Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Good question


President Trump is on a warpath this morning, raging against the hyporcrisy of Obama excuse-maker Jeh Johnson's comments. First, Trump asked a tough question...

Donald J. Trump


By the way, if Russia was working so hard on the 2016 Election, it all took place during the Obama Admin. Why didn't they stop them?

And then slammed the Democratic Nation Committe's seming ignorance...

Donald J. Trump


...Why did Democratic National Committee turn down the DHS offer to protect against hacks (long prior to election). It's all a big Dem HOAX!

Donald J. Trump


...Why did the DNC REFUSE to turn over its Server to the FBI, and still hasn't? It's all a big Dem scam and excuse for losing the election!

These are good questions, which, of course, will never be answered. As The Hill notes, Trump’s comments are the latest indication he does not accept the intelligence community’s unanimous conclusion — released last October — that Russia tried to interfere in contest by hacking political groups and spreading fake news.

Trump Rages: "If Russia Interfered, Why Didn't Obama Stop Them?" | Zero Hedge
All fair points. I have a suspicion about one aspect of all of this, my guess is there were many names of foreign donors on that server and/or other nefarious details.

Would be interesting to see which governments and organizations were working hard to ensure their own interests were going to be met above the American citizens. It is already known which governments quickly withdrew from funding the Clinton Global Fund after her loss, some of them apparently U.S allies. I stress the word "apparently".

The irony is, if the DNC believe that these leaks were the reason they lost, well then, based on this logic, their own arrogance and efforts to protect their dirty secrets is the real reason they lost. The FBI warned them and offered to protect them, but they wouldn't allow them access. The question will be asked again and again, "why not"?
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Why would the dnc turn over their server to the FBI , an agency that trump himself stated is corrupt and full of leaks ?

Obama did levy sanctions . Remember when he threw out all kinds of Russian nationals ?
Why would the dnc turn over their server to the FBI , an agency that trump himself stated is corrupt and full of leaks ?

Obama did levy sanctions . Remember when he threw out all kinds of Russian nationals ?
Yes I recall that bit of fake outrage. Tossing them out for nothing, which is what obastard is good for. Nothing.

Irrelevant questions because Trump says Russia dindu nuffin.

Which is it? Obama should've stopped them for doing nothing? Or Obama kicking them out was considered nothing?
Irrelevant questions because Trump says Russia dindu nuffin.

Which is it? Obama should've stopped them for doing nothing? Or Obama kicking them out was considered nothing?

Well, if you believe in your king Obama, there was no interference or he would of done something..... right?

Notice how Trump says "If" Russia interfered?

It's not alleged. It's a fact Russia attacked us.

What a fucking asshole. His fragile ego can't handle that he got a leg up by Putin, and our country is in danger because Trump won't act.

As for the Obama thing, Trump is a parroting rube like all the other rubes who have been parroting that shit in recent days. Obviously, Trump and all the other tards are watching the same Tard Network News.

Trump has done NOTHING to retaliate. He has done NOTHING to prevent further attacks. In fact, Trump-the-neverending-tweeter hasn't made a SINGLE tweet about the attacks.

Not. One.

Obama took immediate actions to stop the attacks. Several of the states which were attacked refused federal help, that was THEIR choice. But they were at least alerted by the federal government, and some accepted help.

Obama also imposed sanctions and kicked out a bunch of spies who were involved.

Obama also worked as quickly as possible to preserve the evidence because he knew Trump would try to cover it up or hide it. And voila, that's just what is happening.

Trump is proving himself to be as gullible as the Chumps he hoaxed into voting for him.

Ahead of elections, states reject federal help to combat hackers

CBS News has found that 11 states - including the battlegrounds of New Hampshire and Michigan - have not accepted the Department of Homeland Security’s help to try and bolster the cyberdefenses of their voter registration systems.

The federal offer, which comes free of charge to state and local election agencies, includes services from remote “cyber hygiene” scans to on-site inspections. The services look for vulnerabilities within the voter registration system that hackers could exploit.

Experts said the largest danger is not whether hackers could change actual vote counts but instead that they could modify or delete registration rolls, disqualifying voters on Election Day.

Seven states have declined the offer outright: Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Arizona, Illinois, Florida and over two dozen other states have already had their election systems scanned, probed or breached by hackers. Last month, Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan told CBS News’ Jeff Pegues that the threat facing states was unprecedented.

And the tards tried to blame Obama instead of their own states. :lol:

Tard rubes parroting what their masters tell them to say.

Trump just keeps on getting back in line to have his piss cup refilled! :uhoh3:

You people should be EXTREMELY concerned the fake President is having his opinions formed for him by a propaganda outlet masking as "news".
Irrelevant questions because Trump says Russia dindu nuffin.

Which is it? Obama should've stopped them for doing nothing? Or Obama kicking them out was considered nothing?

Well, if you believe in your king Obama, there was no interference or he would of done something..... right?


Yes and if kicking them out is doing nothing then yes, he did nothing.
Notice how Trump says "If" Russia interfered?

It's not alleged. It's a fact Russia attacked us.

What a fucking asshole. His fragile ego can't handle that he got a leg up by Putin, and our country is in danger because Trump won't act.

As for the Obama thing, Trump is a parroting rube like all the other rubes who have been parroting that shit in recent days. Obviously, Trump and all the other tards are watching the same Tard Network News.

Trump has done NOTHING to retaliate. He has done NOTHING to prevent further attacks. In fact, Trump-the-neverending-tweeter hasn't made a SINGLE tweet about the attacks.

Not. One.

Obama took immediate actions to stop the attacks. Several of the states which were attacked refused federal help, that was THEIR choice. But they were at least alerted by the federal government, and some accepted help.

Obama also imposed sanctions and kicked out a bunch of spies who were involved.

Obama also worked as quickly as possible to preserve the evidence because he knew Trump would try to cover it up or hide it. And voila, that's just what is happening.

Trump is proving himself to be as gullible as the Chumps he hoaxed into voting for him.

Ahead of elections, states reject federal help to combat hackers

CBS News has found that 11 states - including the battlegrounds of New Hampshire and Michigan - have not accepted the Department of Homeland Security’s help to try and bolster the cyberdefenses of their voter registration systems.

The federal offer, which comes free of charge to state and local election agencies, includes services from remote “cyber hygiene” scans to on-site inspections. The services look for vulnerabilities within the voter registration system that hackers could exploit.

Experts said the largest danger is not whether hackers could change actual vote counts but instead that they could modify or delete registration rolls, disqualifying voters on Election Day.

Seven states have declined the offer outright: Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Arizona, Illinois, Florida and over two dozen other states have already had their election systems scanned, probed or breached by hackers. Last month, Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan told CBS News’ Jeff Pegues that the threat facing states was unprecedented.

And the tards tried to blame Obama instead of their own states. :lol:

Tard rubes parroting what their masters tell them to say.

Trump just keeps on getting back in line to have his piss cup refilled! :uhoh3:

You people should be EXTREMELY concerned the fake President is having his opinions formed for him by a propaganda outlet masking as "news".

You are one stupid son of a bitch.
Do you not know what a rhetorical question is?
Notice how Trump says "If" Russia interfered?

It's not alleged. It's a fact Russia attacked us.

What a fucking asshole. His fragile ego can't handle that he got a leg up by Putin, and our country is in danger because Trump won't act.

As for the Obama thing, Trump is a parroting rube like all the other rubes who have been parroting that shit in recent days. Obviously, Trump and all the other tards are watching the same Tard Network News.

Trump has done NOTHING to retaliate. He has done NOTHING to prevent further attacks. In fact, Trump-the-neverending-tweeter hasn't made a SINGLE tweet about the attacks.

Not. One.

Obama took immediate actions to stop the attacks. Several of the states which were attacked refused federal help, that was THEIR choice. But they were at least alerted by the federal government, and some accepted help.

Obama also imposed sanctions and kicked out a bunch of spies who were involved.

Obama also worked as quickly as possible to preserve the evidence because he knew Trump would try to cover it up or hide it. And voila, that's just what is happening.

Trump is proving himself to be as gullible as the Chumps he hoaxed into voting for him.

Ahead of elections, states reject federal help to combat hackers

CBS News has found that 11 states - including the battlegrounds of New Hampshire and Michigan - have not accepted the Department of Homeland Security’s help to try and bolster the cyberdefenses of their voter registration systems.

The federal offer, which comes free of charge to state and local election agencies, includes services from remote “cyber hygiene” scans to on-site inspections. The services look for vulnerabilities within the voter registration system that hackers could exploit.

Experts said the largest danger is not whether hackers could change actual vote counts but instead that they could modify or delete registration rolls, disqualifying voters on Election Day.

Seven states have declined the offer outright: Alabama, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Arizona, Illinois, Florida and over two dozen other states have already had their election systems scanned, probed or breached by hackers. Last month, Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan told CBS News’ Jeff Pegues that the threat facing states was unprecedented.

And the tards tried to blame Obama instead of their own states. :lol:

Tard rubes parroting what their masters tell them to say.

Trump just keeps on getting back in line to have his piss cup refilled! :uhoh3:

You people should be EXTREMELY concerned the fake President is having his opinions formed for him by a propaganda outlet masking as "news".

It's funny because they believe Russia did something but Obama did nothing. Then when you point out Trump has done nothing but help them they change and say Russia did nothing.

So, basically...Russia did it and Obama was weak for doing nothing but Trump is strong AND Russia did nothing and Trump doing nothing is strong too.
Yes I recall that bit of fake outrage. Tossing them out for nothing, which is what obastard is good for. Nothing.

They had to do something. Because we know Putin agreed with the punishment. Innocent men would have protested, guilty people accept their lenient punishment, especially if it could have been worse.
Real simple. The establishment rigged the democrat primary and thought that Crooked Hillary would easily win the general election with their collusion and assorted propaganda. Any discussion of a foreign country intending to mess with the election would undermine Crooked Hillary theoretical win. There was no actual messing with the election of course and thankfully the American people voted for The Donald in a landslide. So the Crooked Hillary establishment project the fake Russia Hack narrative against The Donald!

Do we have an ID on that middle eastern looking dude sitting being Trey Gowdy?
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Come on lefties. Were you really born yesterday? The CIA's mission is to impact American values in every country in the free world that holds free elections. That's a given. The Russians also try to interfere with U.S. and allied and Euro Elections. Who knows if the KGB was behind the Sanders based assassin who shot five republicans. It's in the interest of the KGB to promote socialists and pushover democrats like Obama in the U.S. elections rather than cyber attacking some mid-west election.That's fun stuff for cyber outlaws. By all evidence available to the American public the Russians aren't any more successful influencing the results of America's free elections than the CIA and half a dozen U.S. based "intelligence agencies" are in stabilizing the cyber world for democracy Every claim by every intelligence spokesperson is that there is no connection between the Trump campaign and the Russian hackers. It's a done deal but for some reason the democrat party has been hijacked by minions who want to keep issue alive while they are losing election after election. Be careful what you wish for lefties. When you allege that Hillary was just a freaking bystander while her husband raked in millions in his international "Clinton Foundation" shortly after secy/State Hillary made it easy for the Russians to obtain crucial uranium mining cites yu are treading on dangerous ground.
Comey bluff Trump and made him look stupid.

The Senate and the House on health care make him look weak.

No wonder he is raging.
Real simple. The establishment rigged the democrat primary and thought that Crooked Hillary would easily win the general election with their collusion and assorted propaganda. Any discussion of a foreign country messing with the election would undermine Crooked Hillary theoretical win. Thankfully the American people voting for The Donald in a landslide...So they project the fake Russia Hack narrative against The Donald!

Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. So if you want to talk who the American people voted for, it was Clinton by 3%.
Comey bluff Trump and made him look stupid.

The Senate and the House on health care make him look weak.

No wonder he is raging.

Trump tried to bluff, but Comey raised the stakes. Trump saying he hopes there aren't any tapes, ended with there now being three congressional investigations, an FBI investigation and a special counsel investigation.

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