Trump Releases Ad Blasting Democrats: 'You Will Be Complicit In Every Murder By Illegal Immigrants'

Well folks, I just don't think 2018 is going to be a good year for Democrats, especially for Chuck Schumer (A Jew). This powerful ad released late this evening proves it. Bookmark it for later use.


Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You 'Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants'

Chuck Schumer, a Jew.

Goddam, I am SO glad, for the sake of all who happen by this forum to read a bit, that the OP is USMB's most zealous and loyal Trump supporter.

That is really all you need to know about Trump.
Well folks, I just don't think 2018 is going to be a good year for Democrats, especially for Chuck Schumer (A Jew). This powerful ad released late this evening proves it. Bookmark it for later use.


Trump Campaign Ad Blasts #SchumerShutdown Democrats: You 'Will Be Complicit in Every Murder by Illegal Immigrants'

Can't trust these Jews mr Mcgarry
Still sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
Ah the 2018 Willkie Horton ad
Sure to go down well with racist, uneducated white boy C grabber supporters.
Smart move
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
I'm not sure which is more retarded, Trump saying that, or people cheering it.
Lets call it a tie Trump and those cheering are assholes,,no more ,no less

The funniest part is that they think this amounts to brilliant politics.
It is, never discount the number of uneducated racist old white farts in this country
Lots here even a few women and I'll name names lol PC easy sassy
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
We're talking about illegals.
It's pretty dirty tactics. I don't want to see y'all complaining about dirty tactics coming from the left anymore.

The Truth is dirty tactics?

There is nothing factual about that statement. Especially since the dems went to Trump with Graham and border control and immigration reform ideas, and he screamed at them and made an ass of himself, all on behalf of hardliners and fanatics like Stephen MIller.
They should have compromised and included funding for building the Wall. They also refused to end chain migration.Trump did the right thing.

I thought they gave him the 1.6 billion he asked for for 2018?
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
deno .you keep enjoying it as america sinks into the repub cesspool
The liberals are getting their ass stomped.

We like to follow Trump's example.......LOL

Stormy Daniels Once Claimed She Spanked Donald Trump With a ...

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.
Trump is leading. Obama divided this country so much for 8 years with his race baiting tactics, it's going to take a while to get everyone in sync together. Trump is trying despite the media still trying to race bait.

Trump is dividing like no President in history. He admits to waking up each day seeking to vanquish his enemies. He has painted illegal immigrants from Mexico as enemies, Muslims from a bunch of countries with no history or terrorist violence against the US, immigrants from “shithole countries”, your own NATO allies and NAFTA trading partners, the press, and anyone who criticizes Trump or his policies as “enemies” to be defeated. Everyone is his enemy except Vladimir Putin, which is very curious.

I’m waiting for Trump to start conflating himself as America personified. It’s what all despots try to do at some point. So far he’s attacked the free press, tried to get his political opponents jailed, condemned the judiciary, and tried to undermine the FBI which is investigating him.

Trump is up a creek without a paddle on the Russian money laundering thing. That’s why he’s trying to discredit the Steele Dossier, GPS and Christopher Steele. It’s why Nancy Pelosi released the testimony.

The Russian noose around Donald Trump is starting to tighten. Bannon, who called Trump Jr. “treasonous”, is getting ready to sit down with Mueller.

liberal tripe..
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?

I am a very well off almost 62 year old White man...

And yes I love Trump because he is stomping

the shit out of you liberals....

He makes me Happy Happy Happy..........
The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
deno .you keep enjoying it as america sinks into the repub cesspool

Believe me I am loving it…

I can’t wait to get up every morning

to see what you Butt Hurt liberals are crying about today…

Trump is putting it to you up your poop Chute each and every day

while you all squeal like the little pigs you are….

Strange thing is you just keep asking for more…

I am starting to think you like it..

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