Trump Pulling Out of Virginia

Pulling out of Virginia? That is not necessary. Her tubes are tied and she has a clean bill of health.
Eh, there's plenty of swings left in this election...

Hillary and her media sycophants are overplaying and over-confident, far too obvious.

The liberal/Hillary anti-Catholic and anti-Christian intolerance won't go over well, also too obvious..(given these new wikileaks)
The media is doing it's damnedest to bury the content of the wikileaks. And frankly they're doing a good job of it. The American people will pay for their willful neglect, and ignorance. And it is to be deserved when it happens. The tragedy, is that they will take many good Americans down with them.
Eh, there's plenty of swings left in this election...

Hillary and her media sycophants are overplaying and over-confident, far too obvious.

The liberal/Hillary anti-Catholic and anti-Christian intolerance won't go over well, also too obvious..(given these new wikileaks)
The media is doing it's damnedest to bury the content of the wikileaks. And frankly they're doing a good job of it. The American people will pay for their willful neglect, and ignorance. And it is to be deserved when it happens. The tragedy, is that they will take many good Americans down with them.
OMG!! It's a conspiracy, a conspiracy!!
They say it is tight here in Arizona and Hillary's folks have determined it is now in play. Then yesterday I heard that some Mormon independent candidate is only trailing by 4% up in Utah.
Baring democrat voter fraud,,Virginia is in the bag for Trump....and after hitlery pulled out and abandoned Pennsylvania, it should be an easy night for Trump.....

We're going to have to endure a thousand posts like the one above between now and the election. Nuclear denial.
Hmmmmmm, then why is he pulling in such big crowds? Rumor has it that liberal media has been cooking the polls.

That was the rumor in 2012. How'd that jive with reality?
In 2012 the media was never this far in dugout for the Democratic nominee. Media in America is a disgrace.

So the polls are right and the Media is lying about their findings? Is that the dementia we’re working with today?
Eh, there's a lot of dimwit Dems in Virginia sucking off the taxpayer teat, tough for Trump's smaller government, less regulation, more individual freedom policies.

NBC as a source, pretty comical...:popcorn:

So your response to Trump's rout and epic failure to win the votes of a give to insult the electorate?

Laughing....tell us how that works out.
I love how you super confident dems, keep hoping trump will just drop out.

I really want him to stay in....
The closer we get to election day Nov 28 the more unhinged and erratic Trumpy becomes....

And Nov 28th is the day the Donald said to go out and vote.
The claim that Trump is ahead in California might be the funniest shit I've read all day. I doubt Trump is ahead in California, Missouri. lol
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.
Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.
Make your own joke of the headline...

What is not a joke is that Mr. Trump had conceded VA and it's critical 13 electoral votes to President err I mean Secretary Clinton.

Trump's Campaign Is 'Pulling Out of Virginia'

The story says he's reduced to running a four state campaign at this point...
PA which he will lose
NC which he is losing
FL which he will probably lose: Thank you Broward County and the I-4 Corridor
OH which he may win

Gee, wonder where that $1Billion he pledged to spend on his own campaign is.... The latest disclosure said that they raised $162 million.
Trump is pulling out, like his father should have.

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