Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

America is now a third world country. Evangelical Kristians, who aren't Christians and they know they aren't Christians, are more dangerous to humanity than any terrorist from Islam.

I just love moments like these, when lefties have a full meltdown and reveal how they really feel.
I was wondering where that shockwave originated that just passed overhead, Trump told the climate warmers to shove it up their ass and the liberal collective exploded. Well done Mr. President :eusa_clap:

Yeah, the pussy-grabbing, sub-contractor stiffing, six time Chapter 11 'success story' knows soooo much about climate change.
Before you go and whack off in the corner at the excitement of today's news Blues boy, all he is doing is renegotiating, which is kind of ironic because the original deal was done at the behest of the US. That's right, you've kind of ripped up your own deal....only in Trump land....

You have an unhealthy amount of Trump hate and rage, maybe you should get some help with that.

Only uneducated whites trash males don't hate him. That's why his approval rating sucks.

It's also why more people want him impeached than want him to stay in office.

You couldn't be much more of a c*nt if you tried. He's your President, deal with it.
Macron says fuck off to 45
Macron tells Trump the Paris accord is not renegotiable

President Emmanuel Macron told U.S. President Donald Trump that the Paris climate deal could not be renegotiated and that while France would continue to work with Washington, it would no longer discuss climate issues with the United States, a French source said.

"The president spoke with President Trump in a five-minute phone call. The exchange was direct," a source close to Macron said.

"The president said that they could continue to talk, but indicated that nothing was renegotiable with regard to the Paris accords. The United States and France will continue to work together, but not on the subject of climate," the source added.
Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?
We never had a deal as it wasn't ratified. So I guess they can try to get Obie himself to follow through but the rest of don't have to. If Trump makes any trade deals that aren't ratified they too will be subject to the next president cancelling them.
Macron says fuck off to 45
Macron tells Trump the Paris accord is not renegotiable

President Emmanuel Macron told U.S. President Donald Trump that the Paris climate deal could not be renegotiated and that while France would continue to work with Washington, it would no longer discuss climate issues with the United States, a French source said.

"The president spoke with President Trump in a five-minute phone call. The exchange was direct," a source close to Macron said.

"The president said that they could continue to talk, but indicated that nothing was renegotiable with regard to the Paris accords. The United States and France will continue to work together, but not on the subject of climate," the source added.

Since all these stupid Moon Bats are convinced that because Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Agreement the earth is going to burn up then they should all go out and buy one of these:

View attachment 130201

Or maybe if they are convinced the ice caps are going to melt and they might drown maybe they should build one of these:

View attachment 130202

Are you saying that these are naturally created?

Time to tune into Tucker Carlson tonight.....he will probably have a left wing loon on that he can make look like fool...sure, that isn't even a challenge for him...but it is still amusing to watch....

Most make him look foolish.
Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
Win is a relative term, many feel the opposite about his actions with this Paris deal. Since we can't officially withdraw until 2020, It will make for an interesting campaign season.
Why do you think we have to wait four years to pull out of something that was never approved?
Because our president and leader made a promise through this accord. Just as Trump aims to make some bilateral trade agreements with other countries, it would be outright irresponsible for new leadership that may come into power in 2020 to not honor his agreements... It weakens trust and the value that our government has when making agreements with foreign powers. Do you really not see that?

Too bad. If other countries don't realize that we can do that with our electoral system, then they shouldn't be making deals with us in the first place. When we change leadership, we do so to change policies as well as the leadership. Trump did a great thing today, and I hope he continues doing greater things in the future. We'll run our country our way because that's why we vote in the first place.
That's a dangerous precedent you're setting. I don't wanna hear you bitching in 5 years when the New Democratic president rolls back on Trumps agreements. I'll still be voicing my opposition to it if they do so in the same way Trump is going about it. There is an art to diplomacy that Trump needs serious lessons in.
Dangerous is letting a president do any actions like this on his own whim without ratification through the proper channels.
I agree with that. We need to move closer to bipartisan collaboration rather than authoritarian control by one person or party
If we let trump get away with all his bs America will soon lose it's leadership position in the world
These idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out and they claim they can predict an entire planets climate decades from now? Which has more variables by a huge order of magnitude. Talk about your faux science its laughable. Tune in next week when climate warmers attempt to control the sun's orbit.:laugh:

Yes we can predict and forecast the weather as far as 7 to 10 days.
So the 195 countries, scientist, CEOs, very large companies, businesses around the world are wrong?
That Trump, Syria, Nicaragua and you are right?
These idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out and they claim they can predict an entire planets climate decades from now? Which has more variables by a huge order of magnitude. Talk about your faux science its laughable. Tune in next week when climate warmers attempt to control the sun's orbit.:laugh:

What the hell would you know? Since when have deplorable trailer trash become scientists? Getting a buzz from your hourly intake of sour mash doesn't make you a scientist. I'll stick with those that actually study the atmosphere. And no , going "these idiots can't predict the weather more than a few days out" is not evidence. (BTW, most do predict it correctly)

My left pinky is smarter than you lib, don't force me to destroy your climate nonsense and embarrass you.

Please. Don't let us stop you.
Trump has yet again demonstrated how to win, without fear. He has withdrawn USA from the Paris climate deal, designed to redistribute wealth and jobs from America to globalist Euro-Bureaucrats. Virtue signaling means nothing to this strong alpha man.

Paris climate deal: Trump withdraws US from global agreement – live

He only needed to not be Hillary, but it turns out, he can be so much more than that...

‘We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’
The current generation wins because they can make lots of money mining coal, factories do not have to spend money on new equipment to lower toxins, drill for oil everywhere in anyway. We will all be rich.

What about our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc.
Anyone who supports pulling out of the Paris Accord is a selfish son of a bitch.

Should have thought about that before setting up schemes like social security that your children will have to pay for... with interest. 120 trillion in debt!

Thank god Trump is helping with that, anyone who supports the accord as is, is a retarded anti-American idiot, who hates children.
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Too funny! the rightwing goyim are cheering!!! and they also cheer to get rid of clean water and air standards too!!! hint stupid goyim, you are killing yourselves and you spawn faster then nature is by itself :laugh2:

We have clean air and clean water? Big pharma run off and fluoride in the water and then they are spraying the skies with strontium, barium and aluminum nano-particulates.......yeah, "da gubermint" loves and cares for the sheeple. Seriously, don't really have a clue.

View attachment 130197
i know, I know you studied many many years and was too smart for any college[/QUOTE)

Yeah, unless you have a Doctorate or PHD while being indoctrinated by "librul" professors, one can't POSSIBLY read and/or discern information for themselves. I understand a great many things, my are still stuck in the paradigm and worship at the feet of "gubermint"...your false god.

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