Trump racist... but no black can be racist! True...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Even though Trump dated a black woman and he's had several black women work with him and look at the below picture..the meme of the day... "Trump racist".
So is it possible for a "black" person to be racist?
Not according to this article!
"Black people can never be racist – we never had the tools or power to institutionalise racial oppression. So next time you as a white person want to accuse black people of reverse racism and insufficient anger – check yourself and your privilege."
Black people can’t be racist | Pambazuka News
YUP if you are black you are not ABLE to be racist!

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The bold statement begins "Black PEOPLE can never be racist and then the subject is immediately switched to institutional racism which is completely different than individual racism. Typical Leftist deception.
Blacks can be some of the worst racists on the planet

I disagree with the premise that black people cannot be racist. With that said, if any race would have a reason to be racist it would be black people because of what they've had to endure.

Based on how racism has been defined in today's world, racism is represented in every race and culture. It's dishonest to suggest otherwise.

I watched both segments of the democratic debates this week and what I walked away with was the realization that Donald Trump will most likely be re-elected for reasons that were expressed from the last presidential election. Whether real or imagined, middle class white independents will continue to feel left out and dismissed by the democratic party.

They learned nothing from the last election.
Blacks can be some of the worst racists on the planet

I don't know about the worst but this is a common fashion statement and it sums up why most whites have a primative disgust for blacks.
While it is NOT a typical fashion plate AND YES some few dumb ass whites duplicate this.. it is an image that certainly doesn't make a large number of
truly reputable blacks happy I'm sure.
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