Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

What Trump & you Trumpettes don't get is that the US & other industrialized nations put us in the current position of having so much carbon in our atmosphere. Why should other countries suffer because of that?

Why should we help other countries reduce their emissions? How stupid would it be for us to reduce ours while a Vietnam like country increases theirs?

We have a complete energy grid for our country. Other countries are trying to catch up. As India adds a generation plant, it adds emissions.

The idea we need to trade the livelihood of future generations for corporate profit is false. There are more jobs here in the US in solar energy than in coal. Our environment regulations aren't send jobs overseas, our corporations are doing it to increase profits.
We have reduced ours, in the last 14 years so far. We are at 1992 levels. Technology is how it happened and we are exporting that technology. Hating Trump won't change facts.
Trump has once again appealed to his neanderthal base. Does anyone honestly believe the dumbest among us should run the country? I suspect only neanderthals believe that.

Pittsburgh Mayor says they will continue to follow the climate agreement.
We kicked the dumbest out of office back in November.
Not exactly.

It was term limits.

And the term limits were imposed Constitutionally before you were born.
Actually, you assumed I was talking about Obama. Clinton is Obama's equal in stupidity, Obama just isn't as corrupt.
I don't really see the victory in the situation. Not only is he not going to be able to do anything for the next 4 years, But I don't think he has any intention of replacing the accords with a better climate change plan.

I have a feeling in a decade or two, we're going to be buying gas masks and choking down smog in the morning. Like China :p

Sure we will, but let me remind you that the left has been wrong with all their disastrous predictions about global warming. It's nothing more than a scare tactic to get more power over the people.

You ask, I provide. November 2nd, 1922. Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt.

Global warming 'could trigger alien attack'

Report: 95 percent of global warming models are wrong

Study: Global warming will cause 180,000 more rapes by 2099

Flashback 1989: UN Predicted Global Warming Would Destroy Entire Nations By 2000
.is going to allow Russia and China and the EU to fill the gaps.
Typical liberal mush-thought. What does that even mean for a country to "fill in the gaps". And are you really arguing that we should have signed onto a rank fraud so that we won't be excluded from future frauds? We'll have a seat at the table for the next round of fleecing. We'll have more sway at the next big climate circle jerk? Better seats in the convention hall? The pointless feel-goodism will have more of our fingerprints on it? Sheeesh!
Read what I said.
The Paris Accord is only one way that Trump is withdrawing the US from global relevance.
Too funny! the rightwing goyim are cheering!!! and they also cheer to get rid of clean water and air standards too!!! hint stupid goyim, you are killing yourselves and you spawn faster then nature is by itself :laugh2:
You belong in a concentration camp!
.is going to allow Russia and China and the EU to fill the gaps.
Typical liberal mush-thought. What does that even mean for a country to "fill in the gaps". And are you really arguing that we should have signed onto a rank fraud so that we won't be excluded from future frauds? We'll have a seat at the table for the next round of fleecing. We'll have more sway at the next big climate circle jerk? Better seats in the convention hall? The pointless feel-goodism will have more of our fingerprints on it? Sheeesh!
Read what I said.
The Paris Accord is only one way that Trump is withdrawing the US from global relevance.
Nationalism is beautiful!
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I will urge Democrats now to fully defund any and all money going to any church in the country. To rescind all tax exemptions from all churches. They've become political arms of the Republican party like Faux News and are not houses of worship anymore. There are no Christians that sit in them.

The United States has given up world leadership and will be increasingly ignored on the world stage. A low energy mentally ill loser is in the White House now and will also be ignored. Republicans your party has become non-existent and all 'laws' you pass will be ignored.
Too funny! the rightwing goyim are cheering!!! and they also cheer to get rid of clean water and air standards too!!! hint stupid goyim, you are killing yourselves and you spawn faster then nature is by itself :laugh2:

We have clean air and clean water? Big pharma run off and fluoride in the water and then they are spraying the skies with strontium, barium and aluminum nano-particulates.......yeah, "da gubermint" loves and cares for the sheeple. Seriously, don't really have a clue.

This entire Paris Agreement was redistribution bullshit. Each country submitted its voluntary pledge with no mention of how much they would reduce their emissions and there is no enforcement for any country that fails to do anything. I have no doubt that whatever UN committee is behind this bullshit has been taking bribes from countries lining up to get as much as they can of our money.
Trump's decision on Paris accord has lefties everywhere shitting bricks. Now if they could just sh*t some rebar, we could build the wall!
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.

Want to have a little debate on the legitimacy of Global Warming/ Climate change and what the real story is behind it? Did you know that oil is not a "fossil fuel"?? That the IPCC works at the behest of the U.N? Step up to the plate and debate me and defend your position.
Trump defined what his “America First” agenda means with a strong rebuke of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Thursday, which the president said would have negatively impacted American workers.

Trump Pulls Out of Climate Accord: ‘I Was Elected To Represent Citizens of Pittsburgh, Not Paris’

The leftist rejects are probably bouncing off the walls, GOOD! Imagine that working for the people and not Paris.
That doesn't mean it is all over, they aren't done and will probably pull something without a doubt.
I was wondering where that shockwave originated that just passed overhead, Trump told the climate warmers to shove it up their ass and the liberal collective exploded. Well done Mr. President :eusa_clap:
Since all these stupid Moon Bats are convinced that because Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement the earth is going to burn up then they should all go out and buy one of these:


Or maybe if they are convinced the ice caps are going to melt and they might drown maybe they should build one of these:

These idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out and they claim they can predict an entire planets climate decades from now? Which has more variables by a huge order of magnitude. Talk about your faux science its laughable. Tune in next week when climate warmers attempt to control the sun's orbit.:laugh:
I was wondering where that shockwave originated that just passed overhead, Trump told the climate warmers to shove it up their ass and the liberal collective exploded. Well done Mr. President :eusa_clap:

Yeah, the pussy-grabbing, sub-contractor stiffing, six time Chapter 11 'success story' knows soooo much about climate change.
Before you go and whack off in the corner at the excitement of today's news Blues boy, all he is doing is renegotiating, which is kind of ironic because the original deal was done at the behest of the US. That's right, you've kind of ripped up your own deal....only in Trump land....
Trump was right. Paris Agreement isn't about Climate. It refunds billionaires $, takes away USA jobs & has gender laws. Really?!
These idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out and they claim they can predict an entire planets climate decades from now? Which has more variables by a huge order of magnitude. Talk about your faux science its laughable. Tune in next week when climate warmers attempt to control the sun's orbit.:laugh:

What the hell would you know? Since when have deplorable trailer trash become scientists? Getting a buzz from your hourly intake of sour mash doesn't make you a scientist. I'll stick with those that actually study the atmosphere. And no , going "these idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out" is not evidence. (BTW, most do predict it correctly)

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