Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, “TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON

Yes because those naughty words really advance your cause, Now go to your room childish name caller.

I nicknamed him that because he has a nickname for almost everyone. Yes I know he is childlike, a huge and old child.
Holy shit Trumpybera thinks he's a King who can declare a persons guilt or innocence by EO.

sez the leftarded who insist the king is guilty of collusion

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There is no crime called collusion. Mueller's report made that very clear. It also makes clear the numerous contacts the Trumpsters had, and lied about, with Russian government operatives.
Trump is batshit crazy
President Trump on Friday claimed his campaign was “conclusively spied on” and suggested those responsible should be prosecuted for treason and sent to prison as Attorney General William Barr continued to defend his probe of the origins of the Russia investigation.

“My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on,” Trump tweeted. “Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”

Trump has long claimed the FBI spied on his campaign and that the federal investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russia was part of an “attempted coup” against him.

But there is no evidence of any coup, critics say. And there is debate over whether the term “spying” should be used to describe court-approved surveillance or a lawful counterintelligence investigation.

The FBI began its investigation in July 2016, after Australia informed the United States that foreign Trump campaign policy adviser George Papadopoulos claimed that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. The FBI used an undercover investigator and a longtime informant in Britain to make contact with Papadopoulos.

In September 2016, Yahoo News first reported that former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was under federal investigation over a trip he had taken to Moscow two months earlier. The story, by Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, was later cited in an FBI application for a surveillance warrant against Page. Isikoff’s reporting on Christopher Steele, the former British spy who prepared the controversial dossier about Trump, was also cited in the FBI’s application to wiretap Page.

Steele began working on the dossier in June 2016 for Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., research firm, on behalf of a Democratic client. The document, which was published online shortly before Trump’s inauguration, contained salacious but unverified allegations that Russians held compromising material on the president.

Trump and his allies have pointed to the dossier as evidence of surveillance abuses.

Barr said the dossier is a key part of his probe.

sez the leftarded who insist the king is guilty of collusion

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There is no crime called collusion. Mueller's report made that very clear. It also makes clear the numerous contacts the Trumpsters had, and lied about, with Russian government operatives.
Trump is batshit crazy
President Trump on Friday claimed his campaign was “conclusively spied on” and suggested those responsible should be prosecuted for treason and sent to prison as Attorney General William Barr continued to defend his probe of the origins of the Russia investigation.

“My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on,” Trump tweeted. “Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!”

Trump has long claimed the FBI spied on his campaign and that the federal investigation into his campaign’s contacts with Russia was part of an “attempted coup” against him.

But there is no evidence of any coup, critics say. And there is debate over whether the term “spying” should be used to describe court-approved surveillance or a lawful counterintelligence investigation.

The FBI began its investigation in July 2016, after Australia informed the United States that foreign Trump campaign policy adviser George Papadopoulos claimed that Russia had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. The FBI used an undercover investigator and a longtime informant in Britain to make contact with Papadopoulos.

In September 2016, Yahoo News first reported that former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page was under federal investigation over a trip he had taken to Moscow two months earlier. The story, by Yahoo News chief investigative correspondent Michael Isikoff, was later cited in an FBI application for a surveillance warrant against Page. Isikoff’s reporting on Christopher Steele, the former British spy who prepared the controversial dossier about Trump, was also cited in the FBI’s application to wiretap Page.

Steele began working on the dossier in June 2016 for Fusion GPS, a Washington, D.C., research firm, on behalf of a Democratic client. The document, which was published online shortly before Trump’s inauguration, contained salacious but unverified allegations that Russians held compromising material on the president.

Trump and his allies have pointed to the dossier as evidence of surveillance abuses.

Barr said the dossier is a key part of his probe.

He's just pushing buttons. When he finds one that gets the reaction he desires, he pushes it again and again.......

The ball is in the courts hands now. He is defying most everything Congress tries, so if or when the courts decide against him what will he do?

Ya really believe that, don't you, lol. We shall see, and it won't be long, but I actually feel sorry for both of you, especially Ed.

Ed, I would never laugh at you, but when the poop hits the fan, I hope you open your eyes. Just do yourself a favor, and put on some safety glasses because, you are going to need them!
You really believe all our agencies banded together to take trump down?? That all investigations were done illegally?

Nope, I believe the Obama Administration heads of the alphabet agencies did. And you watch what happens. You had your investigations and got zilch. I bet you are going to see indictments within 2 months.

Look, everything those reporters and Bongino said came to pass. Everything your MSM said, has gotten a big zero. If you were a betting man, who would you put your money behind?

You actually believe this gives me great pleasure, don't you! You would be wrong. What it actually does is worry the hell out of me. When it is proven what was done, and if you people come on here and defend it, our country is cooked.

YOUR side was always the civil liberties watchdogs, always. If you can throw away the rule of law because you HATE SOMEONE, then you are lost, and so are we as a country. If you throw away all the media on Russian collusion, this man has done NOTHING! And yet, are you willing to fry him because of your PERCEPTION of him because of the media?

You can thank Obama, you can thank Jesus, you can thank the Democrats for our economic resurgence. The one thing you can not do, is BLAME TRUMP because it is not happening!

If this comes down like many of us know it will, it will be your choice on how you see it. WATCH, just WATCH, and open your mind. You don't have to agree with the politics, but if you are a patriotic American, you MUST agree with the rule of law.
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.

From a Socialist Canadian, I laugh in your female face-) And I am guessing, you really DO look like a DRAGON!
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.

From a Socialist Canadian, I laugh in your female face-) And I am guessing, you really DO look like a DRAGON!

Tramp always projects. he lies he calls everyone a liar, he cheats , he calls everyone a cheater, he is a failed businessman , he calls everyone else a failed businessman. So he commits treason , he accuses his political opponents of treason. The problem is most of them are republican.

What is projecting behavior?
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.

From a Socialist Canadian, I laugh in your female face-) And I am guessing, you really DO look like a DRAGON!

Tramp always projects. he lies he calls everyone a liar, he cheats , he calls everyone a cheater, he is a failed businessman , he calls everyone else a failed businessman. So he commits treason , he accuses his political opponents of treason. The problem is most of them are republican.

What is projecting behavior?
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions

Now you are a shrink who knows all, lol. The great Karnak reborn?

Go try your propaganda elsewhere PITSTOP, you aren't selling it with me.

The only thing you have is YOUR OPINION, and that isn't worth sh**! If ever you have facts, come back, and we will revisit this conversation.

Until that time, you have, and will have within the next 2 months, a FORK stuck in you! Good luck with that-)
The bigger problem,as I see it, is that no matter what Justice or perceived Justice is achieved, as soon as power flips hands, then next regime will simply pardon and or undo everything the other side considered "progress".

If the Right builds a wall, the Left will tear it down. If the Right builds a strong military, the Left will defund it and let expensive equipment rot. How many felons did Obama pardon at the end of his term? I believe it was in the thousands.

Once again.....
"A Nation Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"....
Abraham Lincoln

At the current rate, in 50 years, American will be a mere shadow of what it was 50 years ago.

Poverty and decline for all but the 1%.

The Left thinks it's winning by destroying America...but they are going to go down with the ship just like rightwingrs. Everyone will drown. Apparently a favorable outcome for them.
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Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"
No lawyers left ,,,dump hired them all
Yes because those naughty words really advance your cause, Now go to your room childish name caller.

I nicknamed him that because he has a nickname for almost everyone. Yes I know he is childlike, a huge and old child.

You nick-named WHO that? This must be a quiz....Let's see "childlike, huge and old child' I GOT IT!! Chuck Schumer? No wait......I know! Comey? He's huge and childlike.
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.
You just echo the lies from the left. And the left is scared. Burn em down.
Trump does not comprehend the definition of treason and neither does the OP. thread will just be more echoing of Don the Cons nonsense by his dupes.

Treason is siding with enemies against your country and trying to overthrow the government of whatever country you are a citizen of. Giving aide and comfort to your enemies.

Obama sent billions to our enemies.
Hillary sold our uranium to our enemy, Russia.
John Kerry and Joe Biden's family made deals with our enemies Iran and China.
John Brennan, James Comey, and other's tried to overthrow the government.

This is treason.

Yes that is what tramp and some of his campaign did and his kiddies. Treason.

From a Socialist Canadian, I laugh in your female face-) And I am guessing, you really DO look like a DRAGON!

Tramp always projects. he lies he calls everyone a liar, he cheats , he calls everyone a cheater, he is a failed businessman , he calls everyone else a failed businessman. So he commits treason , he accuses his political opponents of treason. The problem is most of them are republican.

What is projecting behavior?
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism people subconsciously employ in order to cope with difficult feelings or emotions. Psychological projection involves projecting undesirable feelings or emotions onto someone else, rather than admitting to or dealing with the unwanted feelings.Nov 15, 2017
Psychological Projection: Dealing With Undesirable Emotions

Now you are a shrink who knows all, lol. The great Karnak reborn?

Go try your propaganda elsewhere PITSTOP, you aren't selling it with me.

The only thing you have is YOUR OPINION, and that isn't worth sh**! If ever you have facts, come back, and we will revisit this conversation.

Until that time, you have, and will have within the next 2 months, a FORK stuck in you! Good luck with that-)
Trump is the ultimate projector, ie blaming others for his own faults.

We need a President who isn't a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

Are you allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence?

It's almost like the United States has no President - we are a rudderless ship heading for a major disaster. Good luck everyone!

Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

We pay for Obama's travel so he can fundraise millions so Democrats can run on lies. Then we pay for his golf.

Trump predicted himself.
Oh boy, the coup plotters are now on notice by our bold president. They're lawyering up I bet.

President Trump Puts Spygate Coup Plotters on Notice, "TREASON Means Long Jail Sentences, and This Was TREASON!"

The only one that committed treason was tramp and his campaign.

Don't look now but there's been so much smoke blown up your ass it's coming out of your ears now.

I can't wait till we start impeachment proceedings on him and his kids indicted in NY. All of them are crooks and liars. Disgusting family. They are the scum of the earth.

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