Trump Rally in Salt Lake City turns into another Shitcago

Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

There is zero sense talking to Trump supporters. Make your case and bounce. They are blinded by racism and hate.

You have no "case," douche bags. All you have is lies. You're defending thugs, and that means you are no better than they are.
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

Actually, just raising your hand to someone is assault. Actually connecting is battery.

So the kid in your avatar is assaulting someone?
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

She's a protester who is not being cooperative when asked to leave. She's clearly trying to resist it. That means Trump is authorized to use force against her. She is getting what she asked for.
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

Actually, just raising your hand to someone is assault. Actually connecting is battery.

So the kid in your avatar is assaulting someone?

You don't know what "raising your hand to someone" means, do you?
The good news is that the protesters failed. Trumps rally went off without a hitch, 20k people showed up, the protesters simply annoyed innocent people.
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Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

Really? I've never seen someone laugh while being assaulted.
Maybe she's just into being abused and she's enjoying herself.
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

There is zero sense talking to Trump supporters. Make your case and bounce. They are blinded by racism and hate.

It's the Leftist thugs who are acting like the SA (Brown Shirts), this isn't first time they've acted in violent manner.
The good news is that the protesters failed. Trumps rally went off without a hitch, 20k people showed up, the protesters simply annoyed innocent people.

Yes, until the next incident, because unless the whip is cracked, they'll continue the thuggery and probably get worse.
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

There is zero sense talking to Trump supporters. Make your case and bounce. They are blinded by racism and hate.

It's the Leftist thugs who are acting like the SA (Brown Shirts), this isn't first time they've acted in violent manner.

Violence is a regular feature of leftwing protests. We saw that with the Occupy Wall Street thugs, the Seattle WTO protest, yada, yada, yada.
What we need is our own rich backer to get us going. The left has George Soros to stir up hate and unrest in America. We need someone like that. I would love to get paid to go block roads to Hillary appearances, riot in the streets to keep the bitch from speaking, and hey, we would be in our rights to march up to her and place her under citizens arrest. We need someone to finance us for a change.
Trump and his supporters are violent, racist thugs

Where's the assault?

Unfamiliar with the legal definition? You lay hands on someone without their permission, that's assault. I suppose your ilk, like Donnie's, believes it means sending someone out on a stretcher. That would be battery. You may need to know that IRL someday.

There is zero sense talking to Trump supporters. Make your case and bounce. They are blinded by racism and hate.

It's the Leftist thugs who are acting like the SA (Brown Shirts), this isn't first time they've acted in violent manner.

Violence is a regular feature of leftwing protests. We saw that with the Occupy Wall Street thugs, the Seattle WTO protest, yada, yada, yada.

Of course, there is much evidence of the Leftist thuggery, there already should be a Zero Tolerance approach to them.
What we need is our own rich backer to get us going. The left has George Soros to stir up hate and unrest in America. We need someone like that. I would love to get paid to go block roads to Hillary appearances, riot in the streets to keep the bitch from speaking, and hey, we would be in our rights to march up to her and place her under citizens arrest. We need someone to finance us for a change.

George Soros should already have been arrested years ago, all the Subversive groups he funds, his newest BLM, all designed to cause trouble and violence.
When and where are the Trump parades?
Those are socialist flags.

Bernie Sanders is the socialist.

Wrong parade.

Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders Bernie Sanders
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"Peaceful protesters" my ass. These people are thugs. They proved it again:

Trump supporters, protesters clash outside rally in Salt Lake City

Supporters of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and protesters clashed after a rally in Utah on Friday.

Crowds who chanted “Donald Trump” were met with “Mr. Hate Out of Our State” as police in riot gear blocked the entrance to the Infinity Event Center in Salt Lake City. Protesters tried to rush the door of the building and got into screaming matches with Trump supporters who were barred from entering the venue.

According to KSTU-TV, people who were exiting the building were being pelted with rocks. Some protesters were seen tearing down a security tent that the U.S. Secret Service used to screen attendees before they entered the building.

There's only essentially one way to deal with the Leftists, the way that General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto in Indonesia dealt with the menace of the Leftists in their nations. Leftists the same no matter what nation they're in, they seek to destroy the nation through subversion and open guerilla-type warfare on ALL sections of established Society, until the nation is reduced to crap and ultimately bankruptcy.

American Governments ALL supported General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto, a new American Government can support dealing therefore for once, with the Leftist menace in their own nation.
"Peaceful protesters" my ass. These people are thugs. They proved it again:

Trump supporters, protesters clash outside rally in Salt Lake City

Supporters of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and protesters clashed after a rally in Utah on Friday.

Crowds who chanted “Donald Trump” were met with “Mr. Hate Out of Our State” as police in riot gear blocked the entrance to the Infinity Event Center in Salt Lake City. Protesters tried to rush the door of the building and got into screaming matches with Trump supporters who were barred from entering the venue.

According to KSTU-TV, people who were exiting the building were being pelted with rocks. Some protesters were seen tearing down a security tent that the U.S. Secret Service used to screen attendees before they entered the building.

There's only essentially one way to deal with the Leftists, the way that General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto in Indonesia dealt with the menace of the Leftists in their nations. Leftists the same no matter what nation they're in, they seek to destroy the nation through subversion and open guerilla-type warfare on ALL sections of established Society, until the nation is reduced to crap and ultimately bankruptcy.

American Governments ALL supported General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto, a new American Government can support dealing therefore for once, with the Leftist menace in their own nation.

True. These people are truly the enemy of the American people. The are bent on the destruction of America. That includes the leftist scum in this forum. They like to hide behind talk about the Constitution and the rule of law. Meanwhile they do everything in their power to undermine both. They view Trump as a significant threat to their schemes, so they have pulled out all the stops.
"Peaceful protesters" my ass. These people are thugs. They proved it again:

Trump supporters, protesters clash outside rally in Salt Lake City

Supporters of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump and protesters clashed after a rally in Utah on Friday.

Crowds who chanted “Donald Trump” were met with “Mr. Hate Out of Our State” as police in riot gear blocked the entrance to the Infinity Event Center in Salt Lake City. Protesters tried to rush the door of the building and got into screaming matches with Trump supporters who were barred from entering the venue.

According to KSTU-TV, people who were exiting the building were being pelted with rocks. Some protesters were seen tearing down a security tent that the U.S. Secret Service used to screen attendees before they entered the building.

There's only essentially one way to deal with the Leftists, the way that General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto in Indonesia dealt with the menace of the Leftists in their nations. Leftists the same no matter what nation they're in, they seek to destroy the nation through subversion and open guerilla-type warfare on ALL sections of established Society, until the nation is reduced to crap and ultimately bankruptcy.

American Governments ALL supported General Pinochet, Isabel Perón, Jorge Videla and Suharto, a new American Government can support dealing therefore for once, with the Leftist menace in their own nation.

True. These people are truly the enemy of the American people. The are bent on the destruction of America. That includes the leftist scum in this forum. They like to hide behind talk about the Constitution and the rule of law. Meanwhile they do everything in their power to undermine both. They view Trump as a significant threat to their schemes, so they have pulled out all the stops.

It's not just they're bent on the destruction of America, they're bent on the destruction of Western Civilisation and ALL it stands for and ALL it's ever stood for, they loathe it and they loathe us and anyone who stands in their way.

Well...Trump must have said SOMETHING that set these people off. He has obviously angered some people to the point they feel they must confront him and his followers.

Clearly you can't bully EVERYONE.

As for me...I find the whole spectical very entertaining. What I don't get is how these protesters think they will stop Trump supporters from voting for him.

I keep seeing where there will be a chosen GOP candidate at the convention in the media but Trump continues to get wins in the primaries. It looks pretty clear that he will have enough delegates to win on a first ballot if not enough to just win out right before the convention.
Time for water canons. Long overdue in my opinion. Fuck their iPhones.

Could State Governor order water canons, zero tolerance and cracking the whip? If they did, could Obama stop it with sending Federal Troops into State?

EG. Mississippi and James Meredith in 1962, the Kennedy's sent Federal Troops who clashed with Mississippi State Troops.

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