Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
hopefully orange feces boy will be pushing up grass from a heart attack before then
Time to tune into Tucker Carlson tonight.....he will probably have a left wing loon on that he can make look like fool...sure, that isn't even a challenge for him...but it is still amusing to watch....

Most make him look foolish.

Penelope, if "libruls" are so fucking smart? Why don't they ever show up on this website? Where are they hiding? They certainly don't show up on TV to tout their views..........I think they may be know, like a unicorn.

I don't really think we have them "By the balls" at this point. France and Germany have come out and said they'll be moving on without the US and the treaty is non-negotiable. Canada's minister even came out and said he's disappointed in us.

At this point it seems more like they're just shaking their heads and walking away.

And besides, Trump couldn't give two shits about a good climate plan. It's been coal coal coal since day one. I guarantee you, when we're out of the accord by 2020, coal businesses and power plants are gonna go hog wild and nobodies gonna do a thing about it.

They can say whatever they want, but they know the truth. USA is of vital importance.

The plan as it stands right now is a scam:

100 trillion for 3/10 of a Celsius? The predicted cost of all climate change is less than that ROFLMAO! We need some cost effective - not retarded plan to deal with the climate change. As it stands right now, the plan is clearly to enrich euro-bureaucrats and nothing else.

Again, I'm not saying that the Paris Accords was a fullproof plan. I'd feel better and more victorious if I believed that Trump was at all focused on getting a better deal than the Paris Accords. But he's not.

I don't want to wake up 15 years down the road from now and putting on a gas mask so I can survive the trip to work. He doesn't have any interest in replacing the accords. Because as well all know, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Climate change is a Chinese hoax.

You get what I'm saying? I don't care about the damn accords. I care that we're not gonna pursue anything better and we're just gonna let the Billionaire CEO's of Coal companies wreck the land and the air around us so we can make just a few more dollars on coal.

Trump was willing to negotiate a better deal, it was the Euro-clowns that said it was non-negotiable.
The fact that only 2 other countries in the world are not part of the pact should tell you something... Syria and Guatemala. That's the group Trump has put us in.
So! This is about making America great again!

Please inform me how that is making America Great Again?
We don't have to give up economic growth for a phony climate plan. Sounds like it's making America pretty great to Me.

What do you mean giving up economic growth?
Like what? Can you give us an example?
You didn't read the report on lost jobs, and 3 trillion dollars of economic loss, this accord would have set is back?

Consequences of Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits
These idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out and they claim they can predict an entire planets climate decades from now? Which has more variables by a huge order of magnitude. Talk about your faux science its laughable. Tune in next week when climate warmers attempt to control the sun's orbit.:laugh:

Yes we can predict and forecast the weather as far as 7 to 10 days.
So the 195 countries, scientist, CEOs, very large companies, businesses around the world are wrong?
That Trump, Syria, Nicaragua and you are right?
Leadership is NOT running in the pack.

Then go to LeMont for cherries jubilee..
The fact that only 2 other countries in the world are not part of the pact should tell you something... Syria and Guatemala. That's the group Trump has put us in.

Even China most polluters and Iran supports terrorism supports this climate accord but not ignorant Trump. Sad.
Tell me what china has to do you ignorant overstuffed bag of dumbfuck
Inform us please. FFS inform us
The fact that only 2 other countries in the world are not part of the pact should tell you something... Syria and Guatemala. That's the group Trump has put us in.

Even China most polluters and Iran supports terrorism supports this climate accord but not ignorant Trump. Sad.

China can keep increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 30 years before they begin to think about reducing it, why wouldn't they Love this awful Accord -- not a Treaty
Way to go mal! Winner winner
The left is freaking out, they forgot what an American President looks and sounds like. It's foreign to them to hear an American President stand up for Americans. Have a nice day Barrack Hussein Obama .....BUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
RAM step up Dump needs you Bring bri too
Donald Trump: Nobody wants to work for him because he is 'crazy', senior Republican says
Ben Kentish,The Independent 10 hours ago

Donald Trump is struggling to find new staff to work for him because everyone thinks he is “crazy”, a senior member of the US President's Republican Party has said.

Michael Steele said potential White House employees were put off by an environment in which aides are “flying by the seat of their pants”.

“The talent pool is shrinking, because who wants to sign up for crazy?” added Mr Steele, who served as chairman of the Republican National Committee between 2009 and 2011.

“Nobody wants to step into a situation where you’re flying by the seat of your pants and don’t know whether what you just said will hold up from one news cycle to the next," he told The Hill. "Nobody is going to be lining up for positions with that much uncertainty.”

For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available on iOS and Android.

Mr Steele has previously said that he does not believe Mr Trump will make it to the end of his four-year term in office and that current Vice President Mike Pence will be Commander in Chief by 2020.

His latest comments come as Mr Trump is rumoured to be mulling a shake-up of White House staff after the resignation of his communications director, Mike Dubke.

Mr Dubke had been in post for less than three months when he handed in his resignation in mid-May. But he agreed to stay on until after Mr Trump’s trip to the Middle East and Europe.

The US President’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is also reported to be at risk of being replaced, having been blamed for many of the problems dogging the administration.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer is also thought to be under threat amid ongoing criticism of his briefings to media, although some reports have suggested that he could keep his job but give fewer briefings.


Translation: This butt-hurt globalist never Trumper does not want to work for him.

He's free to take a hike, thousands are lining up to make America great again. Oh wait, that's not what he's doing, instead he is whining like a bitch.
Yeah norman you dumb schmuck Most leaders of our biggest businesses wanted the ah to not withdraw
Yep that is expected. No one in the swamp and the entrenched pigs that occupy the DC corrupt swamp wants to work for Trump. That is a good thing. Thanks for the info. The swamp is draining and that is why the cries are getting louder and more desperate. I mean did any of you hear McCain the other day? He is a major swamp dweller and he is basically calling for war with Russia. The swamp creatures are slowly going mad.
The fact that only 2 other countries in the world are not part of the pact should tell you something... Syria and Guatemala. That's the group Trump has put us in.
So! This is about making America great again!

Please inform me how that is making America Great Again?
We don't have to give up economic growth for a phony climate plan. Sounds like it's making America pretty great to Me.

What do you mean giving up economic growth?
Like what? Can you give us an example?
You didn't read the report on lost jobs, and 3 trillion dollars of economic loss, this accord would have set is back?

Consequences of Paris Protocol: Devastating Economic Costs, Essentially Zero Environmental Benefits

$3 trillions? Really? Coming from You've got to be kidding me. Did you really read your link or you just cherry pick? An ultra right wing hard right media also an anti Obama which is about worthless. Give me something else.

Literally what you are saying that ALL the CEOs, businesses, 195 countries including China the worst polluters are wrong? But ignorant Trump is correct.

Give me an exact example of ------- Devastating Economic Cost and Lost --------- Like what? Like what business?
At the behest of the entire country? Wow! My ballot must have been lost in the mail.
When did you get your ballot?

Where did I say entire country? I said at the behest of the US. Your govt. Just a quick lesson here - when your president does something, it is at the behest of the US whether you voted for him or not.

here endith the lesson
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.

Emotion is the only thing that drives you mental patients. You can't reason. YOU 'meltdown' a couple times a week so you think everyone else does as well. No, it's you.

You believe a magical flying ginn and a talking snake is rational thought and physics and chemistry are just hobbies. You meltdown when multi-colored lights are shown on the White House.

Trump should not just withdraw the US from the Paris Accord, he should lead all the slow-witted knuckledraggers to a new country that is reborn in the old Confederacy and call it FakeKristianistan. And all of you go live your dream of 30 foot walls all the way around your new shit-hole like they did in medieval times, force 11 year old girls raped by their grandfather to carry the child to term, execute people for having a religion other than Kristianity, do away with unions and minimum wage, make corporations your masters and that whatever they tell you to do is the ultimate law.

Easy, let's break up the country and all the dimwits can go gather in one place and wall themselves in. Problem solved.

The irony is you don't realize that all but two of those men were UN globalists at the expense of the United States. They represented the NWO and a Hemisphere 1, for our country. They believe that America's resources and wealth belong to the world, not us. I bet I don't even have to point out the two patriots.
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I will urge Democrats now to fully defund any and all money going to any church in the country. To rescind all tax exemptions from all churches. They've become political arms of the Republican party like Faux News and are not houses of worship anymore. There are no Christians that sit in them.

The United States has given up world leadership and will be increasingly ignored on the world stage. A low energy mentally ill loser is in the White House now and will also be ignored. Republicans your party has become non-existent and all 'laws' you pass will be ignored.

LOL. Too funny.

"America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam."

Were you abused by one as a kid?

"The United States has given up world leadership and will be increasingly ignored on the world stage. A low energy mentally ill loser is in the White House now and will also be ignored. Republicans your party has become non-existent and all 'laws' you pass will be ignored"

What you meant to say was that the United States refuses to lead the rest of the Lemmings over the cliff.

You were abused as a child? Oh I'm sorry, you didn't mention that. They have a lot of good psychiatrists that could help you through that.

I wish you well. Chin up!
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.

Emotion is the only thing that drives you mental patients. You can't reason. YOU 'meltdown' a couple times a week so you think everyone else does as well. No, it's you.

You believe a magical flying ginn and a talking snake is rational thought and physics and chemistry are just hobbies. You meltdown when multi-colored lights are shown on the White House.

Trump should not just withdraw the US from the Paris Accord, he should lead all the slow-witted knuckledraggers to a new country that is reborn in the old Confederacy and call it FakeKristianistan. And all of you go live your dream of 30 foot walls all the way around your new shit-hole like they did in medieval times, force 11 year old girls raped by their grandfather to carry the child to term, execute people for having a religion other than Kristianity, do away with unions and minimum wage, make corporations your masters and that whatever they tell you to do is the ultimate law.

Easy, let's break up the country and all the dimwits can go gather in one place and wall themselves in. Problem solved.

Everyone who doesn't think like you is a "knuckle dragger". Fuck you and your Climate Change stupidity.
Trump defined what his “America First” agenda means with a strong rebuke of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change Thursday, which the president said would have negatively impacted American workers.

Trump Pulls Out of Climate Accord: ‘I Was Elected To Represent Citizens of Pittsburgh, Not Paris’

The leftist rejects are probably bouncing off the walls, GOOD! Imagine that working for the people and not Paris.
That doesn't mean it is all over, they aren't done and will probably pull something without a doubt.
This is what wins elections and refreshing to think a President will stand up for America.
America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I will urge Democrats now to fully defund any and all money going to any church in the country. To rescind all tax exemptions from all churches. They've become political arms of the Republican party like Faux News and are not houses of worship anymore. There are no Christians that sit in them.

The United States has given up world leadership and will be increasingly ignored on the world stage. A low energy mentally ill loser is in the White House now and will also be ignored. Republicans your party has become non-existent and all 'laws' you pass will be ignored.

LOL. Too funny.

"America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam."

Were you abused by one as a kid?

"The United States has given up world leadership and will be increasingly ignored on the world stage. A low energy mentally ill loser is in the White House now and will also be ignored. Republicans your party has become non-existent and all 'laws' you pass will be ignored"

What you meant to say was that the United States refuses to lead the rest of the Lemmings over the cliff.

You were abused as a child? Oh I'm sorry, you didn't mention that. They have a lot of good psychiatrists that could help you through that.

I wish you well. Chin up!

So you want me to tea bag you, sorry kid, I don't swing that way. I understand Obama does though ;)

The irony is you don't realize that all but two of those men were UN globalists at the expense of the United States. They represented the NWO and a Hemisphere 1, for our country. They believe that America's resources and wealth belong to the world, not us. I bet I don't even have to point out the two patriots.
President of the United States. Is what it is. I am not an earthling...I am an American.

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