Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Trump just earned a few points from me. He was at about -30

Trump just earned -100 points from me and majority of CEOs, businesses and around the globe because of Trump ignorance. They are laughing at us. Idiot.
<---Trump fans ....LOL
I don't know the technicalities, but it doesn't even matter; the international agreement passed without the U.S.'s support.
Trump has yet again demonstrated how to win, without fear. He has withdrawn USA from the Paris climate deal, designed to redistribute wealth and jobs from America to globalist Euro-Bureaucrats. Virtue signaling means nothing to this strong alpha man.

Paris climate deal: Trump withdraws US from global agreement – live

He only needed to not be Hillary, but it turns out, he can be so much more than that...

‘We’re getting out, but we’ll start to negotiate and we’ll see if we can make a deal that’s fair’
The leaders of France, Germany and Italy say the Paris climate accord cannot be renegotiated as President Donald Trump has demanded.
France, Germany, Italy: Paris climate accord can't be renegotiated
Sucks for them, but do we really want it renegotiated? No better off with it dead.
The left is freaking out, they forgot what an American President looks and sounds like. It's foreign to them to hear an American President stand up for Americans. Have a nice day Barrack Hussein Obama .....BUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
RAM step up Dump needs you Bring bri too
Donald Trump: Nobody wants to work for him because he is 'crazy', senior Republican says
Ben Kentish,The Independent 10 hours ago

Donald Trump is struggling to find new staff to work for him because everyone thinks he is “crazy”, a senior member of the US President's Republican Party has said.

Michael Steele said potential White House employees were put off by an environment in which aides are “flying by the seat of their pants”.

“The talent pool is shrinking, because who wants to sign up for crazy?” added Mr Steele, who served as chairman of the Republican National Committee between 2009 and 2011.

“Nobody wants to step into a situation where you’re flying by the seat of your pants and don’t know whether what you just said will hold up from one news cycle to the next," he told The Hill. "Nobody is going to be lining up for positions with that much uncertainty.”

For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available on iOS and Android.

Mr Steele has previously said that he does not believe Mr Trump will make it to the end of his four-year term in office and that current Vice President Mike Pence will be Commander in Chief by 2020.

His latest comments come as Mr Trump is rumoured to be mulling a shake-up of White House staff after the resignation of his communications director, Mike Dubke.

Mr Dubke had been in post for less than three months when he handed in his resignation in mid-May. But he agreed to stay on until after Mr Trump’s trip to the Middle East and Europe.

The US President’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is also reported to be at risk of being replaced, having been blamed for many of the problems dogging the administration.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer is also thought to be under threat amid ongoing criticism of his briefings to media, although some reports have suggested that he could keep his job but give fewer briefings.

The fact that only 2 other countries in the world are not part of the pact should tell you something... Syria and Guatemala. That's the group Trump has put us in.

Even China most polluters and Iran supports terrorism supports this climate accord but not ignorant Trump. Sad.

China can keep increasing their CO2 emissions for the next 30 years before they begin to think about reducing it, why wouldn't they Love this awful Accord -- not a Treaty
Trump Pulls Out of Climate Accord: ‘I Was Elected To Represent Citizens of Pittsburgh, Not Paris’

The leftist rejects are probably bouncing off the walls, GOOD! Imagine that working for the people and not Paris.
That doesn't mean it is all over, they aren't done and will probably pull something without a doubt.
Pittsburgh Mayor Rejects Prez Citing City To Support Decision

[URL=''] bill peduto @billpeduto

Fact: Hillary Clinton received 80% of the vote in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh stands with the world & will follow Paris Agreement @HillaryClinton …

3:59 PM - 1 Jun 2017
View attachment 130174 Overall, Trump's policy agenda is quite unpopular. Withdrawing from Paris Climate Pact is among the items most strongly opposed by voters.

Wrong------ anemically ONLY 63 millions from 212 millions registered voters.
Yesterday was less than 63 millions. After today how many do you think supports Trump?

Even his daughter Ivanka and Tillerson disagree with this president.

Does he think his opinion matters in this instance?
the southern swamp rubes in tidal Virginia will be crying in their single wides when they get overtaken:laugh2:

Who's Still Fighting Climate Change? The U.S. Military

NORFOLK, VIRGINIATen times a year, the Naval Station Norfolk floods. The entry road swamps. Connecting roads become impassable. Crossing from one side of the base to the other becomes impossible. Dockside, floodwaters overtop the concrete piers, shorting power hookups to the mighty ships that are docked in the world’s largest naval base.

All it takes to cause such disarray these days is a full moon, which triggers exceptionally high tides.

Norfolk station is headquarters of the Atlantic fleet, and flooding already disrupts military readiness there and at other bases clustered around the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, officials say. Flooding will only worsen as the seas rise and the planet warms. Sea level at Norfolk has risen 14.5 inches in the century since World War I, when the naval station was built. By 2100, Norfolk station will flood 280 times a year, according to one estimate by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

but some slackjawed hillbilly dishwasher knows better :cuckoo:
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The left is freaking out, they forgot what an American President looks and sounds like. It's foreign to them to hear an American President stand up for Americans. Have a nice day Barrack Hussein Obama .....BUUUUUUAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA
RAM step up Dump needs you Bring bri too
Donald Trump: Nobody wants to work for him because he is 'crazy', senior Republican says
Ben Kentish,The Independent 10 hours ago

Donald Trump is struggling to find new staff to work for him because everyone thinks he is “crazy”, a senior member of the US President's Republican Party has said.

Michael Steele said potential White House employees were put off by an environment in which aides are “flying by the seat of their pants”.

“The talent pool is shrinking, because who wants to sign up for crazy?” added Mr Steele, who served as chairman of the Republican National Committee between 2009 and 2011.

“Nobody wants to step into a situation where you’re flying by the seat of your pants and don’t know whether what you just said will hold up from one news cycle to the next," he told The Hill. "Nobody is going to be lining up for positions with that much uncertainty.”

For more news videos visit Yahoo View, available on iOS and Android.

Mr Steele has previously said that he does not believe Mr Trump will make it to the end of his four-year term in office and that current Vice President Mike Pence will be Commander in Chief by 2020.

His latest comments come as Mr Trump is rumoured to be mulling a shake-up of White House staff after the resignation of his communications director, Mike Dubke.

Mr Dubke had been in post for less than three months when he handed in his resignation in mid-May. But he agreed to stay on until after Mr Trump’s trip to the Middle East and Europe.

The US President’s chief of staff, Reince Priebus, is also reported to be at risk of being replaced, having been blamed for many of the problems dogging the administration.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer is also thought to be under threat amid ongoing criticism of his briefings to media, although some reports have suggested that he could keep his job but give fewer briefings.


Translation: This butt-hurt globalist never Trumper does not want to work for him.

He's free to take a hike, thousands are lining up to make America great again. Oh wait, that's not what he's doing, instead he is whining like a bitch.
What a dumbass agreement that Obama signed. Thank god we have Trump to put an end to that stupidity.

For $100 billion, a loss of 6.5 million jobs and a cost of about $5K a year to every American family this is what we would have got:


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