Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

You said this
Global warming is caused by additional (not natural) C02 in the atmosphere.
Come up with a better argument 'cuz that one is indicative of a reading deficiency.
Have a good day!
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
so you can't answer how much 10 PPM of CO2 will warm the earth? shame on you. how come you don't know this number? Now you are but a fool.
It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

All Communist leaders murder their citizens, some into the tens of millions, but that's because of the leader and not the ideology that has no value for human life.....hmmmkay
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?
just wow.
No it doesn't make sense to me... please explain how many billions of dollars were we supposed to give to China? And for doing what?
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.
You said this
Global warming is caused by additional (not natural) C02 in the atmosphere.
Come up with a better argument 'cuz that one is indicative of a reading deficiency.
Have a good day!
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
Then show me SCIENCE that backs your outlandish assertions.
Show me how what i am saying is wrong. I will gladly wait :)
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

All Communist leaders murder their citizens, some into the tens of millions, but that's because of the leader and not the ideology that has no value for human life.....hmmmkay
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?
just wow.
You're not very good at answering questions are you?
you mean like you are distorting trumps so you can call him a liar under YOUR set of term ONLY in which HE would have meant?

your statement:
This is not complicated. Trump said China would open hundreds of coal-fired plants and the USA would not be allowed to open new plants. The facts, China is canceling the opening of over 100 coal-fired plants and the USA is free to open new plants if they want to.

Yes. Both can open plants. However, both are not held to the same goals / standards. If china does it, who cares for 13 years. If we do it, we can't meet goals placed on us.

ergo - we can't do it AND make the goal.

you're the one limiting it to ONLY what you would have it mean JUST SO you can all trump a liar even though you know what he means by his statement.

face it - regardless of what trump says, you'll bitch. you're letting your own fears and extreme hype dictate what trump MUST HAVE MEANT so you can continue your rant.

carry on. but don't say you're not distorting things WAY MORE than you now say I am.
You are just repeating yourself and claiming actual words said by trump have no real meaning or that he is permitted to lie the first time he says something. The words mean what they are interpreted to mean days after the original statement in trumpworld, not when they are first spoken. You want to be allowed to excuse trump lies by insisting he doesn't really mean what he says the first time he says something. You are demanding that when trump gets caught telling a lie he be allowed a "do-over" and change what he said.

and you keep forcing what he said into a "lie" so you can be happy and "right" in that he lied.

how do you know what he meant any more than i do? i'm simply offering another way to interpret what he said w/o bias or without trying to prove something. you may want to ask yourself why you are so hellbent on only allowing what he said to be taken in ONE way - which only serves to warm up your hate for him.

so i ask you this - if we agree to the paris accord and that means we must reduce emissions THIS YEAR - will building coal plants allow us to do that or would it harm that effort?
In the trump era, it is no longer important to "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Lying is OK and acceptable as long as your last name is trump or associated with trump. Truth and falsehoods are now in the realm of opinions for the trump generation.
stop dancing and answer the question.

if we signed the paris accord, would we be able to build coal plants AND meet the goals we'd have placed on us at the same time?
Of course, we could. The problem is it would cost huge amounts to build cleaner coal facilities, making it unprofitable and make advances in other areas, such as auto emissions.

Trump is simply lying about the options.
would doing so - using coal plants - hurt us in meeting our goal? you said YES WE CAN but you didn't tag on the ramifications of said decision.

so - IF WE BUILD COAL PLANTS - can we still meet our carbon emissions goal?

if you refuse to answer it again then i know you're simply full of shit and refuse to be fair. just anti-trump.
And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

The ideology is what creates dictators. There is no such thing as a communist who isn't a totalitarian.
Yes the ideology creates a dictator. A dictator decides to kill their citizens or not. Again, if Gandhi was the German dictator instead of hitler we wouldn't have seen the genocide.

If your grandma had balls she would be your grandpa.

What you're saying is that "true communism" hasn't been tried yet.

Everyone who tried their version of communism failed. Why do you think that your version will work?
Yeah I've heard that talking point for years. It's old and stale

It is true and accurate......billions of dollars from the U.S is supposed to be given to India, China, Russia and every other country.......and those countries can still do what ever they want because their is no way to make them do anything the treaty says they have to do....

And to you that makes perfect sense........? And this is why nutters like you can't be allowed to be in charge of anything.....
No it doesn't make sense to me... please explain how many billions of dollars were we supposed to give to China? And for doing what?
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Yeah, we can get out 2020. Cities and companies and states can and will continue to negotiate with the UN.
It is true and accurate......billions of dollars from the U.S is supposed to be given to India, China, Russia and every other country.......and those countries can still do what ever they want because their is no way to make them do anything the treaty says they have to do....

And to you that makes perfect sense........? And this is why nutters like you can't be allowed to be in charge of anything.....
No it doesn't make sense to me... please explain how many billions of dollars were we supposed to give to China? And for doing what?
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Yeah, we can get out 2020. Cities and companies and states can and will continue to negotiate with the UN.

Jake, wtf are you talking about?? Cities negotiate with the UN????
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?

Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

The ideology is what creates dictators. There is no such thing as a communist who isn't a totalitarian.
Yes the ideology creates a dictator. A dictator decides to kill their citizens or not. Again, if Gandhi was the German dictator instead of hitler we wouldn't have seen the genocide.

If your grandma had balls she would be your grandpa.

What you're saying is that "true communism" hasn't been tried yet.

Everyone who tried their version of communism failed. Why do you think that your version will work?
I don't think that, I'm not a fan of communism at all... I perfer the Democratic Republic that we have, by far the best form of government in the world
It is true and accurate......billions of dollars from the U.S is supposed to be given to India, China, Russia and every other country.......and those countries can still do what ever they want because their is no way to make them do anything the treaty says they have to do....

And to you that makes perfect sense........? And this is why nutters like you can't be allowed to be in charge of anything.....
No it doesn't make sense to me... please explain how many billions of dollars were we supposed to give to China? And for doing what?
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Yeah, we can get out 2020. Cities and companies and states can and will continue to negotiate with the UN.

We already got out you idiot.

Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.
It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

The ideology is what creates dictators. There is no such thing as a communist who isn't a totalitarian.
Yes the ideology creates a dictator. A dictator decides to kill their citizens or not. Again, if Gandhi was the German dictator instead of hitler we wouldn't have seen the genocide.

If your grandma had balls she would be your grandpa.

What you're saying is that "true communism" hasn't been tried yet.

Everyone who tried their version of communism failed. Why do you think that your version will work?
I don't think that, I'm not a fan of communism at all... I perfer the Democratic Republic that we have, by far the best form of government in the world

God damn dude now you forgot the posts you made?
No it doesn't make sense to me... please explain how many billions of dollars were we supposed to give to China? And for doing what?
well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Yeah, we can get out 2020. Cities and companies and states can and will continue to negotiate with the UN.

We already got out you idiot.


Don't waste your time, he lives in an alternate reality.
Come up with a better argument 'cuz that one is indicative of a reading deficiency.
Have a good day!
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
so you can't answer how much 10 PPM of CO2 will warm the earth? shame on you. how come you don't know this number? Now you are but a fool.
Your question means nothing.
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

So you have an opinion you don't have a clue what it's about?

Typical ..of the left

well that is exactly the point. do you know why we need to give billions of dollars and China doesn't do anything? you find that acceptable. Again, why you shouldn't be in charge of anything.
Do I need to retype the questions that you completely dodged?
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Yeah, we can get out 2020. Cities and companies and states can and will continue to negotiate with the UN.

We already got out you idiot.


Don't waste your time, he lives in an alternate reality.
We are not out, regardless of what you think. You guys are totally ignorant about this.
Fuck Cheetolini, the rest of the world will progress without his orangeness.

“There are more #cleanenergy jobs in California than there are coal mining jobs in entire nation. And it will stay that way.”

— Kevin de León, Democratic leader of the State Senate, on Twitter

According to the study done by MIT nobody is going to progress with the stupid agreement because it won't do jackshit to stop CO2 emission.

Those clean energy jobs are mostly subsidized by the friggin government because the jobs wouldn't exist in a free market.

You probably don't know things like this because like most Moon Bats you get your news from Comedy Central.
I can't. It's why Trump took us out. You gave the example precisely. good job. Now, can you answer your own question? Cause that is what the accord stated.
Where did the accord state that? Can you post the part that directs us to pay China?
Why didn't you answer why China doesn't do anything with their emissions until 2030? Can't answer that? 8 billion to China and other third worlds. It was explained in Trump's speech yesterday, go read the transcript.
Trump lies on a daily baisis, I don't believe the words coming out of his mouth so I'm asking to see the data from the actual agreement, you can't seem to produce it.

To answer your question, no I don't think it's ok for China to take no actions until 2030, though I haven't seen evidence showing that statement to be true either.

Are. You sure about 2030?

Or are you posting ignorant?

You don't have a clue do you?
I do not have a clue which is why I'm asking questions and asking for details. I haven't read the Paris Agreement... all I've heard is conflicting talking points from the left and right.

All you need to know is that it wasn't a treaty because it was never ratified by the U.S. Senate. It was an executive agreement entered into by Obama. Trump nullified that agreement with an E.O.

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