Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

God bless Trump.

Now we will put America first instead of giving money to the third world welfare queens through the silly AGW scam.

This is what we get by electing a President that is not beholding to the environmental wacko special interest lobby or think that we should use the AGW scam as a redistribution of wealth scheme.

America first! Yea Baby!
Here you go. Today, I know that you just heard the truth of a very poorly thought out and hateful agreement that did a great deal of harm to the United States being dropped.

You're sad, I understand.

So here is a sad kitty for you to hold and cuddle until you feel better.


Feel better soon.
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At the moment, Syria and Nicaragua. That's the company in which Trump wants to put the U.S.

Trump wants to take the United States from the leader of the free world to the follower of the third world.

You can mark the first half of that down as "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" Merkel is now the leader of the free world.
What powers come with this title?

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evidently the power to lead others down the yellow brick socialist road......Merkel can go fly a green kite.....
It's such an awesome deal, Obama didn't submit it to the US Senate.

Yea, that would be real smart, a Republican majority bought and paid for by the wealthiest industry in world history, the fossil fuel industry.
And why do you think Oil companies are so wealthy ? Could it be that there aren't too many products used today that don't use oil in the production process. I bet money you couldn't go a day without using an oil based product.
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.

I agree.....the man made global warming religion is a joke......considering the way the Russians, the Chinese, and India skate on the deal...while we get stuck with the bill....good for you to realize that the man made global warming hoax is, in fact, a hoax.......and that the science is not anywhere close to supporting anything the global warming religionists say it does...

So El Dumpster lied when he said he would renegotiate it. Certainly if Climate Change is a hoax, why would he do it?

Trump is such a fucking coward. He was too chicken to tell the leaders at the G7. He was too chicken to tell the freakin Pope.

He lied when he said he want a better environment as he keeps erasing environmenmtal protections.

And he is still lying to coal miners.

Really, a deniers claiming they know something about science? Really?
Listening to his speech now .. what bullshit.

I agree.....the man made global warming religion is a joke......considering the way the Russians, the Chinese, and India skate on the deal...while we get stuck with the bill....good for you to realize that the man made global warming hoax is, in fact, a hoax.......and that the science is not anywhere close to supporting anything the global warming religionists say it does...

So El Dumpster lied when he said he would renegotiate it. Certainly if Climate Change is a hoax, why would he do it?

Trump is such a fucking coward. He was too chicken to tell the leaders at the G7. He was too chicken to tell the freakin Pope.

He lied when he said he want a better environment as he keeps erasing environmenmtal protections.

And he is still lying to coal miners.

Really, a deniers claiming they know something about science? Really?

Here you go. Today, I know that you just had the truth of a very poorly thought out and hateful agreement that did a great deal of harm to the United States.

You're sad, I understand.

So here is a sad kitty for you to hold and cuddle until you feel better.


Feel better soon.

Are you talking about our Israeli embassy not being moved to Jerusalem?
Here you go. Today, I know that you just had the truth of a very poorly thought out and hateful agreement that did a great deal of harm to the United States.

You're sad, I understand.

So here is a sad kitty for you to hold and cuddle until you feel better.


Feel better soon.
Holy crap, is that thing real?

I'm more into Tard the Cat.

Yeah, that's a breed of cat. Gumpy cat was a better choice. Wish I had thought of it.
What Trump & you Trumpettes don't get is that the US & other industrialized nations put us in the current position of having so much carbon in our atmosphere. Why should other countries suffer because of that?

Why should we help other countries reduce their emissions? How stupid would it be for us to reduce ours while a Vietnam like country increases theirs?

We have a complete energy grid for our country. Other countries are trying to catch up. As India adds a generation plant, it adds emissions.

The idea we need to trade the livelihood of future generations for corporate profit is false. There are more jobs here in the US in solar energy than in coal. Our environment regulations aren't send jobs overseas, our corporations are doing it to increase profits.
Here you go. Today, I know that you just had the truth of a very poorly thought out and hateful agreement that did a great deal of harm to the United States.

You're sad, I understand.

So here is a sad kitty for you to hold and cuddle until you feel better.


Feel better soon.

Are you talking about our Israeli embassy not being moved to Jerusalem?
Here you go. Today, I know that you just had the truth of a very poorly thought out and hateful agreement that did a great deal of harm to the United States.

You're sad, I understand.

So here is a sad kitty for you to hold and cuddle until you feel better.


Feel better soon.

Are you talking about our Israeli embassy not being moved to Jerusalem?
No, I'm talking about the dumping of that economic disaster of an accord that we tore up. But you knew that and needed to feel better. Please feel free to hug a cat or dog or something to help you feel better.
This is all going better for Putin than he might have hoped in his wildest dreams.
America withdrawing from having any global influence...the Paris Accord is just one going to allow Russia and China and the EU to fill the gaps.
By the time Trump's gone the world will be a different place and the US' role in it will be much diminished.

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