Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Mankind was always going to destroy itself regardless. Now it will just be sooner rather than later.
How does backing out of this accomplish that?

Yes, everyone. TNHarley considers himself to be a very intelligent man. He's got all the best questions.
in other words, you don't have an answer for him.

I have no desire to discuss it with him or you. Ya fucking idiots.
Trump should have offered deal: If Leonardo DiCaprio & Al Gore pledge to never fly on a private jet again, I'll keep US in Paris Agreement
Why wasn't President Bush able to secure a status of forces agreement that keep a US residual force in the country after his negotiated withdrawal by 2012? He had a full years notice that the UN was pulling the plug on the Occupation Mandate. What was his reason for not having that in the SOFA he signed at the end of 2008?

Wasn't Maliki's treatment of the Sunnis the real reason ISIS was able to sweep into the Sunni tribal areas with very little resistance? Isn't he more to blame for them taking that part of Iraq than either Bush or Obama?

Quite simple, for the simple minded.

A new status of forces agreement would have come well into the administration of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama. It was a simple matter for President Obama to have negotiated one had he wanted. He did not.

As you know too, VP Joe Biden and President Obama claimed that Iraq was a great victory for America.
Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
For a lot of Trump's fans, liberal criticism means he made right decision on Paris agreement. Mindless oppositionism in lieu of reason.
"Pulling out of the Paris Agreement would be a massive step back for racial justice, and an assault on communities of color across the U.S." - ACLU

playing the race card is like a drug for the left

Ohh it's racial justice now is it?

Fuck racial justice. Just fuck racial justice in the ass and make them drink the cum that dribbles out.

Gad that's the most disguting thing I have heard all day.

they're still at it. the ACLU also tweeted: "Drought, hurricanes and flooding will impact every American— but climate change doesn't affect us all equally."
I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

Again, I'm not saying that the Paris Accords was a fullproof plan. I'd feel better and more victorious if I believed that Trump was at all focused on getting a better deal than the Paris Accords. But he's not.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.
I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.

Gas masks? WTF? Are we talking about climate change or nuclear holocaust? I think you made a mix up somewhere.
I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.

Gas masks? WTF? Are we talking about climate change or nuclear holocaust? I think you made a mix up somewhere.

Look at all that beautiful, clean coal at work :p
Climate change is a hoax. The Climate is always changing anyway. Mankind cannot effect it one way or another. The Chinese benefitted the most from the Paris agreement because they could increase carbon emissions every year until 2030 at which time their participation would be reevaluated.
At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

Trump wants to take the United States from the leader of the free world to the follower of the third world.

You can mark the first half of that down as "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Merkel is now the leader of the free world.
What powers come with this title?

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Leader of the free world? What powers do YOU think come with it?
Too funny! the rightwing goyim are cheering!!! and they also cheer to get rid of clean water and air standards too!!! hint stupid goyim, you are killing yourselves and you spawn faster then nature is by itself :laugh2:
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To my friends on the right: Don't forget you won. Enjoy the taunting and rubbing their noses in it but remember these liberal arguments are now moot. We won and the Paris accords are passe.
he hasn't publically stated it yet.

True. But I do expect it and I do expect we will be leaving this treaty no matter how many billionaire CEOs and celebrities come out against it.

It is not a treaty and there is no enforcement whatsoever.
I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

Again, I'm not saying that the Paris Accords was a fullproof plan. I'd feel better and more victorious if I believed that Trump was at all focused on getting a better deal than the Paris Accords. But he's not.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.

Nothing would make our competitors happier than we sign that stupid thing. More expensive fuel and more regulations means more jobs moving out of the US and perhaps to one of their countries.

We've spent trillions on green already and we've seen the financial toll it's taken on our people. That's besides the fact that you can never make an environmentalist happy. It's just not possible. If we took every single dollar from every single American and used that money for more green, the environmentalists would still be complaining it's not enough.

So it's a waste of time and money to try and make them happy. It's like having a materialistic wife who you buy cars, flowers, vacation homes, and she's never satisfied no matter what you buy her. At some point you shrug your shoulders and say to hell with her. Get a divorce.
DJT said minutes ago on tv: "We are getting out but we will immediate start to renegotiate ... ."

Sounds like double talk to me of the highest order.
Trump has once again appealed to his neanderthal base. Does anyone honestly believe the dumbest among us should run the country? I suspect only neanderthals believe that.

Pittsburgh Mayor says they will continue to follow the climate agreement.
We kicked the dumbest out of office back in November.
Not exactly.

It was term limits.

And the term limits were imposed Constitutionally before you were born.
President Trump making good on his promise to make AMERICA Great again.

Which totally pisses off the America hating left.

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