Trump Releases Ad Blasting Democrats: 'You Will Be Complicit In Every Murder By Illegal Immigrants'

I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?

I am a very well off almost 62 year old White man...

And yes I love Trump because he is stomping

the shit out of you liberals....

He makes me Happy Happy Happy..........
take your white fn racists and stick em where the sun don't shine

The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?

I am a very well off almost 62 year old White man...

And yes I love Trump because he is stomping

the shit out of you liberals....

He makes me Happy Happy Happy..........
take your white fn racists and stick em where the sun don't shine

Rave on you idiot...
The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

Hey Butt Hurt..

What is a meone?
The Stormy thing is bullshit…

Trump Spanking the living Shit out of you liberals

Day in and Day out Is Real Life……..
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?

The New Democrat Party Platform... -
Isn't he more appropriately supposed to lead rather than divide? To make the great deal rather than eschew compromise? To inspire rahther than disparage?

Not the type of leader who inspires confidence, trust or likability.

It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?
You have no idea how much your heart will break upon the landing. Meanwhile, enjoy the fall. Think of it as flying.
I love the fact that Trump fights back....
The White House is now claiming that Lying Scum POS Tramp had nothing to do with ad.

Surely you jest…

Got a link or did you get

It off cnn or msnbc?
If you had been here longer, you would have known I ALWAYS have backup!

White House aide defends Trump ad calling Democrats' complicit in murders by undocumented immigrants

Marc Short, the White House’s legislative affairs director, first tried to distance the White House from the ad, telling Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” that it was produced by an “outside group” and not anyone in the White House.
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?

I am a very well off almost 62 year old White man...

And yes I love Trump because he is stomping

the shit out of you liberals....

He makes me Happy Happy Happy..........
take your white fn racists and stick em where the sun don't shine

Rave on you idiot...

Sucking off your socialist benefits are we?
Might help if you knew the def of liberal
For the individual and small gov.
No Latin?
I guess you admire the C grabber dragging his wife by the the hair before raping her?
A real stomping man to admire.
It’s the left that has divided us…

It’s the left that eschews compromise..

It’s hard to make a deal with Zealots.

The left doesn’t want solutions, they want issues.

The left always pits one group against another.

Trump could cure cancer and Zealots like yourself

would find fault with it…

The sane among us like and have confidence

In President Donald J. Trump.
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?
You have no idea how much your heart will break upon the landing. Meanwhile, enjoy the fall. Think of it as flying.

Are you doing LSD?
The majority of Americans have been deemed insane by you. For, you see, the majority of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump as President. Due to his lack of accomplishments, probably. Due to his personal conduct and lack of Presidential comportment, undoubtedly. But I disapprove of his use of white identity politics, pitting one race against all others.

Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?
You have no idea how much your heart will break upon the landing. Meanwhile, enjoy the fall. Think of it as flying.

Are you doing LSD?
Once the spell of Trump wears off (and I cannot I cannot imagine such a spell being cast over anyone with a firm moral code) the crash will be deafening. So,e will still be acolytes in the service of the Devil. In 1974 there were still people who believed Nixon had done nothing wrong, so Lincoln was born out after saying 'you can fool some of the people some of the time.

The corruption, the collusion, the malfeasance will be revealed and Trump's followers will be heartbroken beyond repair. They think of themselves as forgotten people now. Wait until the extent of Trump's betrayal becomes evident even unto them.
I love the fact that Trump fights back....
The White House is now claiming that Lying Scum POS Tramp had nothing to do with ad.

Surely you jest…

Got a link or did you get

It off cnn or msnbc?
If you had been here longer, you would have known I ALWAYS have backup!

White House aide defends Trump ad calling Democrats' complicit in murders by undocumented immigrants

Marc Short, the White House’s legislative affairs director, first tried to distance the White House from the ad, telling Chuck Todd on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” that it was produced by an “outside group” and not anyone in the White House.

I’ve been around long enough to know liberals are

as a general rule full of shit…

You are an exception to this rule this one time.

I don’t know why on earth Marc Short would say that.

It’s a very effective add that hits the heart of the matter.

This sort of add is why I like President Donald J. Trump.

He fights like a Whacked out liberal instead of a

polite pussy establishment type republican rino.…
Once the spell of Trump wears off (and I cannot I cannot imagine such a spell being cast over anyone with a firm moral code) the crash will be deafening. So,e will still be acolytes in the service of the Devil. In 1974 there were still people who believed Nixon had done nothing wrong, so Lincoln was born out after saying 'you can fool some of the people some of the time.

The corruption, the collusion, the malfeasance will be revealed and Trump's followers will be heartbroken beyond repair. They think of themselves as forgotten people now. Wait until the extent of Trump's betrayal becomes evident even unto them.
The spell, or the smell of $$$?

A lot of them are paid to support Trump, not all of them, but a whole lot of them.
I love the fact that Trump fights back....

No more pussy republicans ever again...

The left has been asking to get it's ass

kicked and Trump is obliging them......
You do know that immigrants are better educated and make more than white biased rubes like yourself?
Would you have banned the inventor of your iPhone?
I assume you are an old white fart sucking off his socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
I guess you approve of the C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?

I am a very well off almost 62 year old White man...

And yes I love Trump because he is stomping

the shit out of you liberals....

He makes me Happy Happy Happy..........
take your white fn racists and stick em where the sun don't shine

Rave on you idiot...

Sucking off your socialist benefits are we?
Might help if you knew the def of liberal
For the individual and small gov.
No Latin?
I guess you admire the C grabber dragging his wife by the the hair before raping her?
A real stomping man to admire.


Rave on you idiot...

Seems Trump has Stomped you senseless...
Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?
You have no idea how much your heart will break upon the landing. Meanwhile, enjoy the fall. Think of it as flying.

Are you doing LSD?
Once the spell of Trump wears off (and I cannot I cannot imagine such a spell being cast over anyone with a firm moral code) the crash will be deafening. So,e will still be acolytes in the service of the Devil. In 1974 there were still people who believed Nixon had done nothing wrong, so Lincoln was born out after saying 'you can fool some of the people some of the time.

The corruption, the collusion, the malfeasance will be revealed and Trump's followers will be heartbroken beyond repair. They think of themselves as forgotten people now. Wait until the extent of Trump's betrayal becomes evident even unto them.

Firm Moral Code…

You can’t say that with a straight face if you’re a liberal…

You support every form of evil…

What Nixon did wouldn’t make a pimple on the

ass of what Obama and your party has done to Trump

and his supporters…..

The Truth will soon come out and you and your

party will all pay for the evil you have done..

toby keith take all the rope in texas - Bing
Enjoy your Butt Hurt...

I know I am......
I understand that birds of a feather flock together. And so I understand your attraction to someone like Trump. Delusional, incurious, petulant and willfully if not gleefully ignorant.

It's not anything as pedestrian as your low brow 'butt hurt' phrase. It's a concern for the damage left in the wake of such meone as incompetent as Donald Trump.

So you are saying an incompetent has

made fools of you and your party?

And he just keeps kicking your Butt Hurt Ass?
You have no idea how much your heart will break upon the landing. Meanwhile, enjoy the fall. Think of it as flying.

Are you doing LSD?
Once the spell of Trump wears off (and I cannot I cannot imagine such a spell being cast over anyone with a firm moral code) the crash will be deafening. So,e will still be acolytes in the service of the Devil. In 1974 there were still people who believed Nixon had done nothing wrong, so Lincoln was born out after saying 'you can fool some of the people some of the time.

The corruption, the collusion, the malfeasance will be revealed and Trump's followers will be heartbroken beyond repair. They think of themselves as forgotten people now. Wait until the extent of Trump's betrayal becomes evident even unto them.
Establishing yourself as an expert on moral codes disqualifies your whole post. This is why Trump won.
Keep in mind that most Democrats voted against Kate's Law. Senate Democrats managed to block Kate's Law from becoming law after the House passed it. Also, Democrats have refused to end sanctuary cities, even when local officials have refused to help find or hand over violent illegal aliens. So Democrats can't complain when people point out that they do in fact have blood on their hands for hindering efforts to crack down on violent illegal aliens.
Trump's right. its dangerous out here in California.

i'm guarding my kids as fiercely as Charlie before his chocolate factory tour!

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