's place as leader of the free world, and things can get back the way they should be.
"Leader of the free world" must be a euphemism meaning "gullible schmuck."

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.is going to allow Russia and China and the EU to fill the gaps.
Typical liberal mush-thought. What does that even mean for a country to "fill in the gaps". And are you really arguing that we should have signed onto a rank fraud so that we won't be excluded from future frauds? We'll have a seat at the table for the next round of fleecing. We'll have more sway at the next big climate circle jerk? Better seats in the convention hall? The pointless feel-goodism will have more of our fingerprints on it? Sheeesh!
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.
Who cares what other nations are doing? Are you suggesting what is best for the United States should be based on what other nations are doing?

As I am sure yo mamma asked you in your youth, "If everyone jumped a cliff, would YOU?'

Stop thinking like a lemming (or indoctrinatrd snowflake) - think for yourself, make your own way / decisions...

In case of climate does matter what others are doing

We all have to live on this planet and I don't think Trumps wall will protect us
It doesn't matter if so-called "climate change" is a hoax, and it is.

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Seems that way but they are anonymous sources
Trump pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal: Axios report

WASHINGTON U.S. President Donald Trump has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Axios news outlet reported on Wednesday, citing two unidentified sources with direct knowledge of the decision.

Trump who has previously called global warming a hoax, refused to endorse the landmark climate change accord at a summit of the G7 group of wealthy nations on Saturday, saying he needed more time to decide. He then tweeted that he would make an announcement this week.

Fox News also cited an unidentified source confirming the pullout.
The decision to withdraw from the climate accord was influenced by a letter from 22 Republican U.S. senators, including Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, calling for an exit, Axios reported.
Shit wasn't even voted on. Remember Earnests words in 2015?
I think it’s hard to take seriously from some Members of Congress who deny the fact that climate change exists, that they should have some opportunity to render judgment about a climate change agreement
One of the biggest loads of partisan bullshit I have ever heard. He should have been shunned for that
Oh well
BH Obama did this clandestinely.

I guess there was not enough unity in Congress to impeach him for it however.
moron doesn't know what clandestinely means..
Trump has once again appealed to his neanderthal base. Does anyone honestly believe the dumbest among us should run the country? I suspect only neanderthals believe that.

Pittsburgh Mayor says they will continue to follow the climate agreement.

Good. Remind them to send the checks to the Seychelles, Nigeria, and Yemen regularly. Those folks NEED Pittsburgh and NY City guilt money...
View attachment 130174 Overall, Trump's policy agenda is quite unpopular. Withdrawing from Paris Climate Pact is among the items most strongly opposed by voters.
Dope can't tell the difference between an electoral map and an single issue survey.
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.

I agree.....the man made global warming religion is a joke......considering the way the Russians, the Chinese, and India skate on the deal...while we get stuck with the bill....good for you to realize that the man made global warming hoax is, in fact, a hoax.......and that the science is not anywhere close to supporting anything the global warming religionists say it does...

So El Dumpster lied when he said he would renegotiate it. Certainly if Climate Change is a hoax, why would he do it?

Trump is such a fucking coward. He was too chicken to tell the leaders at the G7. He was too chicken to tell the freakin Pope.

He lied when he said he want a better environment as he keeps erasing environmenmtal protections.

And he is still lying to coal miners.

Really, a deniers claiming they know something about science? Really?
Does race exist?
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.

I agree.....the man made global warming religion is a joke......considering the way the Russians, the Chinese, and India skate on the deal...while we get stuck with the bill....good for you to realize that the man made global warming hoax is, in fact, a hoax.......and that the science is not anywhere close to supporting anything the global warming religionists say it does...

So El Dumpster lied when he said he would renegotiate it. Certainly if Climate Change is a hoax, why would he do it?

Trump is such a fucking coward. He was too chicken to tell the leaders at the G7. He was too chicken to tell the freakin Pope.

He lied when he said he want a better environment as he keeps erasing environmenmtal protections.

And he is still lying to coal miners.

Really, a deniers claiming they know something about science? Really?
The Paris Accord does NOT protect the climate. It simply bleeds America for no good purpose.

I have yet to hear how giving away billions of American taxpayer dollars will fix global warming.
Trump has yet again demonstrated how to win, without fear. He has withdrawn USA from the Paris climate deal, designed to redistribute wealth and jobs from America to globalist Euro-Bureaucrats. Virtue signaling means nothing to this strong alpha man.

Paris climate deal: Trump withdraws US from global agreement – live

He only needed to not be Hillary, but it turns out, he can be so much more than that...

‘We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’
It's like Trump wakes up every morning and goes "How can I outdumb myself from yesterday's clusterfuck" and somehow manages to do it every time.. cofveve!!
"Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would be a massive step back for racial justice, and an assault on communities of color across the U.S." - ACLU

playing the race card is like a drug for the left

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