Trump pulling out of Paris Climate Accord

Doc1, the Agreement stands whether Trump "withdraws" or whatever. Your personal attacks are helpless and hopeless, merely showing your weakness. States and cities in America will now ignore his comments.
He is the president.. You are no one.
I know what the Accord holds nations to when they want to withdraw. The US may withdraw in November 2020. All of you Alt Righties crying? Your tears are sweet.

And as the accords were never approved by the senate, we were never bound by them.
All Communist leaders murder their citizens, some into the tens of millions, but that's because of the leader and not the ideology that has no value for human life.....hmmmkay
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?

Let me know when Apple or GM start rounding up and executing their employees and then we can talk about the similarities between Communism and running a business.

You know there's something seriously wring with you, right?
Communism is simply a form of rule. The actions taken by the person in charge whether it be economic, military, law enforcement, murder, giving everybody skittles etc are dependent on the individual, not dictated by the ideology.

Just use your gun arguement... guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same point I'm making.

The only difference between a communist government and a privately owned business is the business needs to adhere to the laws of the country/state of origin, while the government makes the laws of the land.

This sounds a lot like the arguments for why Lizzy Cheekbones could make her an Indian or why Illegals really aren't registered to vote in CA
It's often hard to keep up with the lies of our serial liar President. Now he is attempting to bullshyt the whole world and possibly expects the whole world to accept his lying the way his USA supporters accept his lying. Which of his lies will regions of the globe focus on and how does it influence how the world views American leadership under the trump era?
In your own words, explain how the Paris Accord will benefit the US.
You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

It makes people lazy you dumb ass
Lazy? I thought we were talking about murder... I agree that one of the problems with the ideology is it doesn't provide ownership or much incentive for hard work so people tend to grow lazy and unmotivated. That is a different discussion than what we are having here though.
"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

Communism makes mass murder possible. It concentrates all power into the hands of one man. Anyone who crosses that man is doomed. If the pope was running a communist country there would still be mass murder. Furthermore, the communist system ensures that the scum rises to the top. People with ethics and scruples do not win the struggle for power.
You already did by saying pinko commies never killed anyone..

That means you're ignorant as they come.


What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

So in your world you want people in the USA to become communist you stupid fuck?

For the THIRD time on this thread I will say that I do not support communism at all, I think it is a horrible form of government. Our Democratic Republic is by far the best way to run a country.

My point about communism is very simple so read slow. The ideology of communism does not kill people, as the poster that I was responding to stated, the leader in charge makes that decision. Just like the old gun argument... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.
That's all I was trying to say

That Communism as a philosophy has no respect for human life? Yes, that's it
No a dictator with no respect for human life will likely take life. Communism as an ideology has no respect for collective decision making and accountability.

Let me ask... are our businesses that are run by a single owner much different than a communist ideology?

Let me know when Apple or GM start rounding up and executing their employees and then we can talk about the similarities between Communism and running a business.

You know there's something seriously wring with you, right?
Communism is simply a form of rule. The actions taken by the person in charge whether it be economic, military, law enforcement, murder, giving everybody skittles etc are dependent on the individual, not dictated by the ideology.

Just use your gun arguement... guns don't kill people, people kill people. Same point I'm making.

The only difference between a communist government and a privately owned business is the business needs to adhere to the laws of the country/state of origin, while the government makes the laws of the land.

This sounds a lot like the arguments for why Lizzy Cheekbones could make her an Indian or why Illegals really aren't registered to vote in CA
How so?
What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

It makes people lazy you dumb ass
Lazy? I thought we were talking about murder... I agree that one of the problems with the ideology is it doesn't provide ownership or much incentive for hard work so people tend to grow lazy and unmotivated. That is a different discussion than what we are having here though.

You already told us your a comie pinko ..

What's more for you to say?

Except babbling?

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

The ideology is what creates dictators. There is no such thing as a communist who isn't a totalitarian.
Yes the ideology creates a dictator. A dictator decides to kill their citizens or not. Again, if Gandhi was the German dictator instead of hitler we wouldn't have seen the genocide.
Gandhi would never become dictator because he wasn't willing to commit murder to gain power.
The theory of man made global warming is a lie. There are numerous examples of lies connected to global warming including breathless predictions that the world end by the turn of the 21st century or Manhattan would be under water in 20 years or fire, flood and pestilence would happen unless the U.S. agreed to an international extortion scam.
It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours

And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

Communism makes mass murder possible. It concentrates all power into the hands of one man. Anyone who crosses that man is doomed. If the pope was running a communist country there would still be mass murder. Furthermore, the communist system ensures that the scum rises to the top. People with ethics and scruples do not win the struggle for power.
Guns make mass murder possible too.

If the pope was running a communist country he would have power to combat mass murder. If there is a corrupt dictator it allows for a tremendous amount of destruction to occur as we've seen in the past. If there was a righteous leader like the pope he could use the power to do more good. Why would you claim there were be mass murder? You think the pope would execute people who don't agree with him? Regardless, it is the man in charge doing the killing, not the ideology... just like your gun argument.
What do you think your post just disapear ?

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

So in your world you want people in the USA to become communist you stupid fuck?

For the THIRD time on this thread I will say that I do not support communism at all, I think it is a horrible form of government. Our Democratic Republic is by far the best way to run a country.

My point about communism is very simple so read slow. The ideology of communism does not kill people, as the poster that I was responding to stated, the leader in charge makes that decision. Just like the old gun argument... Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

You posted it ..

Slade3200Gold Member

I'm seeing all these politicians and analysts from the Right talking about the climate situation and I haven't hear one say it's a hoax. They all acknowledge what science has reported. Only wingnuts like you deny it.

Man made global warming is a hoax.........they say the climate changes...which it can't predict the local weather a few days out...and yet you want us to believe they can predict the climate 80 years from now....?
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The prediction models are not very accurate but there is concensus from the majority from the left and right that mans actions do have an effect. The severity of that effect is still being studied. I'd compare it to the cigarette/cancer situation
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"Consensus" is not science. It's bullshit politics. The minute you start blabbering about "consensus" you unmask yourself as a con artist.
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It's simply means many many more people agree with that opinion than do yours
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And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
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  1. Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

The Paris Climate Agreement was a great scam for China and India and other shitholes.

They get to continue to pollute their asses off.

The US and other developed countries had to give them money. Lots of money. Hundreds of billions of dollars.

However, there was no guarantees in the stupid agreement that the money has to be used for pollution control and absolutely no milestones that had to be met.

Obama was fucking moron to sign up for that stupid deal.

Thank god the American people elected Trump who is smart enough to know a terrible deal when he sees one.
Fuck Cheetolini, the rest of the world will progress without his orangeness.

“There are more #cleanenergy jobs in California than there are coal mining jobs in entire nation. And it will stay that way.”

— Kevin de León, Democratic leader of the State Senate, on Twitter

Fuck Cheetolini, the rest of the world will progress without his orangeness.

“There are more #cleanenergy jobs in California than there are coal mining jobs in entire nation. And it will stay that way.”

— Kevin de León, Democratic leader of the State Senate, on Twitter

Not if we stop subsidies them they are not


Stop "subsidizing" who?

California is a donor state.
A donor state? Your ass it is.. its a donate too state as welfare and social programs are 10x the average...

Yes, you're an ass and CA is a donor state.

Does California give more than it gets from D.C.?

The LAO also cites figures from a March 2016 report by the Pew Charitable Trusts. It found the federal government spent nearly $356 billion in California in fiscal year 2014, for salaries and wages, grants, contracts, retirement benefits and other benefits. That same year, California paid about $369 billion in total federal tax -- or about $13 billion more than it received -- according to the Internal Revenue Service Data Book, 2014.

So, please, by all means, "cut off" CA and save us $13 billion.
Cali received over 23.5 billion in government payments last year.. We would do well to cut you and your programs off..

No, CA received $356 billion. It paid out $369 billion. If you can't do that math in your head, it's more than $10 billion more CA paid than received.
TN and Bear are sulking. 3 states 30 cities and 100 companies are now negotiating with the UN on following the Accord.

There is nothing Trump can do to stop anyone or city outside of his Executive Branch from ignoring him.

Actually the supremacy clause excludes states from negotiating with foreign powers. That's the province of the the federal government alone

States can, however implement whatever policies they want from the accords. they just cannot be bound.

Private companies have always been allowed to have their own standards. Don't care if they make their business unprofitable
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There ya go, you proved my point... I said communism didn't kill anybody, the man in charge did. You distort that and say that I said communists have never killed anybody. Do you really not understand the difference? Haha

The ideology.. You moron..

It works its way up through the ranks
How about you just explain how the actual ideology kills people and not the will of the leader, instead of this pointless banter we've gotten into

It makes people lazy you dumb ass
Lazy? I thought we were talking about murder... I agree that one of the problems with the ideology is it doesn't provide ownership or much incentive for hard work so people tend to grow lazy and unmotivated. That is a different discussion than what we are having here though.

You already told us your a comie pinko ..

What's more for you to say?

Except babbling?

Oh really, I said told you that I was a comie pinko? Quote me

You have a very bad habit of resorting to childish insults when you are proven wrong and no longer have an argument. I'd work on that if I were you, it makes you look petty and small minded
And many people allowed the Germans to murder 6 million Jews.........the same types pushing this stupidity....and even more still think communism, which is responsible for the deaths of 100 million innocent men, women and children, just hasn't been given the right chance.......

So please.....the left wing nutters in Europe and around the world have nothing to teach us....
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

Communism makes mass murder possible. It concentrates all power into the hands of one man. Anyone who crosses that man is doomed. If the pope was running a communist country there would still be mass murder. Furthermore, the communist system ensures that the scum rises to the top. People with ethics and scruples do not win the struggle for power.
Guns make mass murder possible too.

If the pope was running a communist country he would have power to combat mass murder. If there is a corrupt dictator it allows for a tremendous amount of destruction to occur as we've seen in the past. If there was a righteous leader like the pope he could use the power to do more good. Why would you claim there were be mass murder? You think the pope would execute people who don't agree with him? Regardless, it is the man in charge doing the killing, not the ideology... just like your gun argument.

The ideology makes commies kill ..

Have a good day!
TN sulks. He's got nothing.
Lol I was just laughing at you. THINK about what you wrote. Good lord!!
Say, did you read the science I gave you yesterday? Or are you fine with talking points and pseudo science?
Don't talk to me about "talking points" and "pseudo science." You're in it up to your eyeballs. I think I read your articles--I was pretty busy but I read some, for sure.
Then show me SCIENCE that backs your outlandish assertions.
Show me how what i am saying is wrong. I will gladly wait :)
I'm not playing that game with you. If you actually had any interest in the facts underlying this topic, you would have already read the SCIENCE. Which you obviously haven't. I'm not a scientist so why the hell do you expect me to read raw data? I didn't know you were a scientist either. I believe you are taking the word of the folks you agree with. Same as I am. Except there are a HELL of a lot more of us than there are of you folks. Outlandish, indeed. Are you out of your mind?

You're correct in science proving that the climate is changing (a normal occurrence that's been going on for billions of years). The "scientific" assertion that it's cause by man's activities is what is in question.

Since science doesn't have, say, a 100 year baseline where earth's climate remained constant, it is impossible to prove that man has had a significant effect on climate. In an effort to prove the claim that climate change is man caused, "Changers" blame such crazy things as cow flatulence, human exhalations, and soft drinks, etc, when CO2 is coming off the ocean constantly. They conveniently ignore the millions of tons emitted by the world's volcanoes.

Climate change is happening. That it's "living creature" caused is Junk Science.
Communism didn't kill anybody... a narcesistic, charismatic nationalist douchebag did

It's just a coincidence that every Communist leader murders his own citizens, right?
You make my point, thank you.

It's the dictator that murders, not the ideology. I don't like communism any more than you do but it depends on who is steering the ship. If the pope was running a communistic country I don't think there would be mass murder.

The ideology is what creates dictators. There is no such thing as a communist who isn't a totalitarian.
Yes the ideology creates a dictator. A dictator decides to kill their citizens or not. Again, if Gandhi was the German dictator instead of hitler we wouldn't have seen the genocide.
Gandhi would never become dictator because he wasn't willing to commit murder to gain power.
Dictators can be democratically elected

"Usually dictators rise to power as a result from democratic elections, but once they're elected, they change the entire political system to ensure that no one else ..."

What is a Dictatorship | Military Dictatorships

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