Trump questioning Romney's faith

It is quite sad that we as a society have sunk so low as to not demand loyalty from anyone we trust to run our government. Perhaps this is why we have Trump now.

You could be right. Maybe Trump is loyal. But then again, Hess was to Hitler as were Himmler and Goering. IOW, loyalty in itself, doesn't mean that much if the person you're being loyal to is a douche.
It is quite sad that we as a society have sunk so low as to not demand loyalty from anyone we trust to run our government. Perhaps this is why we have Trump now.

You could be right. Maybe Trump is loyal. But then again, Hess was to Hitler as were Himmler and Goering. IOW, loyalty in itself, doesn't mean that much if the person you're being loyal to is a douche.
Kind of like your loyalty to Obama?
It is quite sad that we as a society have sunk so low as to not demand loyalty from anyone we trust to run our government. Perhaps this is why we have Trump now.

You could be right. Maybe Trump is loyal. But then again, Hess was to Hitler as were Himmler and Goering. IOW, loyalty in itself, doesn't mean that much if the person you're being loyal to is a douche.
Kind of like your loyalty to Obama?

What makes you think I'm loyal to Obama? Obama has been an okay president. Not that great. not the worst either. However, Trump is on another level of dumb all by himself. I never thought I would see a politician dumber than Palin, Bush jnr or Quayle in my lifetime. Then up steps Trump...
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.
T-Rump is an evil man. He lies about everything...he's not a true Christian, he's not a man who tell the truth about himself or his life. He is probably afraid the GOP will put up Romney against him and so he is attacking Romney. His only reason for saying anything is to get elected...he'll say anything. And getting elected is not what he wants for the good of the country but only for his massive self aggrandizing ego.
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.
T-Rump is an evil man. He lies about everything...he's not a true Christian, he's not a man who tell the truth about himself or his life. He is probably afraid the GOP will put up Romney against him and so he is attacking Romney. His only reason for saying anything is to get elected...he'll say anything. And getting elected is not what he wants for the good of the country but only for his massive self aggrandizing ego.

Sounds just like the one in office now. I am beginning to think it just goes with the territory. :)
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.
T-Rump is an evil man. He lies about everything...he's not a true Christian, he's not a man who tell the truth about himself or his life. He is probably afraid the GOP will put up Romney against him and so he is attacking Romney. His only reason for saying anything is to get elected...he'll say anything. And getting elected is not what he wants for the good of the country but only for his massive self aggrandizing ego.

Sounds just like the one in office now. I am beginning to think it just goes with the territory. :)
Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing Hitler to Kennedy. There is no comparison. One is a maniacal fascist and one is a youthful politician doing what normal politicians do.
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.
T-Rump is an evil man. He lies about everything...he's not a true Christian, he's not a man who tell the truth about himself or his life. He is probably afraid the GOP will put up Romney against him and so he is attacking Romney. His only reason for saying anything is to get elected...he'll say anything. And getting elected is not what he wants for the good of the country but only for his massive self aggrandizing ego.

Sounds just like the one in office now. I am beginning to think it just goes with the territory. :)
Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing Hitler to Kennedy. There is no comparison. One is a maniacal fascist and one is a youthful politician doing what normal politicians do.

:lol: Okie Doke We can agree to disagree.
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.
T-Rump is an evil man. He lies about everything...he's not a true Christian, he's not a man who tell the truth about himself or his life. He is probably afraid the GOP will put up Romney against him and so he is attacking Romney. His only reason for saying anything is to get elected...he'll say anything. And getting elected is not what he wants for the good of the country but only for his massive self aggrandizing ego.

Sounds just like the one in office now. I am beginning to think it just goes with the territory. :)
Comparing Obama to Trump is like comparing Hitler to Kennedy. There is no comparison. One is a maniacal fascist and one is a youthful politician doing what normal politicians do.

:lol: Okie Doke We can agree to disagree.
It's the American way. :)
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.

After all of the vile things Romney has said about Trump, I don't blame him one bit for going after Romney the wussy loser.

Wussy loser? Romney's won more than Trump ever has, like, er... you know, the Republican Primaries.
Trump says he loves Mormons, but Romney not so much

Didn't he just get into a scuffle with the Pope when the Pope said building a wall wasn't Christian? Could have sworn he was acting high and mighty saying how dare anyone question his faith. Funny how that doesn't seem to stop him from doing what he condemned the Pope for.

As for what the Pope did, neither he, nor Trump are the ultimate judges of faith. God is.

None of what you see from any of the concerned parties is Christian behavior.

Good. So you agree Rump is being a hypocrite.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Well, that is rather obvious. I wouldn't go as far as to say that Romney didn't attack him with pretty 'vial' insults. He hit Trump pretty hard on his character :/

The problem is that it is true. That does not necessarily mean it is not vile :D

Do tell, these "vile" things. :popcorn:

You are kidding, right? Where have you been? Romney actually had press conference type speech to discuss Trump. More than once. Get real.
And you can look it up yourself.

Oh Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud' -

Hell yes, I know that and I watched it.

That's exactly why I ask.

Did he say "he had blood coming out of his wherever"? Did he call Rump a "rapist"? "Loser"? "Pig"? "Pussy"? Did he mock his congenital disability?

You may resume squirming now.

Sorry. I am not squirming in the least. Your views are of no value to me at all. And I totally agree with what Trump said to Miss Kelly. She deserved it with how she was treating him. Though I admit it was crude and I would not have said it.
Don't try and play ''gotcha'' with won't win.

Actually .... looks like I just did.

I'm not seeing this "vile" Romney quote.

With the mouth you have on you, I doubt much would seem vile to you. Having said that...I have nothing more to say to you. POGO. :)

Arrrr, this be a feisty one. :rofl:

If you have "nothing more to say" --- who just posted this?

So... no vile, in a vial or any other size.

If you ever find any maybe this guy can set it to music ----


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