Trump really should have taken a Civic's class. Executive orders go up in flames


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

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Trump will win 1 & 4 on appeal. The wall is not a dead issue. Some rules are being rolled back on maobamacare and waivers are being granted the previous administration refused. To my knowledge there was no EO on voter fraud, but NC did an audit and found 504 votes illegally cast. So the majority of your pathetic chest pounding will do you as much good as it did King Knog.
Trump will win 1 & 4 on appeal. The wall is not a dead issue. Some rules are being rolled back on maobamacare and waivers are being granted the previous administration refused. To my knowledge there was no EO on voter fraud, but NC did an audit and found 504 votes illegally cast. So the majority of your pathetic chest pounding will do you as much good as it did King Knog.

I don't know what you're watching but when Chuck Schumer comes out and states that he's happy that Trump threw the WALL in the can--and now they can move forward on the budget and avoid a shutdown--"what does that mean to you?"--LOL

Number 1 isn't going to make it, the Judges will believe it's just a 2.0 version of the 1st travel ban that they believe is really a Muslim ban.

The states have refused to do a recount, they like Missouri have laws that say if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount, and Trump can't force them to do one, unless he wants to use Federal Taxpayer dollars to pay for it, which again would require Congressional approval first.
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100 of 1450 days of Trump's first administration have passed. Obscure federal judges in liberal stronghold will not dictate federal policy.

Sit, watch and learn.
Trump will win 1 & 4 on appeal. The wall is not a dead issue. Some rules are being rolled back on maobamacare and waivers are being granted the previous administration refused. To my knowledge there was no EO on voter fraud, but NC did an audit and found 504 votes illegally cast. So the majority of your pathetic chest pounding will do you as much good as it did King Knog.

I don't know what you're watching but when Chuck Schumer comes out and states that he's happy that Trump threw the WALL in the can--and now they can move forward on the budget and avoid a shutdown--"what does that mean to you?"--LOL

Number 1 isn't going to make it, the Judges will believe it's just a 2.0 version of the 1st travel ban that they believe is really a Muslim ban.

The states have refused to do a recount, they like Missouri have laws that say if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount, and Trump can't force them to do one, unless he wants to use Federal Taxpayer dollars to pay for it, which again would require Congressional approval first.

It means the money will come later for the wall. I've already made a proposal to the Chairman of Way and Means a very simple way to pay for it and not by US tax payers.

Trump was well withing his constitutional and statutory authority on both travel suspension EOs and SCOTUS will find them constitutional. Also the feds have statutory authority to withhold federal grants if the entity that request them is not in compliance with federal law. The judge in SF stepped on it, no funds have been withheld at this point so the localities that sued have suffered no harm and consequently have no standing.

Once again, to my knowledge there was no EO concerning recounts. So you're just bitching about something that didn't happen.
Asking Trump to take a civics class might be too much to ask for, but he could at least watch a couple episodes of School House Rock.

To little to late for Obama, you should have posted that the eight years of Obama! Silly far left drones!

Did you completely miss the point of the content found at the link? I think you did given that you posted the remarks you have in response to that content.
  • What does what Obama did have to do with the content at the link I shared?
  • What does Obama's approach to executive orders have to do with how any other President used or uses them?
Trump will win 1 & 4 on appeal. The wall is not a dead issue. Some rules are being rolled back on maobamacare and waivers are being granted the previous administration refused. To my knowledge there was no EO on voter fraud, but NC did an audit and found 504 votes illegally cast. So the majority of your pathetic chest pounding will do you as much good as it did King Knog.

I don't know what you're watching but when Chuck Schumer comes out and states that he's happy that Trump threw the WALL in the can--and now they can move forward on the budget and avoid a shutdown--"what does that mean to you?"--LOL

Number 1 isn't going to make it, the Judges will believe it's just a 2.0 version of the 1st travel ban that they believe is really a Muslim ban.

The states have refused to do a recount, they like Missouri have laws that say if there is no evidence of voter fraud they will not do a recount, and Trump can't force them to do one, unless he wants to use Federal Taxpayer dollars to pay for it, which again would require Congressional approval first.

So saying ol'what the fucky chucky wouldn't lie ? If you believe this you are a perfect excample of a slave to the political elite. Here are all half black Jesus's EO's.

13 times a friendly court to Bammer tossed his EO's. So by your logic, Bammer was a huge loser. Keep watching.
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Trump crawfishes on the wall, and is willing to accept more bp agents and hi tec toys (suckers) ... SOOO his drones yammer the wall isnt dead.

earth to drones ... it never was alive, EVER.


Trump crawfishes on the wall, and is willing to accept more bp agents and hi tec toys (suckers) ... SOOO his drones yammer the wall isnt dead.

earth to drones ... it never was alive, EVER.


The wall was a huge deal. It was one of the first statements Trump made when he came out as a candidate. He made it a huge issue and as time go's on it will get more "not built" just like dubya's little border fence never did. In one way or another Trump is going back on allot of his campaign promises. The Trumpkins have to defend Trump because of how stupid they made them selves look during the election. Honestly, we may have a bigger idiot now then we did last time.
look, see that ?

Trumps big, beautiful, UUUUGE, WALL that Mexico is paying for ..


see it ? right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < Texas .. Mexico >

S-U-C-K-E-R-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As we all watched in amazement Trump came out of the box signing executive orders for everything. With glee he showed his supporters that "he" meant business--sending thrills and cheers everywhere. Gleefully showing them off--on T.V. His most critical ones, the ones he campaigned on have all collapsed under the weight of the law or the congress who is saying NO.

This is the earmark of his 1st 100 days in office.

1. The Muslim ban aka the Travel ban has gone up in flames twice.--Collapsed
Trump’s Executive Order Is an Unconstitutional Attack on Muslims. It Must Be Struck Down In Its Entirety.

2. Executive order for 3 states to do a recount--collapsed
President Trump considers executive order on voter fraud -

3. The Wall--collapsed
White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

4. Withhold Federal funding for Sanctuary cities collapsed and was overturned today. Collapsed
Judge blocks Trump threat to withhold ‘sanctuary city’ funds – The Denver Post

5. Trump signed an executive order to roll back certain parts of Obamacare. Collapsed
Trump Signs Executive Order To Roll Back Obamacare

Today Trump signs another executive order--this time over taxes & Dodd Frank--LOL It doesn't look like he has any plans of stopping these executive orders and working with congress (who actually do have the authority over these issues.) As it is they that hold the purse strings of this country and write the laws.
Trump signs executive actions to review tax regulations, roll back Dodd-Frank

If a foreigner was sitting here watching all of this they would walk away believing that this country elects Dictators & Kings that have total control over everything and anything. (Civics 101 was obviously a class that Trump never took.)

Now who really believed that the Legislative branch & Judicial branch would have no say in all these executive orders?

Never mind that was a stupid question.


We can only hope after living through this Comedy T.V. Reality show called the Trump administration--that someone starts a movement called "Make America Smart again."

The 9th doesn't have the final say, pumpkin

look, see that ?

Trumps big, beautiful, UUUUGE, WALL that Mexico is paying for ..


see it ? right there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ < Texas .. Mexico >

S-U-C-K-E-R-S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Suckers on steroids ...

... it's been 100 days, and they still haven't figured it out.

How may times can they get hit in the face with a dead cat before they smell it?

Trump crawfishes on the wall, and is willing to accept more bp agents and hi tec toys (suckers) ... SOOO his drones yammer the wall isnt dead.

earth to drones ... it never was alive, EVER.


The wall was a huge deal. It was one of the first statements Trump made when he came out as a candidate. He made it a huge issue and as time go's on it will get more "not built" just like dubya's little border fence never did. In one way or another Trump is going back on allot of his campaign promises. The Trumpkins have to defend Trump because of how stupid they made them selves look during the election. Honestly, we may have a bigger idiot now then we did last time.

You don't get out much do you?

To little to late for Obama, you should have posted that the eight years of Obama! Silly far left drones!

Did you completely miss the point of the content found at the link? I think you did given that you posted the remarks you have in response to that content.
  • What does what Obama did have to do with the content at the link I shared?
  • What does Obama's approach to executive orders have to do with how any other President used or uses them?

Why is Trumps ? As for what past presidents did withe EO's being important, that's because what they signed kind of sets a standard for what gets signed now and in the future.
Texas ranchers are using his EO's to light camp fires ...

Maybe one or two, but if you ever got out on Main and camedown you would find that those who lice on the border typically want an EO making it legal to shoot illegals.

Trump crawfishes on the wall, and is willing to accept more bp agents and hi tec toys (suckers) ... SOOO his drones yammer the wall isnt dead.

earth to drones ... it never was alive, EVER.


The wall was a huge deal. It was one of the first statements Trump made when he came out as a candidate. He made it a huge issue and as time go's on it will get more "not built" just like dubya's little border fence never did. In one way or another Trump is going back on allot of his campaign promises. The Trumpkins have to defend Trump because of how stupid they made them selves look during the election. Honestly, we may have a bigger idiot now then we did last time.

You don't get out much do you?View attachment 123392

Yeah, they just walk around that at this time. In many places on I10 west there is nothing but two strands of barb wire seperating the US and Mexico. Hell I believe it was at chiricahua some place national park in AS there is nothing between the US and Mexican border. These would be those old speghettie western places you senon TV. Places where Border Patrol can't go at night because they would get trashed.

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