Trump rages as his former 'SleazeBag disbarred lawyer' spills the beans to grand jury

Relating to the thread, are you saying Trump was falsely accused of fking Stormy, or the lawyer was falsely, or the lawyer was falsely accused, prosecuted and sentenced for coordinating the payoff of individual No. 1 (Trump) have taken the hit for Trump? Or are you just throwing up a smoke screen, for general Trump support?
Don’t try to talk for others. You’re having difficulty enough talking for yourself.

I don’t know IF Trump fucked Stormy. I also don’t care. The payment for a non disclosure agreement isn’t illegal. And the claim that it amounts to a campaign contribution is absurd.

When you figure all of that out, maybe you can get up to speed.
LOL! So, I have to wonder, does Trump get the irony of his calling his former lawyer a "sleazebag'? I mean, after all, Cohen was Trump's many years, right? Did he not actually go to prison for lying on Trump's behalf and at Trump's request?

Former President Donald Trump is decidedly not happy that his former attorney has spent the week talking to a grand jury in New York.
Writing on his Truth Social platform, the former president raged that longtime "fixer" Michael Cohen went before a grand jury this week and spilled details about the alleged hush money scheme to pay off adult film star Stormy Daniels in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election.
Trump also lobbed in personal insults at Cohen for good measure.
"Does anybody believe that SleazeBag disbarred lawyer Michael Cohen went before a Grand Jury yesterday, and did little but talk about it today?" Trump wrote. "You’re not allowed to do that, just like in Georgia where the Juror was severely admonished for 'talking.' Cohen has no credibility at any level - A Total Loser!"
The reason Cohen is a problematic witness for prosecutors is that he went to jail in part for perjuring himself on behalf of Trump and at Trump's behest.
Reporting from earlier on Thursday from The Guardian's Hugo Lowell claimed that Trump's current lawyers also visited prosecutors in New York this week in an effort to talk them out of indicting their client.

According to Lowell, the attorneys argued to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg that Trump would have made the hush-money payments to Daniels even if he weren't running for president, as they were simply intended to save trouble with his marriage to Melania Trump.
Completely unhinged.
Nah. It won’t. Even if they’re silly enough to indict. It’s bullshit.
I don't think you understand the charges. Note, Trump's lawyers visited the DA and made the argument that the payment was not about the election, Trump would have paid it anyway to keep Melania from knowing about it. So, it didn't have anything to do with the election. That visit rendered Cohen's testimony moot. Trump's lawyers have admitted to the payment.

It is an interesting defense. Slimeball Trump willing pays six figures to a pornstar to keep their fifteen second fling under wraps so his wife, who is much better looking than the pornstar, but was pregnant at the time with their only child together, a son, doesn't find out. It had nothing to do with hiding that information from the electorate, although that was a welcome bonus.

Trump, and his lawyers, are stupid. Playing that defense opens up a whole new can of worms. They have thrown Melania into the equation. I mean what lowlife scumbag throws his beautiful wife under the bus? Did she know about the affair before the payment? That would be crucial, and finding out would necessitate putting her on the stand. Again, what lowlife scumbag would subject their wife to that? I mean this is the type of man, using the term "man" very loosely here, you support as president?

And here is the thing you Trump supporters just don't realize. Trump claims he has a high IQ, in reality, he would be lucky to get to 120. Melania's is at least 160, maybe higher. Although plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech is a problem, I will give her the benefit of the doubt. Probably one of Trump's dumbshit speech writers. But if the court determines that the payment was to conceal the information from the electorate it becomes a campaign expense that was not recorded, and that is against the law. Especially when it was self-funded.
I don't think you understand the charges.

You don’t think.
Note, Trump's lawyers visited the DA and made the argument that the payment was not about the election, Trump would have paid it anyway to keep Melania from knowing about it. So, it didn't have anything to do with the election. That visit rendered Cohen's testimony moot. Trump's lawyers have admitted to the payment

The payment is an irrelevancy.
It is an interesting defense. Slimeball Trump willing pays six figures to a pornstar to keep their fifteen second fling under wraps so his wife, who is much better looking than the pornstar, but was pregnant at the time with their only child together, a son, doesn't find out. It had nothing to do with hiding that information from the electorate, although that was a welcome bonus.
As I said. The payment is an irrelevancy. It is still not illegal to pay for a non disclosure agreement.
Trump, and his lawyers, are stupid.
Playing that defense opens up a whole new can of worms. They have thrown Melania into the equation.

No. They haven’t.
I mean what lowlife scumbag throws his beautiful wife under the bus?
That hasn’t happened.
Did she know about the affair before the payment?
That would be crucial,
Irrelevancies aren’t crucial.
and finding out would necessitate putting her on the stand.
Irrelevant and immaterial.
Again, what lowlife scumbag would subject their wife to that?
Hasn’t happened. Won’t happen. Irrelevant.
I mean this is the type of man, using the term "man" very loosely here, you support as president?
Your “question” presupposes a great deal of utterly baseless bullshit.
And here is the thing you Trump supporters just don't realize.
More irrelevant claptrap. Toddle off now Winny.
Don’t try to talk for others. You’re having difficulty enough talking for yourself.

I don’t know IF Trump fucked Stormy. I also don’t care. The payment for a non disclosure agreement isn’t illegal. And the claim that it amounts to a campaign contribution is absurd.

The issue is how it was paid for.
Don’t try to talk for others. You’re having difficulty enough talking for yourself.

I don’t know IF Trump fucked Stormy. I also don’t care. The payment for a non disclosure agreement isn’t illegal. And the claim that it amounts to a campaign contribution is absurd.

When you figure all of that out, maybe you can get up to speed.
Absurd? Stuff like that used to affect the vote of the religious right, before the religious right simply became "the right", with morals, character, vows before God, shrinking to non'significance in right wing political circles.
Absurd? Stuff like that used to affect the vote of the religious right, before the religious right simply became "the right", with morals, character, vows before God, shrinking to non'significance in right wing political circles.
And the ones who squawked the loudest about that stuff were the mostly likely to be caught tapping on the bathroom stall wall at the airport.

So they were always full of shit. They just realized they couldn't publicly worship the orange slob and keep up that act.
You don’t think.

The payment is an irrelevancy.

As I said. The payment is an irrelevancy. It is still not illegal to pay for a non disclosure agreement.


No. They haven’t.

That hasn’t happened.


Irrelevancies aren’t crucial.

Irrelevant and immaterial.

Hasn’t happened. Won’t happen. Irrelevant.

Your “question” presupposes a great deal of utterly baseless bullshit.

More irrelevant claptrap. Toddle off now Winny.
You are a fawking idiot. If rather Melania knew or not is irrelevant why the hell did Trump's lawyers visit the AG and claim the payment was to keep her from finding out? Seriously, pull your head out of your ass. You got to be the biggest poser on this messageboard, pretending to be smart, playing grammer and spelling Nazi, and then being dumber than shit with no critical thinking skills.

I mean come on, you support a president that speaks at a fourth grade level at beast. "Beautiful, most, wonderful", damn, can he come up with some more adjectives for Christ sake. A president that really did attempt to throw the Constitution away, and just recently proclaimed that it was irrelevant. That he should be installed as president. He fawked a pornstar with his tiny little microdick for a sum total of fifteen seconds and he paid over six figures for it, not to keep it from his wife, who probably refuses to sleep with him--they did sleep in separate bedrooms in the White House, and is damn smart enough to know what he did.

And seriously, you are dumber than a box of rocks if you what to claim that rather Melania knew or not is irrelevant. If she knew, which could be ascertained on the stand, then the payment was election related. I hope to God they call her, and she says as much, and Trump gets convicted. And she walks away and finds a real man, pre-nub be damn because Trump ain't got a pot to piss in.
A call which idiots like you make much of for no valid reason.

So? If you believe the election was being stolen, you’re allowed to ask for relief.

So what?


There are laws dealing with election interference. If it is proven that Trump broke those laws, he pays.

But it is obviously not "fake news" or just bullshit.
Absurd? Stuff like that used to affect the vote of the religious right, before the religious right simply became "the right", with morals, character, vows before God, shrinking to non'significance in right wing political circles.
Welcome to 2023.
You are a fawking idiot.

No ma’am. You are a fucking imbecile.
If rather
Did you mean “either” or “whether?” You dipshit.
Melania knew or not is irrelevant why the hell did Trump's lawyers visit the AG and claim the payment was to keep her from finding out?
Who cares?
Seriously, pull your head out of your ass.
Just because your head has made a nest in your colon doesn’t mean that others emulate you.
You got to be the biggest poser on this messageboard, pretending to be smart,
I’m not a poser nor do I pretend to be anything. I leave that to dead scrotum shit birds like you.
playing grammer and spelling Nazi,
Neither. But it is fun to tweak you thin-skinned pussies.
and then being dumber than shit with no critical thinking skills.
Your realm. Not mine. Not agreeing with you is a sign of intelligence. 👍
I mean come on, you support a president that speaks at a fourth grade level at beast.
At least the President I support can speak. Your hero, Brandon the Potato, can’t speak worth shit. At all.
"Beautiful, most, wonderful", damn, can he come up with some more adjectives for Christ sake.

A president that really did attempt to throw the Constitution away,

No. He didn’t at all, really or otherwise.
and just recently proclaimed that it was irrelevant.
You’re in full babble mode, Winnie.
That he should be installed as president.
Not what he said. So you’re also a liar.
He fawked a pornstar with his tiny little microdick
He may or may not have fucked Stormy. You seem overly concerned with the size of his penis.
for a sum total of fifteen seconds
You’re jealous that he lasts longer than you.
and he paid over six figures for it, not to keep it from his wife, who probably refuses to sleep with him--they did sleep in separate bedrooms in the White House, and is damn smart enough to know what he did.
You have this cute penchant for run-on babbling.
And seriously, you are dumber than a box of rocks if you what to claim that rather Melania knew or not is irrelevant.
Did you mean “want?” I’m pretty sure you meant “either,” this time. Tell us more about your opinions on intelligence, Winnie.
If she knew, which could be ascertained on the stand, then the payment was election related.
Nope. No nexus there. What (or whether) she knew is irrelevant. Still.
I hope to God they call her,
Not gonna happen, pinhead.
and she says as much, and Trump gets convicted.
I interrupt your wet dream to remind you that what an asshole such as you “hopes” for simply doesn’t control.
And she walks away and finds a real man, pre-nub be damn because Trump ain't got a pot to piss in.
You couldn’t even pass a course in babble.
Welcome to 2023.
Yep, even more decadent than 2016, eh. He probably could have saved is money, and said, "yeah, I Fked her, I get to do stuff like that". Half the Trumper downtrodden would have thought him a god, even if Stormy thought him a needle, mushroom dk disappointment.
To get (illegally) around 'Attorney-Client Privilege' the partisanly weaponized DOJ raided Cohen's home and office, seizing all 'Attorney-Client Privilege' material between Trump and Cohen.

Cohen was then caught, found guilty, and sentenced to.prison for committing Perjury.

ON HIS WAY TO PRISON, Democrats attempted to have tbe convicted perjurer testify against Trump. During his testimony, already heading to jail for Perjury, cross-examination proved Cohen once again Cohen committed Perjury during his testimony.

Democrats appear to be SO DESPERATE after 6 5 years of continuous failures to 'get Trump' that they are now willing to turn to a 2-time-proven / 1-time-convicted Perjuring ex-con in their never-ending 'Don Quixote' crusade to 'Get Trump'.

3rd times's the charm, snowflakes - You've got him THIS time!

Yep, even more decadent than 2016, eh. He probably could have saved is money, and said, "yeah, I Fked her, I get to do stuff like that". Half the Trumper downtrodden would have thought him a god, even if Stormy thought him a needle, mushroom dk disappointment.
If he fucked her, I don’t care. It’s not like she was a young White House intern.
If he fucked her, I don’t care. It’s not like she was a young White House intern.
Like I said, trumper would think him a god and live vicariously through his exploits, as vows before God, fidelity to a wife that had given birth to his son, within that 4 month period, don't mean sht to a trumper. eh? Just because he would do something sleazy, and pay to withhold it from the public, before the election, doesn't mean he do anything else sleazy, illegal and try to keep it hidden while in office, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Yep, even more decadent than 2016, eh. He probably could have saved is money, and said, "yeah, I Fked her, I get to do stuff like that". Half the Trumper downtrodden would have thought him a god, even if Stormy thought him a needle, mushroom dk disappointment.


Clinton shoving cigars up inside of intern in the WH:
- SNOWFLAKES: 'What a President does on his own time is his business!'

Trump on a late-night TV show jokes how some women are so impressed by money they would let rich men grab them by the vagina.
- SNOWFLAKES: 'Trump is disgusting, a misogynist...'

Biden is exposed for havi g actually physically grabbed a woman - an intern/aide - by her vagina.
- SNOWFLAKES: 'B...b...but Trump'

Photo of Trump with his daughter sitting on his lap,brags how artractive his daughter is...
- SNOWFLAKES: 'Trump is incestuous, disgusting, a pedophile

Incestuous, pedophile Biden is exposed for having showered with his young daughter
- SNOWFLAKES: 'B...b...but Trump'

Trump once head hiw Epstein made sexual advances on an underaged yiyng girl in his hotel, and Clinton threw him out and banned him from his hotel
- SNOWFLAKES: 'Trump is a pedophile, a close friend and client of Epstein's'

Bill Clinton was exposed as a pedophile, frequent fluer on the Lolita Express, and frequent visitor oh Pedo Island, a picture of himin in Monica Lewinski's blue dress hung in the lobby of the main house on Epsteon's Pedo Island ... Biden showered with his young daughter and constantly sniffs / gropes young kids
- SNOWFLAKES: 'B...b...but Trump'

Hunter Biden made incestuous home movies and shared porn links with 'the Big Guy'
- SNOWFLAKES: 'B...b...but Trump' ... 'Fake News'

If it all wasn't do disgusting it would by hypocritical / ironic
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Like I said, trumper would think him a god

Intetesting enough, it is only snowflake f*tards who have ever referenced / insinuated Trump is some sort of deity...

...Perhaps because of his seemingly infinite demi-god ability to walk away unscathed from every failed pathetic 'We've got him this time' attempt by Democrats the last 6 1/2 years.


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