"Trump Puts US in Club of One"

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Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com

HOw the fuck is Germany going to lead? Lead where? To ever greater Muslim immigration? To demanding even more protection from America?
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.
As I said limited historical let alone current knowledge. Unless I'm mistaking for a country that has been raped as you put it. There are a lot of American companies market leaders abroad. Not to mention the fact that American TV is almost universally stronger then local tv. Oil is traded in dollars, American banks have control over many banks in other countries.Etc. This all could be under treat. Again rhetoric don't change facts.
Trump is weakening your position in the world.

So Obama strengthened our position in the world? LOL, we have been hearing this left-wing doubletalk ever since WW2. If YOU had any historical awareness, you would see striking parallels between the decline of the Roman Empire and what you prescribe for the U.S.
...If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

No we're not Earthlings. We're Americans. I can trace my ancestry back to almost a double digit list of nations, but I am an Anerican and nothing else.

The USA will always be a Superpower so long as we have a nuclear arsenal (which s should be rebuilt) and a POTUS willing to use iut on anyone who gets too uppity.
Trump is weakening your position in the world.

So Obama strengthened our position in the world? LOL, we have been hearing this left-wing doubletalk ever since WW2. If YOU had any historical awareness, you would see striking parallels between the decline of the Roman Empire and what you prescribe for the U.S.
Please elaborate. What parallels do you see? I can also draw parallels but I'm interested in your view. And yes Obama did strengthen your position in the world. Remember Bush wasn't exactly liked, Obama did much to restore confidence in the US with the historical allies. They even went as far as to give him the nobel peace prize on the sheer fact of him getting elected.
...If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

No we're not Earthlings. We're Americans. I can trace my ancestry back to almost a double digit list of nations, but I am an Anerican and nothing else.

The USA will always be a Superpower so long as we have a nuclear arsenal (which s should be rebuilt) and a POTUS willing to use iut on anyone who gets too uppity.
Sure nuke the world. Russia is a nuclear power to. Thousands of nukes didn't stop them from collapsing. How rational is someone who thinks of nuclear war as desirable.
Sure nuke the world. Russia is a nuclear power to. Thousands of nukes didn't stop them from collapsing. How rational is someone who thinks of nuclear war as desirable.

I don't want to nuke anyone. I just want to see the US left alone as the isolationist nation it should be.
Excellent! Just the way it should be. I am not an "earthling " I am an "American." The rest of the world has been taking advantage of us for years now. As Dr. Gorka says, "We are not a superpower. We are a hyperpower." Tell Merkel, Trudeau, and the rest of these socialist that it's our way or the highway.
Donald Trump puts US in a club of one - CNNPolitics.com
Not that I think you have any historical awareness but let me put this thought out there. You know what all superpowers but 1 in history have in common? They are no longer superpowers. The US is not the first nor will it be the last country on Earth that has illusions of invincibility. I'll tell you a little secret. Trump is weakening your position in the world. The US has been the sole superpower for about 30 years and one of 2 superpowers for about 80 years. The US is keeping it's position because of it's military might and an economy that is largely set up to favour the US. Military might depends on economic might. Trump is making it very clear to the rest of the world that like you said "it's my way or the highway." The US is NOT a stronger economy than the rest of the world. In fact it's only marginally stronger than the EU. Trump is going out of his way to make the US an unreliable partner. If the rest of the world chooses to say F-you, you will no longer have to worry about being a superpower I promise you that. Oh and btw unless you are a Martian you are an earthling. Even if you don't want to be.

Our economy has been raped over the last 60 years by our trading partners.

Trump is the US getting tired of being the world's bitch.

Of course those that have been taking advantage of US are pissed of about US wising up.
As I said limited historical let alone current knowledge. Unless I'm mistaking for a country that has been raped as you put it. There are a lot of American companies market leaders abroad. Not to mention the fact that American TV is almost universally stronger then local tv. Oil is traded in dollars, American banks have control over many banks in other countries.Etc. This all could be under treat. Again rhetoric don't change facts.

A few companies doing well does not offset the overwhelming negatives.
Sure nuke the world. Russia is a nuclear power to. Thousands of nukes didn't stop them from collapsing. How rational is someone who thinks of nuclear war as desirable.

I don't want to nuke anyone. I just want to see the US left alone as the isolationist nation it should be.
The USA will always be a Superpower so long as we have a nuclear arsenal (which s should be rebuilt) and a POTUS willing to use iut on anyone who gets too uppity
What did you mean by this if not we should nuke all countries that threaten our position as superpower?
What did you mean by this if not we should nuke all countries that threaten our position as superpower?

No. We should nuke all countries thst dont acknowledge our ISOLATIONISM (which should be our policy).
Hmms pretty questionable attitude but at least it's clear. So you wouldn't mind ceding trade power if it would mean that the world would leave you alone. You wouldn't mind not being able to afford a decent military, decent infrastructure, pensions and the like. Your ideal society after all is where your economy is solely internal. Like for instance Japan from the 17th to the 19th century. Just so you know it meant almost complete stagnation in science, trade and the like for them.
We take the highway to hell as Merkle is "battling" "protectionism".
We take the high road as the lesbian Frau learns a lesson in economics and diplomacy. That's an arm drag takedown for DJT.
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