Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia

where does it say 170000 American jobs are solely because of the piddly 17 billion dollars in trade with Australia?

Average American wage is $53,000. Divide that by $17 billion that 320,000. Now as there are other things that need taking into consideration other than salaries, you divide in half (approx). Comes out at about 170,000.

That aside, you like insulting one of yoru strongest allies? You think that a good thing? Are you so deplorable, so caught up in our own greatness, so full of yourself and your country's 'greatness' you like to piss other people off? Because???

so no proof that trade with Australia is responsible for 170000 American jobs just speculation.
FYI I don't think the US is great. It's OK I just happened to be born here and I take no special pride in the accident of my birth or birthplace

But your funny math is most definitely no proof that 170000 American jobs exist solely because of trade with Australia
Ah yes, let us cease trading with those nations that we have a positive balance of trade with, and drive all the other nations we trade with away as well. That will surely increase the jobs in the US.

In the meantime, let us cancel all the regulations that were put in place to prevent the economic debacle of 2008. The orange clown is also starting a trade war on top of that. All of that is sure to increase jobs in this nation. Man, are you people fucking stupid.
You should be sorry about a great many things....currently, about your misuse of the language.

Now, back to the last seat in the dumb row.

Translation: "I'll ad hom because I've just had my dumb Deplorable arse educated".

To which I reply: "I know, you're a dumbarse"..

Let's allow readers to determine that.

I have a feeling your post may turn out to be a boomerang.
I didn't come here from Russia.

And, what is this "our institution" jargon?

I'm more American than any Liberal or Democrat...and I'm here to oversee a return to the Founder's America.

You're welcome to remain....if you shape up.

I know you are Asian, so I'm guessing China, Philippines or South Korea.

That being aside, you are a liberal? You know the founders were liberals of their time. You have heard of the Boston Tea Party, right? Kinda what the liberals are doing now. Wanting their country back. You have heard of the US revolution, right? They were liberals. Turning their back on the status quo. You know, they were going up against the Brits who wanted to CONSERVE the status quo. That word I typed in caps. That's the base word for YOUR movement. And it belonged to the Brits, not the colonists.

The Founders were classical liberals...what are known as conservatives today.
They believed in individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Modern liberals, Democrats, communists, fascists, Nazis, Socialists, and Progressives demand the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now you feel like a real fool, huh?
There's a reason for that.
Silly bitch, those founders would not have let you vote.

They were radicals for the time they were in. But that was the 18th Century, this is the 21st Century.

The rest of your post is simply stupid 'Conservative' twaddle. It is you that is pushing Lysenkoism here in the US in relation to AGW.
The Founders were classical liberals...what are known as conservatives today.
They believed in individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Modern liberals, Democrats, communists, fascists, Nazis, Socialists, and Progressives demand the collective,
command and control regulation of private industry,
and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

Now you feel like a real fool, huh?
There's a reason for that.

I know a lot of liberals. And none of them want total control of industry. Nor do they want control of thoughts and speech.

Talking of fools...
Let's allow readers to determine that.

I have a feeling your post may turn out to be a boomerang.

Yeah let's let a predominantly conservative board make the decision <rolls eyes> I thought you loons were against the Tyranny of the majority??
Elites are losing their shit over 2 tough phone calls. Trump smiles & says "Relax, I got this. I've done lots of these deals." He has.
No, the orange clown has not done these types of deals. Government is far different than business.

If Trump is 'the orange clown,' is Obama the 'black snake'?

And, if so....which would you rather be known as?
LOL Of course the orange clown is a very good description of the present President. For the last seven years we have seen steady comeback from the economic debacle created by the 'Conservatives'. President Obama definately did an excellent job there. Now, we have seen a month, January 2017, is which the orange clown was only President for 11 days, yet he is claiming credit for the increase in the number of jobs. Kind of like a star quarterback in the superbowl trouncing the other team, the backup quarterback is brought in for the last 30 seconds, and then claims he won the game. LOL Yes, our President is a clown. And psychotic.

yeah the worst slowest most anemic recovery in history
Given the depths of the economic debacle created by the GOP, you expected the economy to come roaring back?
Elites are losing their shit over 2 tough phone calls. Trump smiles & says "Relax, I got this. I've done lots of these deals." He has.
No, the orange clown has not done these types of deals. Government is far different than business.

If Trump is 'the orange clown,' is Obama the 'black snake'?

And, if so....which would you rather be known as?
LOL Of course the orange clown is a very good description of the present President. For the last seven years we have seen steady comeback from the economic debacle created by the 'Conservatives'. President Obama definately did an excellent job there. Now, we have seen a month, January 2017, is which the orange clown was only President for 11 days, yet he is claiming credit for the increase in the number of jobs. Kind of like a star quarterback in the superbowl trouncing the other team, the backup quarterback is brought in for the last 30 seconds, and then claims he won the game. LOL Yes, our President is a clown. And psychotic.

yeah the worst slowest most anemic recovery in history
Given the depths of the economic debacle created by the GOP, you expected the economy to come roaring back?

every other president who oversaw a recovery did better
and believe me it wasn't solely the GOP's fault
where does it say 170000 American jobs are solely because of the piddly 17 billion dollars in trade with Australia?

Average American wage is $53,000. Divide that by $17 billion that 320,000. Now as there are other things that need taking into consideration other than salaries, you divide in half (approx). Comes out at about 170,000.

That aside, you like insulting one of yoru strongest allies? You think that a good thing? Are you so deplorable, so caught up in our own greatness, so full of yourself and your country's 'greatness' you like to piss other people off? Because???

so no proof that trade with Australia is responsible for 170000 American jobs just speculation.
FYI I don't think the US is great. It's OK I just happened to be born here and I take no special pride in the accident of my birth or birthplace

But your funny math is most definitely no proof that 170000 American jobs exist solely because of trade with Australia
Ah yes, let us cease trading with those nations that we have a positive balance of trade with, and drive all the other nations we trade with away as well. That will surely increase the jobs in the US.

In the meantime, let us cancel all the regulations that were put in place to prevent the economic debacle of 2008. The orange clown is also starting a trade war on top of that. All of that is sure to increase jobs in this nation. Man, are you people fucking stupid.

Where did I say cease trading? I did say that the trade surplus with OZ is less than 1% of our GDP and therefore not as important as you like to think

Businesses are free to trade with other countries if they want to

the government need not be involved in that at all
so no proof that trade with Australia is responsible for 170000 American jobs just speculation.
FYI I don't think the US is great. It's OK I just happened to be born here and I take no special pride in the accident of my birth or birthplace

But your funny math is most definitely no proof that 170000 American jobs exist solely because of trade with Australia

It's not my calculation it's one I found on a trade website, which I cannot locate any more. That calculation is their's. I'll see if I can find it again.
and you just assume that it's accurate?

it an extremely broad extrapolation at best and certainly not worthy to be called a fact
The American people 'rebelled' at the ballot box, they voted in someone who was going to protect them from foreign enemies, lower taxes, create jobs, lessen government power, etc.

The left would actually be the Brits in this analogy - those who want to maintain the status quo and their power over the people.

Personally, I wouldn't use the Boston Tea Party analogy if I were you...
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”

Another Libturd fake story.

The prime minister himself said it didn't happen that way.
Where did I say cease trading? I did say that the trade surplus with OZ is less than 1% of our GDP and therefore not as important as you like to think

Businesses are free to trade with other countries if they want to

the government need not be involved in that at all

The original question was "What has Australia done for us lately?". I was merely informing you...
I did say that the trade surplus with OZ is less than 1% of our GDP and therefore not as important as you like to think

And yet Trump is bleating about a $60 billion trade deficit with China, which is what percentage of your GDP?
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”

Another Libturd fake story.

The prime minister himself said it didn't happen that way.
You must have dementia just like Trump!!!!!:eusa_dance:
And...the misnomer, 'Native American'....don't use it again: those accorded that title came here as well, over the Bering land bridge.

They came over 30,000 years ago. They get the right to call themselves indigenous... 500 years ago? meh? 1000 years ago? Double Meh. 30,000, Sorry Petal, they are indigenous.

and like the vast majority of indigenous people the world over they got displaced it was no worse in the US than it was anywhere else

Yep. True.
The American people 'rebelled' at the ballot box, they voted in someone who was going to protect them from foreign enemies, lower taxes, create jobs, lessen government power, etc.

The left would actually be the Brits in this analogy - those who want to maintain the status quo and their power over the people.

Personally, I wouldn't use the Boston Tea Party analogy if I were you...
Meh!!! More GOP "Alternative Facts"......we've seen enough! Lets move on.
And...the misnomer, 'Native American'....don't use it again: those accorded that title came here as well, over the Bering land bridge.

They came over 30,000 years ago. They get the right to call themselves indigenous... 500 years ago? meh? 1000 years ago? Double Meh. 30,000, Sorry Petal, they are indigenous.

You should be sorry about a great many things....currently, about your misuse of the language.

Now, back to the last seat in the dumb row.
Hey Kellyanne Conway.......your alternative facts are getting ignored.
Hey I don't have a dog in your partisan battle, I'm watching both sides with amusement.

Take my advice or don't Rast ~shrug~
kelly ann conway , are you talking about her misspeaking about some massacre Rasta ?? Compare ' kelly anns ' misspeaking to your girl hilarys lies about landing under sniper fire Rasta . [chuckle] :afro:

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