Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

All Communist leaders murder their citizens, some into the tens of millions, but that's because of the leader and not the ideology that has no value for human life.....hmmmkay
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?

Let me know when Apple or GM start rounding up and executing their employees and then we can talk about the similarities between Communism and running a business.

You know there's something seriously wring with you, right?
Communism is simply a form of rule. The actions taken by the person in charge whether it be economic, military, law enforcement, murder, giving everybody skittles etc are dependent on the individual, not dictated by the ideology.

Just use your gun arguement... guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same point I'm making.

The only difference between a communist government and a privately owned business is the business needs to adhere to the laws of the country/state of origin, while the government makes the laws of the land.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

"Clean energy" jobs are mostly subsidized by the stupid government. That makes the worthless jobs just another form of welfare.

The biggest welfare queen in the US is the CEO of Telsa having received billions from the government. Ask the former executives of Solyndra how lucrative it is be an environmental wacko welfare queen. No wind farm or solar farm would ever exist without the filthy ass government taking money away from the taxpayers and giving it to the fat cat environmental wackos.

With Trump's excellent leadership the US has changed from being the leader of the free world dumbasses to be leader of the free world's fiscally responsible.
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I didn't forget anything. You probably made false assumptions about my statements instead of just reading my words and taking them at face value

Give it a break , you said communist never killed anyone.

Really??? Quote me

Do really want me to embarrass you once again?

You're just embarrassing yourself bub.

You can just go back a few pages you fucking moron..

I know what I wrote, you obviously don't
All Communist leaders murder their citizens, some into the tens of millions, but that's because of the leader and not the ideology that has no value for human life.....hmmmkay
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?

Let me know when Apple or GM start rounding up and executing their employees and then we can talk about the similarities between Communism and running a business.

You know there's something seriously wring with you, right?
Communism is simply a form of rule. The actions taken by the person in charge whether it be economic, military, law enforcement, murder, giving everybody skittles etc are dependent on the individual, not dictated by the ideology.

Just use your gun arguement... guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same point I'm making.

The only difference between a communist government and a privately owned business is the business needs to adhere to the laws of the country/state of origin, while the government makes the laws of the land.

So who is going to work?

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha
Give it a break , you said communist never killed anyone.

Really??? Quote me

Do really want me to embarrass you once again?

You're just embarrassing yourself bub.

You can just go back a few pages you fucking moron..

I know what I wrote, you obviously don't

Again you retard you said..


Communism never killed anyone

Another very bad Globalist deal, agreed to by American Globalists who don't care about American Citizens. Trump's delivering on his campaign promise. He's putting Americans first. It's time to turn the page on 'Global Warming.' It's only about absolute control and money for the Elites pushing it.

The constant fear mongering over it has become so old and tiresome. The earth warms, the earth cools. That's the way it is. There's no need for more Globalist Government control of peoples' lives. We already have too much of that. Time to move on. Kudos to Donald Trump. :thup:

That's what they hate...

It's all about controlling the People and making money. It's not about the planet possibly getting warmer. And if anything, 'Global Cooling' would be more so something to be concerned with. Animal and plant life don't do well in extreme cold. So if you are inclined to be fear things, 'Global Cooling' would be something worth fearing. Animal and plant life actually thrive in warm climates.

I'm just so over the endless fear mongering. I won't support more Government domination of peoples' lives. And that's all the Globalists are proposing in the end. They're not gonna 'cool down' the planet. They're just gonna seize more control of the People and steal more of their money. So i'm gonna take my chances with the Global Warming Boogeyman instead. I'm good with that.
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

You're a ignorant child..

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

You're a ignorant child..

Haha, I prove you wrong and you call me ignorant, how grade school of you. Stop embarrassing yourself now and go take your nap.
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into
I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
Click to expand...
The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

You're a ignorant child..

Haha, I prove you wrong and you call me ignorant, how grade school of you. Stop embarrassing yourself now and go take your nap.

You didn't prove anyone wrong you commie bitch that knows history..

I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

It makes people lazy you dumb ass
I'd love it to get warmer. I'm tired of freezing half the year

It used to be called "global warming". But after years of humiliatingly cold winters the DNC ordered its people to change the wording to "climate change". That wasnt working either because people realized the earth's climate was never static.
So Barack Hussein went for a third phrase that never really caught on.

"White House science adviser John Holdren is renewing his call for a new nomenclature to describe the end result of dumping vast quantities of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into Earth’s atmosphere: “global climate disruption.”
and you keep forcing what he said into a "lie" so you can be happy and "right" in that he lied.

how do you know what he meant any more than i do? i'm simply offering another way to interpret what he said w/o bias or without trying to prove something. you may want to ask yourself why you are so hellbent on only allowing what he said to be taken in ONE way - which only serves to warm up your hate for him.

so i ask you this - if we agree to the paris accord and that means we must reduce emissions THIS YEAR - will building coal plants allow us to do that or would it harm that effort?
In the trump era, it is no longer important to "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Lying is OK and acceptable as long as your last name is trump or associated with trump. Truth and falsehoods are now in the realm of opinions for the trump generation.
stop dancing and answer the question.

if we signed the paris accord, would we be able to build coal plants AND meet the goals we'd have placed on us at the same time?
Of course, we could. The problem is it would cost huge amounts to build cleaner coal facilities, making it unprofitable and make advances in other areas, such as auto emissions.

Trump is simply lying about the options.
would doing so - using coal plants - hurt us in meeting our goal? you said YES WE CAN but you didn't tag on the ramifications of said decision.

so - IF WE BUILD COAL PLANTS - can we still meet our carbon emissions goal?

if you refuse to answer it again then i know you're simply full of shit and refuse to be fair. just anti-trump.
I answered your question. I stipulated that it would require building plants at huge costs and making advances in other areas such as auto emissions.
so making them would be a horrible idea and seriously limit the ability to do so. ergo - we can't do it effectively, within reason, or at all *AND* meet the goals ONLY WE HAVE.

rage on man. you're hellbent to do it and it doesn't matter what reality is around you.
I've only asked questions... I haven't stated my opinion yet. That's you making false assumptions and distorting my narrative... typical right

You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
Click to expand...
The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
Click to expand...
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
Click to expand...
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
Click to expand...

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Click to expand...
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

So in your world you want people in the USA to become communist you stupid fuck?

Interesting monologue, first two minutes of video is all I watched. From Fox News. Explains with direct wording why this accord is a joke, and doesn't even achieve what it's intending to achieve:

Gutfeld: Why the Paris accord is a terrible idea
i hope we leave, it's the obama last grasp of attempting socialism.
195 nations signed the Paris Accord. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria are the only nations who aren't in the accord. It is not an Obama thing.
Trump is showing the world how stupid America has become, and his supporters love it.

That's not stupid. Stupid is thinking signing a piece of paper will change the climate somehow.
Interesting monologue, first two minutes of video is all I watched. From Fox News. Explains with direct wording why this accord is a joke, and doesn't even achieve what it's intending to achieve:

Gutfeld: Why the Paris accord is a terrible idea
i hope we leave, it's the obama last grasp of attempting socialism.
195 nations signed the Paris Accord. The US, Nicaragua, and Syria are the only nations who aren't in the accord. It is not an Obama thing.
Trump is showing the world how stupid America has become, and his supporters love it.

That's not stupid. Stupid is thinking signing a piece of paper will change the climate somehow.
Signing the paper is only the beginning. Stupid people need to be told such things.

And as further steps have not happened, will not happen, and trump is removing our signature we have officially gone from not accepting it to still not accepting it
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